Club Run April 12th

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Club Run April 12th

Postby Snoop Doug » Sat Apr 12, 2008 12:57 pm

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Wow - I've been on the hamster wheel for so long I forgot what fun riding a bike can be!! Haven't been out for ages - went with the super 17s today. Very windy ride happy to take plenty of goes on the front and had a good time up any hills that came our way. Felt strong, enjoyed some good company and got a great lesson in the art of descending from Grahame - for which many thanks.

Felt really confident for the first time since Hell of Ashdown wobblies blew my mind. So much so that I managed to crank out a respectable (for me) 34.3mph max today. Pretty much rode back alone and pushed myself up all the inclines. 46 miles, ave speed 17.5, average smiles per hour - I went off the scale - marvellous 8) .


PS - I didn't witness it but there was an unfortunate incident behind me shortly after the caff depart involving an extremely impatient motorist - I do hope no one was hurt :(
Snoop Doug

Re: Club Run April 12th

Postby Grahame » Sat Apr 12, 2008 2:31 pm

Nobody was hurt :D , but I do need a new rear wheel :( .

Here's the incident as I remember it (my view may be a little less than totally impartial, but I want to record it to get my memory straight for any statement I have to make later):
We had turned right along Mill Lane, which changes its name to Lee Street part way along. A group of about 8 - 10 of us were riding 2 abreast (in compliance with the Highway code "Do not ride more than 2 abreast") at about 20mph, passing a parked car. The motorist in question began to overtake us when a car approached us in the opposite direction. The motorist moved to the left, forcing the back of the group to the left. The motorists wingmirror almost forced Steve Hinton into the parked car. The motorist then stopped and started to verbally abuse Steve. I heard the abuse and returned in an attempt to defuse the situation and reach a safe conclusion (I see this as part of my role as VC and ride leader). I thought that the driver had knocked Steve off his bike and he looked like he was about to leave the scene without providing his details. So I positioned my bike and myself in front of the vehicle. The motorist then drove at me and hit my bicycle running over the rear wheel, damaging it beyond repair. The motorist then got out of the vehicle (a black Nissan pickup) and verbally abused me, picked up my bike, carried it to the pavement and threw it down. I remained in front of his vehicle and addvised him that he had now been in a road traffic accident and should not leave the scene until we had exchanged details. He shouted something about "My wife has just had a baby" and began to aggressively drive towards me. His vehicle hit me and began to push me backwards. At this point I was glad to be wearing shoes with slippery look cleats as my shoes skidded along the road. If they had gripped, I would have fallen and then I shudder to think what might have happened. Fearing for my life, I attempted to move out of the way. The driver mounted the pavement then sped off. We got a photo of the vehicle on a mobile, and several of us noted down the licence plate.

I have the names of a couple of the club members who saw what happenned, and a driving instuctor gave me his card and said that whilst he didn't see the "accident" he did see the driver leave the scene without providing his details.

I've telephoned Surrey police to report it. I have a police incident number, and a promise that they will telephone me back later. At the moment I want the driver to be charged with any or all of the following:
Dangerous driving - deliberately and repeatedly accelerating twards me making contact on at least two occasions.
Assault with a deadly weapon - vis two tons of steel.
Leaving the scene of an accident.

I must stress that I am not physically hurt, but I am shaken and my bike was damaged to the point that I had to force the wheel straight enough to ride gently, then try to further true it on the train from Horley to East Croydon then ride very gingerly home.

Could anybody who witnessed the incident please pm me with their names and addresses.

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Re: Club Run April 12th

Postby Dombo » Sat Apr 12, 2008 2:54 pm

Glad to hear you're ok Grahame.
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Re: Club Run April 12th

Postby Stu Merckx Man » Sat Apr 12, 2008 3:08 pm

grahame your a hero!
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Re: Club Run April 12th

Postby Marek » Sat Apr 12, 2008 3:36 pm

Jeepers that sounds like a nightmare. This guy must have been seriously highly strung or extremely worried about getting in trouble hence trying to make a quick getaway. Lets hope that he gets taken off the road as he sounds like a right menace to society and should not be driving a lethal weapon as you rightly put it.

Lucky that you are so good at building wheels otherwise you would have had to walk all the way home.


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Re: Club Run April 12th

Postby -Adam- » Sat Apr 12, 2008 4:06 pm

Hmmm, well sorry to hear that Grahame.

