Club Run - Saturday 14th June

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Club Run - Saturday 14th June

Postby Michelle » Sat Jun 14, 2008 4:28 pm

A great ride in lovely sunny weather and nice company. That'll be the Agreeable's CR then :D

Calls for the B training group went out. Shall I shan't shall I shan't I? Will there be a 20mph? No? Oh, bugger it then. Off we go.

Shadow was leading. Nice and easy start due to the temporary traffic lights just by the station and a couple of red lights up to Merstham which split the group. We had about 12 people with us, all looking tasty I may say. I had no idea what the last three weeks of riding (suffering ) in the Alps and on the Victor Ludorum would do to the fast leg speed, I hadn't done any attack-type riding or intervals for 4 weeks. Oh well, if I got dropped at least I would have tried.

A couple of pops on the hills, and although I was near the back on these, I managed to power over the crest and catch up pretty well. A sprint from Alan made me shout out 'well, after him then' so we all latched on and had a little dig.

There were a few more digs up the hills, but my little effort off the front down the long hill after the Star Pub brought no chasing. I can't be that much of a threat then, eh! I'd better get a bit faster :shock:

Ant and I had a sprintlet just before the through and off, but the layby appeared sooner than expected. It must be all those 7 and 8 hour rides I've been doing. Or, as Keith pointed out, if you are going quicker you get there faster :?

Nice bit of through and off, although Alan does tend to power off into the distance once he's on the front so I had to shout to slow him down a bit. I'm sure he'll tell me its cos of some technical thing, not that he does it cos he's showing off!

Nearer the Chalrwood sign Alan went off the front on his turn and put the power down. I was buggered after my turn on the front so didn't contest the main sprint, but had a little competition with myself just to get the HR up.

Ave 21.1mph at the cafe. Nice long stop, tea cake crisps and a bottle of water.

Then off again with the fast group to Box Hill. And I managed to hang on. :shock: And did a bit at the front :shock: . And did a couple of little attacks :shock: Although got shelled out of the back up Box Hill and was penultimate lantern rouge. I was quite pleased with the ride, till Dan said, 'Well, we were going quite slowly today...' so I thumped him on the arm.

The 30 kms back to Oxted was ok but it was back to granny cog on the hills. Oooo, my legs hurt now.
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Re: Club Run - Saturday 14th June

Postby Keith » Sat Jun 14, 2008 5:04 pm

Just 4 of us for Training Group A; me, Stu, Dan and Cap'n George.

Excellent training ride, thanks guys. My speedo appeared to have broken as it never seemed to drop below 20mph. Stu reckoned the average was 24.4.

[quote="Michelle"]Then off again with the fast group to Box Hill. .... And did a bit at the front. :shock:

This prompted a shout from behind; "Hey Keith, not only is she better looking that you, she's faster than you!" :lol:

Home in the sunshine with 75 miles on the clock, followed by a huge lunch, then a snooze lay out on the back lawn. Don't you just love Saturdays?
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Re: Club Run - Saturday 14th June

Postby Alan M » Sat Jun 14, 2008 7:11 pm

I think Michelle has covered it all - a quite spirited ride out and I felt somewhat concerned to hold on but mostly managed to. I thought the through and off was OK but I was getting some interesting response from behind :shock:

[quote]Nice bit of through and off, although Alan does tend to power off into the distance once he's on the front so I had to shout to slow him down a bit. I'm sure he'll tell me its cos of some technical thing, not that he does it cos he's showing off!

Perish the thought that I should grandstand but I think I do tend to try and get off the front quickly and then try to power down asap - maybe I caused a gap - sorry Michelle.

I realised of course I wouldn't really be contesting the sprint, and was in any case about to be boxed in, so when I had the opportunity I tried to get a gap hoping that behind me Hal's Fred Whitton legs and retro bike would let him down, a hope in vain - as I soon realised I was dragging almost everyone behind me so I resigned to the inevitable.

The way back was even faster with the likes of Stu and Gorge and by Box Hill I felt all jelly legs and opted not to hang around and for a solo ride back to the cafe to meet up with Bridget.

Another sunny cafe stop followed by a mini siesta, and we're out for a 60th birthday party tonight - I think this going to be the year for them :?

