Brighton ride on the 15th

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Re: Brighton ride on the 15th

Postby Jonathan B » Sat Jun 14, 2008 12:44 pm

Iam up for trying to hang on.
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Re: Brighton ride on the 15th

Postby George » Sat Jun 14, 2008 2:43 pm

Well guy's the latest on the ride is that we are having a bit more of a lie in and meeting at a better time of
The Guru has ok'd this so don't be late and see you there for a prompt getaway on time.
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Re: Brighton ride on the 15th

Postby Steve B » Sat Jun 14, 2008 5:45 pm

Thats a bit better, count me in :D

Who else is going?

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Re: Brighton ride on the 15th

Postby Antloony » Sat Jun 14, 2008 6:07 pm

I may be there, going to set the alarm and see how I feel in the morning.
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Re: Brighton ride on the 15th

Postby MattI » Sat Jun 14, 2008 7:11 pm

I might try and come along and see how far I can last :D
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Re: Brighton ride on the 15th

Postby Toks » Sat Jun 14, 2008 10:36 pm

[quote="Antloony"]I may be there, going to set the alarm and see how I feel in the morning.
just got back home from a trip up North. I'm gonna try to make it
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Re: Brighton ride on the 15th

Postby Mark Leedham » Sat Jun 14, 2008 10:36 pm

See you at 7:00
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Re: Brighton ride on the 15th

Postby George » Sun Jun 15, 2008 2:21 pm

What a fantastic ride today, although I must say it was a tad fast :shock: I couldn't believe that we still had :shock: 7 of us at the finish in Coulsdon with averages of over 20mph for the whole ride.
Fastest Brighton and back ever.

Paul T ...............He's back and flying up the drags in the latter stages, relentless
Tok's .............. Super strong and not shy of working at the front, race win soon Surely
Antloony ............... This man is a natural, one ride a week :shock: your avin a laugh
Rob C ................ Mr smooth who overslept
Jonathan ................. Power of the incredible hulk
Steve B ................. He's right where he wants to be so watch out all 3rd cats
Moi .................. You guy's are kicking
Mark L .................. Oops we decided to carry on up the road :oops:
Last edited by George on Sun Jun 15, 2008 5:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Brighton ride on the 15th

Postby Antloony » Sun Jun 15, 2008 3:08 pm

Wow, as George said 'what a fantastic ride'. Thats the most fun Ive ever had on a bike. We flew down there, had the odd person trying to hang on to the Addiscombe express but they failed. Was great to ride on closed roads just thrashing along overtaking everbody. It was so funny going up Ditchling, Im no climber but its great passing people who are walking up and pushing 5K's worth of machine....all the gear, no idea is what we agreed.

A big thanks to you guys for making it a fast ride. Quite pleased with my efforts, only had one small bad patch on the way back but recovered enough to do a bit of work on the front heading back towards CCS. Did a few extra miles in just to get to the 100 mile mark.

Figures for my total ride from my front door and back again.

Total- 100.8 miles
Average- 19.7 (had a slow warm up ride to CCS from Sutton this morning)
Top speed- 53.7 mph.
Avge heart rate- 145
Highest heart rate- 181 (puffing and blowing up Ditchling)

Im going to start some serious training now after Toks and Georges kind words about my riding. Might try and do more than 1 day a week in the saddle, only ever do the club run, dare I say it I might even get a turbo trainer. :shock:

Its days like today that are the reason I love cyling so much, loved every minute. :D
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Re: Brighton ride on the 15th

Postby Toks » Sun Jun 15, 2008 7:57 pm

Now that has to be the best ride this year so far (yeah I know I've said this already ) :D :D . Up at 5.15am and got going at 5.45am. Got to CSS at 6.55am to find just Jonathan B; then we were joined by Steph (the Bloke, not the newbie girl), Phil, George, Paul T, Mark L, Steve B and Anthony. A bit of fidling with Phil's STI levers and we got away around 7.10am. We peeled off the A23 and quickly joined the LTB route. A bit of overzealous riding up the drag unfortunately meant we dispatched Mark early doors :cry: (but he did return later :D ); then more testosterone flexing from yours truly meant we had to wave good bye to Phil and Stepth.

A coffee stop at the halfway mark soon brought us all back together again. Yah :D :D But some deadish roads and draggy bits resulted in yet another break up :( . So onwards and soon to be upwards - the magnificent 6 (Me, G, P, SB, JB and A) powered on. Oh by the way all sort of Billy-got-a-bikes tried to crash our party, most hung on for a mile or two until the watts went up again. One pesky little so and so did managed to stay with us and even did most of the work leading up to Ditchling Beacan.

At the top of the climb places 3,2,1 went to Steve, myself and George. Some real cool descending (53mph 8) ) and we finally cruised :shock: up to Brighton Beach. An hour and a bit of R and R (including big fat baguettes and coffee) and then we got going again with Rob T. Paul T repeated his earlier hurculean effort by doing most of the pacing on the way back. Myself and Steve also did some big stints on the front but we didn't qite match the gurus dedication. On the way back there were some quiet off the beaten track sections so myself, Steve and a slightly below par George did some sprinting challenges - I think Steve got the points jersey.

With Gatwick and Crawley looming we blasted along the A23 and ramped the speed up to just under 30mph at some points. Once a week :shock: rider Anthony wasn't in it just for the ride and did a couple of impressive turns. George announced a 'first one up the Mersham drag competition' once we got to Redhill, I'm sure he changed his mind soon after though :wink: . I sat on the front of our yellow train as we approached the petrol station and began pressing hard on the pedals. A quick glance down -computer says...23mph. By the half way point it was just myself with Steve sat on my wheel. Back in the days I could've shook him off - alas no more - he's too bloody strong :twisted: . Just after the first set of lights the rest of the boys latched on and we continued all the way back to CSS. What a beautiful day. Ride stats: Time: 6.22; dist 124miles; Av speed 19.5mph
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Re: Brighton ride on the 15th

Postby Will » Sun Jun 15, 2008 8:08 pm

Sounds like a great ride!

