Sunday 30th, Brighton anyone?

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Re: Sunday 30th, Brighton anyone?

Postby -Adam- » Sun Mar 30, 2008 10:31 pm

I and the Addiscombe harcore, Stu and Paul T, were the only guys to turn up to CSS this morning.

Too tired to go into too much detail, but here it goes...

Fairly standard ride down there, Paul punctured (1.5 times :wink: ), I punctured once. Then shortly before Ditchling I began to get into difficulty big time, as Sean Kelly would say the hunger knock was coming... I feared I might not even make it up the Beacon. But I clung onto Pauls wheel for 'grim death' and just made it up, where, he didn't stop! Bugger, I had to eat, so I pulled over and asked Stu to tell him I had stopped to eat. Stu of course had thrown caution to the wind right from the bottom and flown up the climb.

So I caught back on further down where they had waited for me by that junction onto that road whose name escapes me, but you know the one. I then set a new record of 79km/h (49mph) down the road, not sure if I set the camera off, didn't have the bottle to look round! Another day of irresponsible riding I know.

Then Pauls idea was to head along the coast to Bognor! :shock: Not bloody likely, he reckoned it was ten miles, turned out it was gonna be more like 20! I couldn't do it. We turned left onto a bridge and they dropped me, yep, thats right, I got dropped on a bridge, by Paul Tunnell. I am very close to suicide right now! So we pulled into a garage where I duly stuffed face with a Sausage and Stuffing sandwich, a twirl and a bounty. With a packet of wine gums in the back pocket that would come in handy later on :wink: .

A few miles later on I had begun to recover when we took the decision to stop for a proper break at Littlehampton for 'refreshments'. Cue a nice big bacon roll and a lovely can of coke! At this point it must be noted we already had 125km of my prescribed 200km ride :shock: , it was still going to be some way to go and I really wasn't sure how I would go.

Anyhow the good news was that we now had the breeze behind us so we were cruising, we basically jumped on the A24 and flew back to Dorking from there. I had recovered nicely now so was doing some long turns on the front with Stu. Think Paul was beginning to suffer, not that Stu and I weren't of course, it was a real slog today. Each of us was on the ropes at some point, with stu requesting another garage stop on the A24 which was more than welcomed by Paul and Myself! So more coke/lucozade later, and more ebarrasment for Stu having to be served by a good looking young lady whilst he was all dressed in muddy lycra! LOL

Eventually we got back up to Box, up it, and one last breather at the cafe. 193.5km ridden. So, after another coke for Stu, more lucozade for me, and a more traditional tea for Paul the home straight was upon us. I turned off towards Headley where I duly caught and dropped the Assos advert 8) who had probably only done 40km! I had now done over 200!! I actually felt best here of the whole day, most bizzare. But then I guess when you can smell the roast your mum is about to take out the oven you move your ass! Got home with 210km on the clock, what an epic.

It was exactly what it said on the tin today, a real long hard ride, with no where to hide. Where was everyone else!?

At least now I am if nothing else, mentally prepared for the 260km of the Tour of Flanders on Saturday. Where I'm sure they'll be more blood, sweat, punctures, tears, Belgians etc etc to last me a life time.

Bring it on!
Last edited by -Adam- on Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sunday 30th, Brighton anyone?

Postby George » Sun Mar 30, 2008 11:11 pm

Well done guy's that sounded like a great ride today, shame to miss out but domestic duties prevailed today :cry:
[quote]and more ebarrasment for Stu having to be served by a good looking young lady whilst he was all dressed in muddy lycra! LOL
I can just imagine it :lol:
So when I looked at you standing there with your hoard,
I was waiting in the queue looking at the board,
Wondering whether to have a burger of chips,
Or what the shrapnel in my back pocket could afford,
When I noticed in the corner of my eye,
Looking towards my direction, your eyes locked onto my course,
I couldn't concentrate on what I wanted to order,
Which lost me the place in the queue I waited for, yeah!
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Re: Sunday 30th, Brighton anyone?

Postby -Adam- » Sun Mar 30, 2008 11:14 pm

[quote="George"]Or what the shrapnel in my back pocket could afford,

So true! Good tune that, reminds me of being 17! :?
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Re: Sunday 30th, Brighton anyone?