I really enjoyed today and I think I have clocked up 210 miles this week so tomorrow in a rest day 8)
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Re: Club Run - Saturday 14th June

Postby Bridget » Sat Jun 14, 2008 7:47 pm

Good club run for me today. I went with the 18s for the second time, after making Alex promise it was going to be a steady 18. So, I did fall off the back on a few hills but overall managed to keep up (ok, they waited for me) and rolled into Charlwood with my computer showing an average speed of 18.1 for the first time ever :D

On the way back, after an initial good start my legs gave up and I was struggling to hang onto the group so came up the Merstham drag and back to Coulsdon on my own - quite a relief to be honest!

[quote="Alan M"]I have clocked up 210 miles this week so tomorrow in a rest day
Hmm, I've managed about 65 :roll: Well, some people have to go to work for a living
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Re: Club Run - Saturday 14th June

Postby -Adam- » Sat Jun 14, 2008 8:55 pm

[quote="Bridget"][quote="Alan M"]I have clocked up 210 miles this week so tomorrow in a rest day

Hmm, I've managed about 65 :roll: Well, some people have to go to work for a living


Will have close to 400 on the clock by tomorow afternoon 8)

But wait a minute... I also start work on Monday for the summer. :cry: Having said that, it's a 40mile round trip minimum commute so I'll still be racking 'em up!
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Re: Club Run - Saturday 14th June

Postby Steve B » Sat Jun 14, 2008 11:02 pm

First off - Congratulations to Michelle for being the first woman (that I know of, I might be wrong) to ride, very strongly I might add, in an Addiscombe training group. Ok this was the newly formed 'B' training group but nevertheless, it was a pretty tough ride out there today. The 21.1 avg belies the true speed and how hard it was :shock: .

Also; [quote="Bridget"]and rolled into Charlwood with my computer showing an average speed of 18.1 for the first time ever

Nice one Bridget. Alan you better watch out :wink:, looks like you're going to have to ride hard well into your 70's if you're going to stay on top in this one :wink:.

Good ride today. 'B' training group was just that - training. Everyone rode hard (except Dave Kennett who was just spinning his legs out today before racing tomorrow, but he was still quicker than us 8) ), and everyone seemed to enjoy the 'difference' between riding in the regular groups and riding in the training group. There isn't really any structure to it (except the thru&off), its pretty much ride hard and keep riding hard. If you feel good, have a go at the front and if you're struggling, sit in and hang on as long as you can. A couple of times today there was a two man breakaway. The first was Rob and Ant who stayed about 100m off the front for quite a while, only being caught when some super smooth pedalling from Dave pulled them back in. The other time was a bit different. Can't remember the details but Alan made a charge up the outside with Michelle chasing after him, and it ended up with me and Rob off the front with a gap as we went up past Rusper golf course and thru the trees :?. It all got pulled back in soon after and we regrouped at the thru&off layby.

Thru&off was good, nothing special but quite solid, smooth and well called. Pace could have been a tad quicker and maybe one week soon we'll give it a good crack to see if we can really nail a 'quick one'. Everyone is quite well drilled now so a bit of extra pace will be pretty easy to find :D

Alan made an early break for the finish at about the plane spotting area, which strung the group out and enabled him to 'unbox' himself. Hal jumped on his wheel with Ant on his. I made my way around a few others to get on the back. Knowing this bit of road now like the back of my hand, I chose the right moment to pounce and flew up the road thinking I was Mark Cavendish in my new 'HIGHROAD' jersey. Mmm - yeah right, dream on eh! :wink: :lol: :lol:

Merstham drag was quick again today. Dave decided to opened up for a bit and powered his way around us all about half way up. I jumped on his wheel, just, and we had a gap. Over the top I looked around to see Mark Mc giving his all to get on to the back of us, which he did. The three of us then shared the work to Coulsdon. Top ride guys :D

Just hope my legs feel better than they do right now in the morning for the Brighton ride :roll:

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Re: Club Run - Saturday 14th June

Postby Jon C C on a Bianchi » Sun Jun 15, 2008 10:34 am

Yeah, well done Bridgette! :D When we saw you on the train you looked positively apprehensive and yet quiety determined at the prospect of riding an 18!! :lol: The nice thing about the different speed CR rides it that it allows you to make progress at your own pace when ready. And well done, Alex for controlling your group (but I'm not getting into that argument again!) :)

