10mile Test TT Sat 10th May

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Re: 10mile Test TT Sat 10th May

Postby Snoop Doug » Fri May 09, 2008 1:09 pm

In no particular order:

Have fun
Ride safely
Have fun
Keep your head up
Have fun
Don't burn out on the drag up to the railway turn
Have fun
Push hard everywhere except as above
Have fun
Once you've got your breath back - please - enter the SCCU 10 on May 31st and have a blast!!
Have fun
Eat cake

Snoop Doug

Re: 10mile Test TT Sat 10th May

Postby Ian A4size » Fri May 09, 2008 5:14 pm

I guess the quickest way is down is the CR route, and down rusper hill to the RAB. I will hook in at the feathers.
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Re: 10mile Test TT Sat 10th May

Postby Andrew G » Fri May 09, 2008 8:11 pm

I'll give you a call when we're leaving CSS then you can roll out of bed and to the pub :) .
CR/Rusper/A24 sounds good to me.
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Re: 10mile Test TT Sat 10th May

Postby Antloony » Sat May 10, 2008 1:57 pm

Well Ive done it, my first 10 mile TT....and I loved every minute. Thanks to Mr :mrgreen: and Ian for their time keeping and push off skills. Safe to say Im pretty pleased with my time, hopefully Andrew will be along later to post them up. I aimed for a sub 28 minute...safe to say I beat it by over 4 minutes :shock: I felt I rode it just right, didn't go off to hard, just paced my self for the 1st 3 miles and set my sights on catching those who started ahead of me. Felt really good, saved just enough energy for the final 3 miles to really push and set a good time, crossed the line with nothing left in the legs, totally spent which I guess is just about perfect.

Special pat on the back for Marky Mark, he rode a blinder and did a really good time....why he's slacking in the 16's and 17's I'll never know :D , well done matey. As for Locky, someone buy him a map, he got lost....well not lost, just deceided 10 miles wasn't far enough so he added an extra 2 miles for fun.
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Re: 10mile Test TT Sat 10th May

Postby Michelle » Sat May 10, 2008 2:36 pm

Well done Ant thats a really good time
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Re: 10mile Test TT Sat 10th May

Postby Antloony » Sat May 10, 2008 2:55 pm

Thanks Michelle, think I was timed at 23.48 (TBC) so considering thats my 1st ever go at a TT, doing it on a standard road bike and not knowing the course at all Im pretty pleased. Conditions helped a great deal, no wind and a nice warm day, lots of traffic though but dealt with that ok and was quite lucky with it on the roundabouts.
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Re: 10mile Test TT Sat 10th May

Postby Andrew G » Sat May 10, 2008 3:11 pm

Top marks to all those who had a go at TTing today. Conditions were perfect, warm, not a breath of wind, and lots of traffic to suck them along.

Mr. Locke must have checked every direction (of a simple out and back course) half a dozen times and still managed to go off course, up a big hill and add 2 miles on :lol: .

We set Marky Mark off first, followed by Chris (don't know surname) at 30 second intervals. Then left a minute before sending Adrian, then Ant, and finally Lockey at 30 second intervals again.

Apologies for querying whether you'd gone far enough to the turn but the times were staggering and left Ian and I feeling very slow :D . Marky showed me his satnav though and sure enough it had 10 miles on it and everyones times tie back to that so just plain fast times.

We have unearthed a definite TT talent in the club though, fast conditions or not, this was their first TT on a course they didn't know. Everyone (bar Lockey :roll: ) was between 1.5 and 2 minutes quicker than I thought they'd be.

The times are unofficial, but give a very good indication and I'd recommend you all enter the SCCU 10 if you can so you can get a legit time. I'll post details of what to do and how to fill the form in in a day or two.

Marky Mark 26.50
Chris 25.04
Adrian 24.23
Ant 23.38
Lockey 32.13 including diversion and God knows what else he got up to :D .

Needless to say on a day as fast as this, and seeing these times Ian and I were keen to get some official timekeepers down quick so we could go round for PBs :D . Thanks for helping out Ian.

I dropped back on the way home to help keep Marky company as his legs fell off. Fair play though as the ride out was probably at a speed he normally goes out with, then he did a cracking 10 (gave it everything, you could see as he crossed the line), and then on the way back the pace picked up a bit. Happy sleeping this afternoon Mark.
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Re: 10mile Test TT Sat 10th May

Postby Ian A4size » Sat May 10, 2008 3:41 pm

Well done to all of you, when i pushed you off at the start I was quite glad i was not riding- knowing how painful a 10 is.

You all looked pretty spent at the finish, Marky M was weaving all over the shop giving it his all.

I am dead jealous now - i wanna go- it only ever rains and hails and blows a gale when its my go :cry:
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Re: 10mile Test TT Sat 10th May

Postby mlocke » Sat May 10, 2008 4:29 pm

Will post more about this on Monday at work (I'm really busy honest).

All I have to say at the moment is "doh"

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Re: 10mile Test TT Sat 10th May

Postby Snoop Doug » Sat May 10, 2008 7:01 pm

Well done folks and big thanks to Andrew and Ian for stepping in to pick this up. Sounds like you all had fun - hope to see you @ the SCCU 10 8)

Sorry I couldn't be there - Snoop
Snoop Doug

Re: 10mile Test TT Sat 10th May

Postby Ian A4size » Sat May 10, 2008 7:17 pm

It goes to show that everyone can dip their toe in and do a bit of racing, in a TT you are really racing against yourself- why not sign up for the evening 10's- very informal, you get to mix with all the ACC stars, 25-30 mins of pure pain, all for 3 quid- bargain.
I am sure Dr Toks turned up once!
Our evening 10 course is a bit closer than todays ride, just outside of Dorking- good social vibe.
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Re: 10mile Test TT Sat 10th May

Postby Marky Mark » Sat May 10, 2008 7:41 pm

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Thank you Mr :mrgreen: for letting us newbies do a TT.
Even though It was an unofficial event, I still didn't sleep much the night Before.

