Dartmoor: 100 miles, 94° and a lot of hills... + results

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Dartmoor: 100 miles, 94° and a lot of hills... + results

Postby huw williams » Mon May 12, 2008 10:22 am

Well that was an experience - it's the first time in a couple of years where I've left the hotel before 7am wearing a single shirt and no arm-wrames for a sportive.
The complete opposite to last year when it was cold and emptying down, this one was bright sunshine all the way with light winds until we got up onto the high moors.
The course was superb and much improved too - but also much, much harder with a load of extra hills at the start, a couple of added incursions onto the lower slopes of the moor before the main drag up to Princetown but worst of all - 3 or 4 long 20% hills right near the end when you were pretty much broken from what had gone before.

1300 riders - I started with Brian Nolan in the second group of 100 and we were soon in cycling heaven - narrow dusty lanes climbing through picturesque reservoirs with mad technical descents. This is Brian's home patch and he was clearly a little excited, sitting in with some fast-starting racer types and disappearing up the road over a few of the early hills - I sat in the wheels for at least 90 minutes cos I feared the worst. Sure enough the hills kept coming the temperatures started rising and the groups up ahead started coming back. I went past the remnants of Brian's group which had split into pairs and solos and when a handy looking pack of local racers stormed through the time had come to see some action.

You've got to make sure this works out or you'll get into trouble by following wheels which are too quick but I felt reasonable, and was holding my own on the slopes preceding the 40 mile checkpoint at Oakhampton. On the run in to the feed we were averaging 29 mph with two superb 2nd cats from Exmoor's CycleSport Dynamo club doing most of the work in a group of about 20 of us. They rolled over the timing map at the control but didn't stop for a feed so I thought why not? There was 30 miles of not too hilly terrain between there and the control on top of the huge climb up to Princetown on Dartmoor so I figured I felt strong enough to stay with them for most of it. Risky but it paid off, despite an absolute hammering in the first few miles each hill saw the strong guys gradually weaken and I had good enough legs to stay in there despite ridiculous speed for a 100 mile hilly ride in an inferno.

The group inevitably splintered on the lower slopes of the moors and it was absolute torture. The road up to Princetown is one of those varying gradient roads with huge long straights where you can see miles up into the heavens. The tiny specs of colour standing out against the green moorland were the jerseys of riders miles up ahead on the climb. It's very exposed, the wind had gotten up and it felt like you were riding with a giant hair-dryer blowing into your face.

The feed at the top had been swelled by riders from the shorter route who had rejoined the course at the same point and there were some clearly close to suffering heat exhaustion - sitting in the shade of buildings and soaking their shirts under the barrels of water. No time to stop again as I went hunting as many riders with the red number of the 100 mile route as I could chase down in the last 30 miles.
Then all hell broke loose on a section of the ride where they'd thrown in about 5 steep hills - imagine the top section of Toys Hill only twice as long and you'll get the idea - this was a cruel twist, every time you came round a bend you were confronted by another wall of road. The worst was at Dartmeet which was average 20% but steeper on the lower slopes and it was LONG. I've never seen so many people walking pushing their bikes on a sportive - it was like riding past a column of evacuees from a disaster area who'd all chosen to save their bikes. Bend after bend seemed to lead to another endless long slog across the moor and all hope of group riding had long gone as I settled into a long solo slog for home. I was just starting to feel the effects of heatstroke (Bad decision making, slow response, irrational thoughts, slight headache) when I hit the descent down to the valley and 40mph descending cooled me down.

I had time to spare to get inside the gold standard so eased back a bit before I keeled over sideways - and after such a grueling ride I was pleased to do a 20.4mph TT for the final flat 10 miles despite riding solo and into an annoying headwind.

6 hours 16mins got me a gold, felt pretty good for the first event of the year in such extreme conditions. No results posted yet so I've no idea where that puts me in the overall standings.
Free waterbottles (and water) at the end where I drank 3 litres of cold water in 10 minutes having done the whole ride on just two bottles.
Don't even ask how sever the sunburn is - there just didn't seem to be any trees on the whole ride :oops:

Awesome course, great organization, the marshalling on the junctions was amazing and its definitely elevated in status to one of the 'tougher' events on the calendar, so all in a great event which I'd highly recommend.

Anorak data:
Time: 6hrs 16mins
Highest recorded temperature: 94°
Power: 219w av
Calories: 4100kj
Drink: 2 x bottles plain water with protein powder
Food: 4 x organic figs, 2 x bananas
Last edited by huw williams on Tue May 13, 2008 9:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dartmoor: 100 miles, 94° and a lot of hills...