Postby Stu Merckx Man » Sun Mar 30, 2008 11:34 pm

adam pretty much summed it up.

i felt really good all the way to brighton. the ride was at just the right tempo so that i was comfortably in the fat burning zone, as i had only had a bole of cereal and was feeling fine. as we hit ditchling i thought i might as well get a 5 minute interval done and went up as hard as i could- i think the fasted i have ever done it so far.

when paul and adam arrived paul carried on but adam looked real tired, and like he said had to stop and eat.

when adam stopped for his snacks at the petrol station i probably should have got something too, as after that i could feel myself running low on blood sugar, as i was feeling a bit light headed, and really wobbly. those next 15 miles to little hampton are among the longest of my cycling life. all i could think about was food. i was craving all sorts of funny things from apples, milk, oranges to crisps, smarties, a roast, jelly, and a chinese take away. it was torture! i was so desperate i had to pike a nutragrain bar off paul, the best one i have ever had!

when we arrived at our lunch stop in little hampton i was over the moon, but slightly disheartened as we had just done 70 miles, and yet that was only just over half way!. i had a nice portion of chips, and chocolate muffin which went down a treat.

as we headed back i suffered big time. from about 75 miles, to the 90 mile mark i was on the verge of calling my mummy and daddy for a lift home :lol: . i really had to find a place in my head to distract me from the feeling of exhaustion. adam seemed to be going strong at this point. the food he had at the petrol station having taken effect, and releasing him fresh carbs. paul was going steady, but was sometimes dropping off on the drags, but was still doing good turns on the flat.

at about 90 miles my food must have been digested, and the coke absorbed, as i suddenly started to come to life and felt really energized. it was a good rhythm we had going as adam says. we were doing long, but steady turns on the front, sometimes up to a few miles at a time.

eventually we got to box hill, at the 112 ish mile mark :shock: . i wasn't sure how it would be but when i got to the bottom i felt good and went up it pretty hard. adam was about 50m back from me up until about half way up the 2nd straight, when i saw some people and quickly sped up to make myself look better :lol: . this meant i pulled away from adam and kept a comfortable gap. i kept the pace pretty high, around 13-14, not too bad having done 110 miles, but pretty slow compared to training group speeds of 14-18. at the top we had a nice break, as described by adam.

we then went our separate ways. i hammered it home from there as hard as i could after paul assured me he would be fine getting home on his own, i figured i might as well get a 20 minute interval in :wink: . i felt remarkably fresh like adam. probably the best i had felt since the beginning of the ride, the large portion of chips was finally giving me its moneys worth! i felt about as tired as i do on a normal training group ride, and managed to keep those sorts of speeds along the main road to kingswood. from there headed back to coulsdon, and when i got home i felt very fresh, probably could had done another couple of hours if i had a gun to my head :lol: .

got in with 124.5 miles on the clock bang on 200km i think, and an average speed of 18.1 mph. its by far the longest ride i have done, and it felt like it too after nearly 7hours in the saddle!

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Re: Sunday 30th, Brighton anyone?

Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Mon Mar 31, 2008 8:44 am

[quote] so around the 18av mark.

18.1 young man :roll:

136 miles on the clock, around 225 km I think, 7 1/2 hours in the saddle - awesome.

Mostly a fantastic day, although Adam missed the bit just after Turners on the way down when it absolutely lashed down and I regretted leaving my waterproof jacket on the dining room table - schoolboy error in judgement there relying on the weather forecast :roll: and then a puncture, which I quickly changed only to hear a hisssssssssssssss and then put a new tube in (NOTE Adam, I remember now, that was the tube that I punctured on the last Brighton ride with Hal - senility creeping on).

As we had been through standing water in some places up to the bottom bracket, I took the decision not to drop down to Ardingly reservoir and instead back to Balcombe and the back way into Haywards heath (where were we Stu?) - bike shop was open, so to be on the safe side purchased another spare tube and some self stick patches. Then on to Wivelsfield via Slugwash Lane, Plumpton Green and the side road onto Ditchling. Stu tore off, but Adam stayed behind me, but I assumed he was "saving himself" so didn't stop at the top....