And Bridgette don't be fooled by all the talk about the number of miles - the big thing is how hard you ride not how far you ride! Ride fast and climb those hills!! :D

Sam, Ritche and I had a great day - winding route to Shoreham taking in Steyning Round Hill on the South Downs - 17% straight up in places and a terrifying, if exhiliarating decent :shock: . Ritchie had to get the train from Shoreham - problems with his leg again :shock: . Sam and I carried on climbing - Mill Hill and Beeding Hill ( a long gradual climb up the south downs 4% average but 7% in places - you can really get in the groove- fast cadence low gear. :D

We absolutely blitzed back to Christs Hospital in just over an hour or so. 3 % average climb, 1013 metres of climb, 102 kms. Great fun! :D

Jon 8)

PS just check my computer we've done 53,637 metres of climb in 12 months.
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Re: Club Run - Saturday 14th June

Postby Snoop Doug » Sun Jun 15, 2008 8:51 pm

[quote="Bridget"]Good club run for me today. I went with the 18s for the second time, after making Alex promise it was going to be a steady 18. So, I did fall off the back on a few hills but overall managed to keep up (ok, they waited for me) and rolled into Charlwood with my computer showing an average speed of 18.1 for the first time ever :D

Cool 8) well done always good to make a step outside the jolly old comfort zone and pull it orf. Tidy!!

Snoop Doug

Re: Club Run - Saturday 14th June

Postby Snoop Doug » Sun Jun 15, 2008 8:54 pm

[quote="Michelle"]Calls for the B training group went out. Shall I shan't shall I shan't I? Will there be a 20mph? No? Oh, bugger it then. Off we go.

I was quite pleased with the ride, till Dan said, 'Well, we were going quite slowly today...' so I thumped him on the arm.

The 30 kms back to Oxted was ok but it was back to granny cog on the hills. Oooo, my legs hurt now.

Hey that's great Michelle - impressive stuff 8) . Did you leave a bruise when you belted Dan :twisted: ? Thank heavens for the granny cog - you gotta love it.

Snoop Doug

Re: Club Run - Saturday 14th June

Postby Michelle » Sun Jun 15, 2008 10:16 pm

Hey Snoop, i love my granny cog like you love your turbo!

No, i actually DO love my granny cog, especially in the Alps.

Well done Bridget for your jaunt to the 18's. It's so nice to have these mini goals and triumphs to keep you keen along the way. That's what is so great about being part of such a big club, organised in the way it is, cos it lets those who want to get better, get better!

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Re: Club Run - Saturday 14th June

Postby Steve B » Sun Jun 15, 2008 10:52 pm

[quote="-Adam-"]Will have close to 400 on the clock by tomorow afternoon

Oh, your my hero :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Club Run - Saturday 14th June

Postby -Adam- » Sun Jun 15, 2008 10:54 pm

[quote="Steve B"][quote="-Adam-"]Will have close to 400 on the clock by tomorow afternoon

Oh, your my hero :lol: :lol: :lol:

Well I should be the amount of times I kick your ass in the sprint :wink:
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Re: Club Run - Saturday 14th June

Postby Steve B » Sun Jun 15, 2008 11:49 pm

Well I should be the amount of times I kick your ass in the sprint

And so you should, you're 21 and as you've said you ride up to 400 miles a week :wink:

I'm old enough to be your dad and I ride about 80. Oh and up till very recently its been about 50/50 between us, so remember your manners please sonny :lol:

I wld love to be 21 again, you'ld be thoroughly sick from eating all my dust :wink: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Club Run - Saturday 14th June

Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Mon Jun 16, 2008 8:26 am

Don't encourage him Steve, you'll make him worse......

Like the time I went out with Stu and Adam and met a friend from work who assumed they were my 2 boys :D :D :D :D
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Re: Club Run - Saturday 14th June

Postby Rob C » Mon Jun 16, 2008 8:27 pm

[quote="Steve B"]thinking I was Mark Cavendish in my new 'HIGHROAD' jersey. Mmm - yeah right, dream on eh! :wink: :lol: :lol: ... jun16news2

Looks like you'll need a new jersey Steve ;)
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