Saturday 4 Sept. Hilly Club Run

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Saturday 4 Sept. Hilly Club Run

Postby siwickm » Thu Sep 02, 2004 8:51 am

If anyone is up for it I am planning on a hilly club run from CSS on Sat. This will be leaving CSS at 8.00am as the ride is slightly longer than normal club run, but am planning on finishing at CSS for around 1pm all things going well.

The ride is going to take in a number of the climbs included on the TOSH circuit. Should probably bring two water bottles and some change for a cafe stop somewhere along the line. We may end up popping into Fannies Farm Shop when we get closer to home.

So far Luke, David F, Max and myself are in, any others fancy it then let me know. This is not going to be a speed session, easy going on the flats and anyone who is struggling on the hills, we will wait. (mind you I think you will be waiting for me).


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Postby jono » Thu Sep 02, 2004 3:34 pm

I'm pretty keen to get some hills in, so I'll try and be there (early start!!!)
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Postby Snoop Doug » Thu Sep 02, 2004 7:28 pm

Sounds good tee me - I really should try and get a few more hill miles in b4 this Ventoux thingie eh wot..?

Roughly - how many miles in total are ye planning...?


Snoop :mrgreen:
Snoop Doug

Postby Ian A4size » Thu Sep 02, 2004 9:32 pm

You should really go for this snoop laddie, right up your street, going up the hills with Dave F and that boy racer Marek will have you in shape in no time, Ventoux will be like a speed bump by the time they have finished with you!
Seriously though its jolly good fun and last time I did it with them I struggled a bit but 3 months later I did the ride again and was much stronger.Sadly I wont be able to ride as I am Ventoux bound meself.
Ta for brighton pix.
Ian A4size
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Postby Marek » Thu Sep 02, 2004 9:45 pm

Last time we did about 100km, although it took over 4 hours according to my HRM, therefore quite a slow pace.


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Postby Snoop Doug » Sat Sep 04, 2004 12:23 pm

Blimey - that was a short hilly ride!! Set off with the early risers who (by my standards) blasted off up How Lane. Like an eejit (will I ever learn - do yer own thang up hills yer fool) - I tried in vain tee go with 'em at first - felt me left knee go twannnng and toiled on. It was at this extremely early stage that I thought to the top of this I'll tell the rest of 'em to go on without me. I'll do a shorter ride over Dorking way and loop up Box Hill a couple of times - don't want to hold everyone up and if I feel any more twinges miles from home etc etc.

Good job too eh - nivver saw anyone again. :shock: :shock: I carried on in the direction I reckoned everyone would have gone for a few km, then turned right and enjoyed a really good ride - I hope the rest of yer did too....


Snoop :mrgreen: (alive and kicking)
Snoop Doug

Postby Marek » Sun Sep 05, 2004 7:47 pm

Doug, I am really sorry about what happened. After the first hill I did not realise that we had lost you and then we started over to box hill and realised we were a man down.

You probably did the right thing if your knee was giving you hassle as it ended up being pretty damn quick up the hills, although we did take it easy on the flats.

We went over to coldharbour being led out by Nick (New Zealander very fast on the hills) and Daren (Another Kiwi on the hills) down leith hill, over to Tanshurst then over to Cranleigh for the enjoyable 21%er. Had tea in Shere and then headed back over Whitedown.

We ascended Box Hill at an average of around 25kmph. Whoever the guy was on the front at this point did a fine job of leading Daren and myself out for the sprint at the top, although I could not beat Daren over the line. That was the fastest I have ever gone up Box Hill.

We then pootled back over to Coulsdon and a few of us went to top up on tea and cake at Fannies.

All I can say is bring on the Winter training as if we do more long hilly rides like the one we did yesterday I cannot wait.


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Postby Snoop Doug » Sun Sep 05, 2004 8:18 pm

Sounds like hell - there's me getting quite pleased at keeping up an OK 18 kph up Box Hill - I'd've been totally cattle trucked mate!!

Went to watch final stage of ToB today - now they was movin!!!! Belter of a way tee spend an afternoon with les agreables and me little girl.

Glad you had a good time

Snoop :mrgreen:
Snoop Doug

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