You probably know that young Mr Dennis is leaving us in the next few weeks, bound for America to marry his fiancee (who else?), Sarah. In honour of the occasion there is to be a Stag-Nighty-Kind-of-Thing this coming Friday (18th June), starting around 8pm somewhere in Clapham.
Guessing the precise venue is not part of the fun or anything - I'm just waiting for Steve's friend Caroline to tell me the full details, which I will post here when I get them. For now the message is simply to keep the date free in your diary, if you want to join Steve for a send-off drink.
It shouldn't be too rowdy, and won't be a male-only deal. But be warned: there will be some non-cyclists present, so you may have to brush up on your small talk. I believe that non-cyclists frequently talk about the weather when they congregate, so it will probably be worth having a quick look at page 402 of Ceefax before you come out.