:D :D :D Loved the ride down there (our warm up for 30.4 miles)

:D :D :D I was put up first as I told everybody I'd be lucky to break 30mins. The weather could not of been better.

Andrew gave us all a VERY detailed team talk at the start line. No Slipstreaming, Leave a 10 metre gap unless overtaking, The final words were 'Ride as hard as you can and leave nothing in reserve'.

:) I LOVED IT, out of my saddle to the first bend.
Incline to the next roundabout, just gave it enough to get up it but not too slow. Chris overtook me after about 2 miles, that really p155ed me off so I dug in and raised my game even higher (good ride Chris).

Then aimed NEVER to go under 20mph. The av speed just kept climbing and climbing, I think I was over 21mph on the turn.
I kept working out in my head that this time was going to smash the 30min mark. I was overtaken again and shouted at to keep going Mark. I think Locky (Forest Gump) might of heard that one by mistake :lol:

Chucked it in the big ring with 2 miles to go and grabbed my drop bars for the first time :D and heard Andrews words in my head of leave nothing in reserve. I think my face gave it away as I crossed the line.

Garmin figures (I think I stopped it after the line as I had trouble lifting my arms)

Start time = 10.35
Distance = 10.1 miles 10miles on course
Time = 26m 58s 26.50 by Andrew
HR av = 170
HR max = 179
Av cadence = 93rpm
Av speed = 22.45
Max speed = 34.69mph
Calories = 806
Tatal ascent = 301ft
Total descent = 331ft

That was my PB :wink: . Hats off to all my fellow riders YOU ARE ALL STARS.

I slept like a baby when I got in as predicted. Also had some cramp but the ice cold beer sorted that one out.
I still can't believe that time, I'm over the moon.

Might need to buy aftersun in bulk now :shock:

I nearlly made it back with you all, Just lost it on the climb past Merstham on the way back. Cheers Andrew for a lovely day and witing for me. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Marky Mark the TT newbie
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Re: 10mile Test TT Sat 10th May

Postby Andrew G » Sat May 10, 2008 9:26 pm

[quote="Marky Mark"] No Slipstreaming, Leave a 10 metre gap unless overtaking, The final words were 'Ride as hard as you can and leave nothing in reserve'.

Chucked it in the big ring with 2 miles to go and grabbed my drop bars for the first time :D and heard Andrews words in my head of leave nothing in reserve. I think my face gave it away as I crossed the line.

Glad you enjoyed yourself Mark. Don't remember mentioning a 10 metre gap, I never do when I've caught someone. Just go by them as in theory most of the time you'll be able to go by pretty quickly and smoothly. You only need to make sure "you don't take pace" I think is the phrase from the rulebook.

Blimey Mark what was it doing in the small ring at any point anyway? Big ring all the time, just think how quick you'll go then :wink: .
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Re: 10mile Test TT Sat 10th May

Postby adrian » Sun May 11, 2008 7:35 am

Tremendous day out yesterday. Thanks to Andrew and Ian for giving so generously of their time, talents and experience so that we the uninitiated could have a crack at the dark art.

My legs are pinging a bit today - that's why I'm up so early :shock: 82 miles on the clock for me yesterday, with some hard bursts up the climbs and the small matter of a flat-out ten-mile stretch.

As others have noted, conditions could hardly have been better for a TT (a bit less traffic would have been nice, but let's not be greedy). A nice spin down to the start meant that we were all nicely warmed-up for the off. My only worries concerned going off-course - my ability to absorb and follow directions is usually of Lockeian quality - but they proved unfounded, with a couple of people in sight up ahead acting as signposts.

I was happy with my ride - I don't think I'd have liked to put much more into it at any point. My average HR was 167 for the ten miles, and my max is about 180, so you 'do the math'.

After about 8 miles I got caught by Ant, who then seemed to ease up a bit. So for a while we had a situation where we were going at the same speed, with me not quite able to go past him. As soon as I could, I did - and in the last mile he then re-overtook me for the finish. Not sure if this counts as drafting - I certainly wasn't trying to conserve energy at Ant's expense.

It seemed to go very quickly - certainly compared to time on a turbo, where every minute seems to take an age to tick by. Was very happy with my time - I'd had a vague hope of breaking evens but hadn't really known what to expect.

May well consider having another go at this - perhaps even get an entry in for the SCCU 10. Thanks again to Andrew and Ian, and well done to (in no particular order) Ant, Chris, Mark (o Polo) L, and Marky Mark (both of whom appeared to have got dressed in the dark :wink: ).
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Re: 10mile Test TT Sat 10th May

Postby Antloony » Sun May 11, 2008 5:19 pm

Well Ive had time to reflect on the events of yesterday and also having read the reports of this weekends time trialing achievements (well done one and all) I've well and truely got the TT bug. Im so pleased with my time yesterday and I can only get better with practice I guess, its given me an incentive boost, I was starting to get a bit lazy with my cycling and not pushing myself to the limit. I got such a buzz out of yesterday its untrue.....all I have to do now is justify having another bike sitting in the dining room to Mrs L.

I'd like to do the same as we did yesterday but encourage one or two more to try it, its hard work but so enjoyable and gives you a really satisfying sense of achievement. The beauty of it is its just you vs the clock so you have no worries about getting dropped, you just go at your own pace and aim for a good time. You might be suprised what you can do. I seriously would have been happy with a time of around 27 mins so to come up with a 23.38 is just amazing.

Time to start thinking about entering some local 10's now then to try and beat my PB. :D , plus being an old dodder at 41 I can enter senior races...
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