47.5mph on the descent, but into a strong headwind so no records today. Along Brighton seafront in the cycle lane (how far t Bognor? - about 10 miles ...LOL) to Hove, Shoreham, Worthing, Littlehampton (still 10 miles!!) so Adam decided he wanted to cut the ride short, and Stu agreed, so we dived down to the beach at Littlehamptom, where we eat and drank bathed in sunshine :D

As we had done 75 miles, we decided to head back fairly direct, and not my original route via Duncton, Petworth, Biliingshurst :roll: so via Angmering and Findon (where I suffered a bit on the long climb over the downs), then A24 (where we doing a steady 30mph on the flat and only slightly less on the drags) with my heart rate at 160, knew this couldn't last, and let Adam do some riding on the front, until he slowed when Stu came charging through until finally a stop at West Grinstead. I led off for the next few miles, then normal pattern resumed (we went under the bridge at Broadbridge Heath - to all TT's out there, it felt really weird!!!), over the next roundabout and I cracked a little losing the wheels. Left at Great Daux and a steadier pace was more acceptable and we stayed together until Box when yet again Stu stormed off. I was forced to use my largest cog at the back (Adam), but took great delight in overtaking 2 other riders having done 118 miles alraedy. Tea and recovery at the top, then head home. Adam cut off to Epsom, and Stu kicked off home. I kept going steady with no speed in my legs, but was still managing 22's with the wind behind me.

Will have to do a LONG ride soon.......
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Re: Sunday 30th, Brighton anyone?

Postby Jon H » Mon Mar 31, 2008 9:08 am

[quote="mrP(Boonen)VT"]Will have to do a LONG ride soon.......

There's a 300k Audax on 12th April starting fairly locally.
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Re: Sunday 30th, Brighton anyone?

Postby Andrew G » Mon Mar 31, 2008 9:10 am

Good reports and I wish I'd been able to make it. Having got drenched on Saturday and with the forecast still not able to make its mind up for Sunday I just didn't fancy the idea of getting wet again. So when Paul left early from the Half and Half I hitched up my drinking trousers and placed myself outside another couple of beers.

Nice one Paul taking the nippers on a proper ride, although you did tell me you were going to go to Bognor :lol: . First reading your report Adam I thought it sounded a bit like you were following Sean's Coffee stop regime (:wink: ), but then I realised you didn't stop in Brighton.
[quote]Will have to do a LONG ride soon.......

Fingers crossed it doesn't clash with anything and I'll be there for that one. Do you know a good route? :lol:
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Re: Sunday 30th, Brighton anyone?

Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:59 pm

[quote="Jon Hemming"][quote="mrP(Boonen)VT"]Will have to do a LONG ride soon.......

There's a 300k Audax on 12th April starting fairly locally.

Hardly worth getting on the bike for....
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Re: Sunday 30th, Brighton anyone?

Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Wed Apr 02, 2008 5:08 pm

Just bumped into Jon at work (the guy we saw at West Grinstead petrol station) and he assumed that Adam & Stu were my 2 boys (as he knew they were around their age), and that "Dad was taking his sons out for a ride" :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol:
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Re: Sunday 30th, Brighton anyone?

Postby -Adam- » Wed Apr 02, 2008 7:25 pm

[quote="mrP(Boonen)VT"]Just bumped into Jon at work (the guy we saw at West Grinstead petrol station) and he assumed that Adam & Stu were my 2 boys (as he knew they were around their age), and that "Dad was taking his sons out for a ride" :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol:

Hmmm, I know I had a helmet and sunglasses on but seriously, where's the resemblence!? :shock:
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Re: Sunday 30th, Brighton anyone?

Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Wed Apr 02, 2008 8:23 pm

[quote="-Adam-"][quote="mrP(Boonen)VT"]Just bumped into Jon at work (the guy we saw at West Grinstead petrol station) and he assumed that Adam & Stu were my 2 boys (as he knew they were around their age), and that "Dad was taking his sons out for a ride" :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol:

Hmmm, I know I had a helmet and sunglasses on but seriously, where's the resemblence!? :shock:

I don't know son :P
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Re: Sunday 30th, Brighton anyone?

Postby -Adam- » Wed Apr 02, 2008 8:45 pm

I must be the milkman's son :shock:
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Re: Sunday 30th, Brighton anyone?

Postby Stu Merckx Man » Wed Apr 02, 2008 8:56 pm

you did put him straight right paul? :wink:
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Re: Sunday 30th, Brighton anyone?

Postby Hal » Wed Apr 02, 2008 10:53 pm

Sounds like a good ride guys

Would have like to join you but I was up to my eyeballs in mud and rain in deepest Wales. To be fare it was sunny on Sunday and we had a really good day out on the trails round Afan. Makes quite a change riding an MTB after a road bike, its quite a laugh.

Fancy going down to the south coast on the 12th?

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Re: Sunday 30th, Brighton anyone?

Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Thu Apr 03, 2008 8:12 am

[quote="Stu Merckx Man"]you did put him straight right paul? :wink:

Of course, my sons are good looking :lol:
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