Chilham 2,3,4 19 April

Are you thinking about starting racing? Ask about future events in here, find out what you can expect at them and who else is going so you can scrounge a lift off someone rather than riding the 30 miles to get there yourself!

Chilham 2,3,4 19 April

Postby Paul H » Sat Apr 19, 2008 6:23 pm

SERRL have got a licence to allow another 20 riders if anybody fancies racing tomorrow.

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Re: Chilham 2,3,4 19 April

Postby Toks » Mon Apr 21, 2008 1:57 pm

mmm Chilam sounded like fun. How was it. Here's a post from Dulwich Paragon
There will be reports written by the Paragons of the club, describing terrifying daring deeds and heroic feats: coming 7th, Mr Jones is truly impressive, to have the power to rides miles on your own with a baying pack on your heels is awe inspiring Mr Knox, and to break a chain while unfortunate, and unhelpful, certainly shows strength, Mr Falstead.

There may be better, possibly, more worth while things to do on a Sunday morning….DIY, gardening, helping the children with their homework….. so why oh why do I get up earlier than an overworked vicar, drive to the depths of Kent, join a group of Lyrca clad desperado’s, and totally exhaust and half kill myself?

Why does a sane person find himself, in Scout hut, shivering with cold and anticipation, trying to squash a non stop urge to pee, while listening to a man telling him not to swear, when he could be at home with a cooked breakfast, paper and large cup of coffee?

It’s called racing, whilst I am not very good at it, it certainly beats household chores, homework and those other tedious things that one is nagged to do.

This race starts with a splendid feeling of hope and confidence, a fine covey of Paragonista’s riding in strength to certain glory. Together we sail up Molash Hill, and charge as one back into the valley, (well not quite, didn’t want to go that fast as Patrick was well ahead, on target for victory).

It was all fine and dandy until Mt Molash arrived for the second time, and that fine collection of Paragons are pulling ahead of me. Gaps start appearing, ‘jump and close’, ‘find a wheel’ ‘bridge, bridge’ shouts the head with increasing desperation. Mind and body enter a violent state of disagreement, one part demanding more than the other can give; the situation deteriorating in direct correlation with the increasing void

Wheezing past the roundabout, things are bad, time to call the cavalry. Look back, thank the Lord, there is some cavalry, but looks more like the Light Brigade after Balaclava and is as much use.

As the main group disappears over the horizon waves of disappointment wash over the exhausted carcase, until hey, we’re going down hill, am not the only one, Guy’s here, loads of stragglers upfront, lead car 30 still behind, motor bike in front, it’s not over yet…. we’re still in a race, it’s just not the same one as before. There’s still a chance, the spirit soars.

We marshal ourselves together, P3 has 12 riders, and it works together for the next 2 laps until we reach the Kentish Alp for the last time.

It doesn’t take long for the fragile alliance to break up, I cannot believe it, I am actually working a break, 3 of us pull smoothly away from P3 and our lead increases as we climb the Himalaya. By the time we reach base camp Molash we have a 400 yd lead, ‘more power’, demands the captain and the legs respond with joy, the lead increases as we descend towards White Hill. Over my shoulder I hear a cheery hello from Guy, my heart sinks, last time I saw him he was 600 yards behind, had he brought the others along? No he had just bridged 600 yards on his todd. Don’t write him off yet.

White Hill passed in a haze of hope, pain, bewilderment, desperation and joy. Guy and I were soundly thrashed by the other two, but what the heck, we finished, we done it, we crossed the line, and for a brief moment I am Osimandias.
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Re: Chilham 2,3,4 19 April

Postby Toks » Mon Apr 21, 2008 7:18 pm

Common on Marek you're one of the most prolific ride/race reporters, what happened? I know you were in the break?
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Re: Chilham 2,3,4 19 April

Postby Marek » Mon Apr 21, 2008 8:24 pm

Well, my race report is short and not sweet. Race got under way and after the first hill a couple of guys attacked. Well, as I was near the front of the peleton and feeling pretty perky with my new resplendent white Fizik Arione moulded to my well shaped and finely tuned butt I pushed down on the accelerator and moved away with resplendent ease from the marauding peleton.

Within a matter of seconds I was onto the breakaway of 2 and we formed a tightly knit trio. A thru and off proceeded and we were making excellent distance from the peleton. After a few miles we reached the long and hard climb where we eased up at a manageable pace to keep our legs strong for the next flat and downhill sections which I was looking forward to. As we turned into the flat section, my tyre popped off my wheel and then the tube burst.

There I was, watching my two companions from Dulwich and Citihub cycle off into the distance leaving me standing on the side of the road looking down and cursing Mr Continental for supplying me with a dodgy tyre. The peleton came thundering past in hot pursuit of my breakaway duo and then the neutral car with spare wheels. After a bit of jiggery pokery I manager to change the wheel but it seemed to take an age. Then it was pursuit time. I got into a David Millar type position and booted it for two laps about 50km. I was catching up with shelled riders but they all looked pretty lardy and unfit, the peleton was apparently steaming it.

After the 3 laps I completed I pulled up at the HQ and waited to see how the race unfolded. There was a break of 6 or so in the lead then a group of 3 then half the peleton with Paul H and then the rest of the Peleton. There must have been 10 or more mins between lead riders and the rear half of the peleton.

Well the offending tyre is now ready for the bin and I will ride with one red tyre and one black, the shame of riding with different coloured tyres will have to be endured. Anyway that is 3 races in a row of DNF, so a week off next week and then back to the races.


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Re: Chilham 2,3,4 19 April

Postby Stu Merckx Man » Mon Apr 21, 2008 9:12 pm

un lucky marek.

are you getting back into some form now?
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Re: Chilham 2,3,4 19 April

Postby Marek » Mon Apr 21, 2008 9:15 pm

Not sure to be honest, it was not long enough to be able to tell. Have had a few training sessions since we were last out so a bit better than the last ride you wiped me all over the hills of Sussex.


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Re: Chilham 2,3,4 19 April

Postby Toks » Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:09 am

Damn sorry to hear that mate! Apparently they say every time bad luck happens good luck is just around the corner. :( :D
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