Postby Ivor » Mon May 12, 2008 10:58 am

wow, sounds like a superb day! Can't believe you kept up that pace in the heat, I'd have been tempted to turn it into a comfortable scenic cruise. :)
Getting ready for my first sportive of the year this weekend the hampshire hilly. Looks like the weather's going to turn "wet and thundery" for the weekend though. :(
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Re: Dartmoor: 100 miles, 94° and a lot of hills...

Postby -Adam- » Mon May 12, 2008 11:14 am

[quote="Ivor"]Looks like the weather's going to turn "wet and thundery" for the weekend though. :(


Superb, just the sort of conditions I want for my race on Saturday... will sort the men from the boys!
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Re: Dartmoor: 100 miles, 94° and a lot of hills...

Postby Brian Robinson » Mon May 12, 2008 11:27 am

Nice one Huw. Not sure I would have survived on such meagre rations though :shock: .

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Re: Dartmoor: 100 miles, 94° and a lot of hills...

Postby adrian » Mon May 12, 2008 11:34 am

Ah, it's been a long winter - this is what we've been looking forward to. Nice one, Huw.

[quote]Bad decision making, slow response, irrational thoughts, slight headache

For some of us, it's a way of life - although personally I don't get headaches
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Re: Dartmoor: 100 miles, 94° and a lot of hills...

Postby Andrew G » Mon May 12, 2008 12:43 pm

[quote]Food: 4 x organic figs, 2 x bananas

Seems to be something missing that you told us all about. That wasn't heat stroke Huw, it was offal and pastry DTs :D .

Those hills sound lovely, remind me never to go there.
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Re: Dartmoor: 100 miles, 94° and a lot of hills...

Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Mon May 12, 2008 12:46 pm

What happened to Brian?

Sounds like he finished ahead of you?
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Re: Dartmoor: 100 miles, 94° and a lot of hills...

Postby huw williams » Mon May 12, 2008 12:53 pm

I think Brian paid for his quick start - I saw him come in about 20 mins later - said the heat had gotten to him and he had to shelter in the shade for a bit

Didn't see the others, Andy and Del all day though - are you back chaps?
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Re: Dartmoor: 100 miles, 94° and a lot of hills...

Postby jon avery » Mon May 12, 2008 12:57 pm

Well done Huw! I did the 100k (yeah i know!!) i think Huw has pretty much covered everything i damn site better than i ever could!I found it tough, the heat didn't help!! i missed out on silver by 5 mins :( Great day and i'll be back next year :lol:
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Re: Dartmoor: 100 miles, 94° and a lot of hills...

Postby jon avery » Mon May 12, 2008 1:00 pm

Oh and you forgot to mention you get a piece of Dartmoor granite and the end :lol:
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Re: Dartmoor: 100 miles, 94° and a lot of hills...

Postby Michelle » Mon May 12, 2008 1:31 pm

That's pretty nuts. You are now fully authorised to go and eat as many curries as you like. Bet you are hungry today!

Congratulations for such a great time in such severe conditions!

What do you prefer then, sunshine or rain :D
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Re: Dartmoor: 100 miles, 94° and a lot of hills...

Postby Andrew G » Mon May 12, 2008 1:35 pm

He doesn't like the rain either, or the cold, or... :D .
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Re: Dartmoor: 100 miles, 94° and a lot of hills...

Postby Grahame » Mon May 12, 2008 2:33 pm

To me, the shocking thing is that Huw has been back somewhere :twisted: .

[quote="jon avery"]Oh and you forgot to mention you get a piece of Dartmoor granite and the end :lol:

So they are making the place a bit smaller each year?

Cool, another 250 years of prize-related erosion and maybe I'll have a go :oops: .
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Re: Dartmoor: 100 miles, 94° and a lot of hills...

Postby huw williams » Mon May 12, 2008 2:39 pm

It's rarely too hot for me actually, love it - us thinner types don't suffer so much. Just needs a bit of getting used to is all - but these days we seem to go straight from deep mid-winter into searing heat with nothing in between?

Well done Jon - didn't realize you were there or I'd have joined you for a pint of local Betty Scroggs' Cornish Ale which I had on saturday night.

Couldn't eat after the ride - just loads of fluids in the car on the way back. Light dinner when I got home (Salem and I shared a large fish and some salad - couldn't face any carbos)

So having weighed in this morning at 10st 1lb (I was 10st 5lbs all last month) I have been an eating machine all day trying to compensate - I intend to put it all back by dinner this evening :D

Yes, there's a lot of rock in handing out 1300 trophies every year
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Re: Dartmoor: 100 miles, 94° and a lot of hills...

Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Mon May 12, 2008 2:42 pm

You could be like Sean Kelly - and have the slab of stone built into the house
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