Glad to hear your ok. What a bizzarre incident. I mean we all have trouble from time to time but to the extent that the driver is actually trying to run you down? Christ, thats bad.

I hope Surrey Police prove more helpful to you than they have to me lately.

Was the said damaged wheel the one mentioned on wednesday evening?? At least you now have another case study for your wheel building classes. :?
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Re: Club Run April 12th

Postby Snoop Doug » Sat Apr 12, 2008 4:21 pm

bl00dy hell Grahame that's awful. I'm not surprised you're shaken up. I was a couple of hundred yards ahead of main group and round a corner so I'm sorry I didn't see what happened tho I was aware that someone had been bearing down on us for a while. What a to55er - I hope the boys in blue come to your assistance and am glad that at least you and everyone else is unhurt.

Snoop Doug

Re: Club Run April 12th

Postby neilb » Sat Apr 12, 2008 4:27 pm

Hi Grahame

Glad to hear your ok, no wonder you're shaken. Hope the rozzers catch him.


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Re: Club Run April 12th

Postby Amy » Sat Apr 12, 2008 4:48 pm

Sheesh, Grahame, my sympathies are with you.

I had a similar incident a couple of weeks ago in Walton on the Hill where I came across 3 4x4s causing their own traffic jam while one of them parked and the other two faced each other at the end of a line of parked cars (along in front of the houses facing the pond - the parking 4x4 was the biggest one I'd seen attempting to get in a space near the end by the cafe). Anyway one driver objected to me easing my way through while they were all stationary and drove his car deliberately to squeeze me at the side of the road and then opened his car door to call me 'the roger, stupidest person'. Fortunately no contact but it didn't exactly make me feel the best for the rest of the ride home.

I think the problem with the South-east is the greater density of population means that we get a greater density of idiots :evil:

Author Graef (Talking Blues) records police saying that the car is basically a legal murder weapon - great. Hope you get a cycle-friendly copper.
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Re: Club Run April 12th

Postby Marky Mark » Sat Apr 12, 2008 5:39 pm

Good f*****g god Grahame, what is this world coming to?
I rode back on my own today and missed the safety of a group. I can handle myself and give as good as I get. BUT if an accident does happen and there are no witnesses, you're up s**t creek with a serions lack of paddle. Grahame once again I take my hat off to you.
I'm glad we all stick together.
I am a car driver and I hate to say it but you really do have to ride a bike to see what the outside world is really like. It's tough out there. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Re: Club Run April 12th

Postby Mike I » Sat Apr 12, 2008 6:21 pm

Good luck with this Grahame. I hope anyone else who was there has made a note of what happened. The sooner the better.

Add criminal damage (to the wheel) to the list, and make sure the evidence is recorded before you re-build it.

As a friend of mine says, "The world is divided into scum and non-scum".

[quote]He shouted something about "My wife has just had a baby"

I feel sorry for them both, although presumably she had some choice in whom she married.
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Re: Club Run April 12th

Postby Andrew G » Sat Apr 12, 2008 7:06 pm

Glad you are okay Grahame, although understandably a bit shaken. Adrenalin at the time numbs it.

Too many of these stupid vehicles around when they have no need for such a stupidly big car. I don't often ride on roads in that neck of the woods outside a CR, partly as it means more town riding to get there, but also there tends to be a greater density of angry 4x4 drivers (generalisation I know). Inexcusable throwing your bike aside and even more so driving at you.
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Re: Club Run April 12th

Postby Ivor » Sat Apr 12, 2008 8:09 pm

That is shocking. I'm incandescent with rage. :evil:

He needs to be arrested and charged. He tried to kill you with his car. He needs to have his license taken off him and be taken off the road.

Is there any legal expertise in the agreeable clan who can help out?

Let us know if there's anything you need? Spare set of wheels / Someone to keep you company in court etc..

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Re: Club Run April 12th

Postby Michelle » Sat Apr 12, 2008 8:12 pm

Inexcusable behaviour. I can't believe how stressed out car drivers can be. What a numpty!

Well done for keeping your cool, mate. Fingers crossed for the police. It sounds serious enough that they will do something positive about it.

Sounds like a report needed for The Comic....or is it so common place these days as to not need reporting?
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Re: Club Run April 12th

Postby adrian » Sat Apr 12, 2008 8:14 pm

I'm horrified to hear this, but - depressingly - not that surprised.

Well played, Grahame. Sounds as if you deserve to have a couple of stiff ones tonight
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