The Addiscombe machine must have made an impressive sight streaking* through the countryside :)

* as in moving quickly rather than in readiness for the nudist beach :D
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Re: Brighton ride on the 15th

Postby Steve B » Sun Jun 15, 2008 8:30 pm

[quote="Antloony"]Its days like today that are the reason I love cyling so much, loved every minute.

Ant, I totally agree, today's ride was superb :D

Each year the 'Fathers Day Addiscombe Brighton Ride' lives up to, or surpasses the previous one. Today's from a personal point of view, was the best ever, believeing it to be my best ever performance on a bike 8)

9 at Coulsdon for the 7.00am start. George had negotiated an extra half an hour with Paul which made the start time a bit more manageable - 6.30am just seemed a bit too early, I like my sleep :wink: .
So there were; Paul, George, Toks, Ant, Jon, Mark, Phil, Stef and myself.

Straight in to the usual formation of Paul up front and the rest tucked in behind. Through Merstham we joined the throngs of cyclists at a roundabout. George made a quip to a Policewoman, standing at the junction, of "we got lost". The thing was she replied "oh, ok" :? , and let us through :lol:, nice one George.

The pace started to increase and the Addicombe train was up and rolling along nicely - very nicely. As Ant said, quite a few tried to, but failed in their attempts to jump on to our locomotive. No actually that's an untruth, there was one guy that did manage it, joining in well for a few miles before Ditchling Beacon, but who's counting :wink: .

Unfortunately we lost Mark Phil and Stef at some point, but we met up again at the mid point tea stop, where I tried to be flash and bunny hop up the cobblestone kerb and on to the grass. Psssshhhhhhh, oh dear that wasn't flash at all was it :oops: . So while everyone was enjoying sitting on their arses having a cup of tea, I was frantically putting a new tube in the back wheel before we set off again.

Turners Hill was fun. We were all full of it by now with everyone feeling strong and doing good hard stints at the front. As we approached the bottom of the climb you could sense someone would do something - and yes it had to be George :roll:. Out of the saddle, big ring, weaving in and out of other cyclists, he was off. 20m gap now and I decided to give chase with the others doing the same behind me. I'm out the saddle too, big gear, pushing hard. Half way up I shouted out to him, "I'm going to get you", but I didn't quite make it - nearly though - good fun :D . I think this was the climb me and George heard a shout of "B*st*rds" from a struggling cyclist as we powered past them :shock: .

Ditchling was different, obviously. Longer, tougher and for me, not nice. I lasted about halfway with George and Toks (maybe a bit less), but then they went away, George first, then Toks. I dug deep but my legs were screaming. Pleased though as the gap to Toks remained constant to the top, about 30metres. And wow what a descent the other side down in to Brighton - I think we touched 55mph and this year it felt safer than previous years, don't know why :?

Chicken and bacon baguette went down a treat with a nice cup of tea. A bit of a relax soaking up the sun, and back on the bikes. We were now joined by Rob who had overslept and tanked it down to Brighton on his own (well you know what I mean :wink: )

No quarter was given on the way back either. Raced up most of the climbs (and actually beat George and Toks on a couple, but I won't brag :wink: ) and the flat bits were just fast. Everyone was still feeling good, everyone was still stonking along and everyone was loving it - it was brilliant :D. I did start wondering when my legs would fall off though, as surely I couldn't keep this going the whole way. This eventually did happened on the drag into Redhill, but fortunately they reattached themselves by the time we got to the Merstham drag, where George said there was a prize for first to the top. Toks put in the best effort I've seen up the drag, it was immense. I stuck to his wheel like glue and we pulled away from everyone, by a good margin. Toks that was awesome :shock:. Down the other side we regrouped and said our goodbye's.

Thanks ever so much guy's for a superb day 8)

Steve :D :D
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Re: Brighton ride on the 15th

Postby Michelle » Sun Jun 15, 2008 9:22 pm

I'm sooooooo jealous. You guys sound like you had the best time.

Mind you I beat your average today!!! :D 65 mph in the car :shock: :oops:
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Re: Brighton ride on the 15th

Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Mon Jun 16, 2008 8:19 am

[quote]Steve B

Well if the previous two years are anything to go by its going to be quick, speeding up to quicker, and then once everyone has warmed up, it's going to be 'jump on the Addiscombe Train if you think you're hard enough' type pace

Just about spot on Steve - but you forgot about the return leg.....

What an awesome ride - just when I didn't think I could enjoy myself on a bike any more, it just gets better. Although my legs weren't working on the way down (thanks for waiting at Turners and Ditchling, they kicked in at around 80 miles and I think I made up for it with some big turns at the front and a strong sprint up over Redhill. At the A23 at Pease Pottage, Steve B (Mr Cool) hammered down the hill with me glued to his back wheel at a steady 42mph until we had to stop at the traffic lights :roll: After dragging everyone up the first half of Merstham the Toksicater was just holding a bit more power than I could manage near the top, but still put in a good burst ahead of George!! and then a steady 23mph back into Croydon (average 21.7mph to Brighton and 20.3mph for the whole ride - I may get promoted form the 17 group now :shock: ) Max 56 on the most fantastic descent - incredibly at 50+ mph 3 Agreeables in line across the road - fantastic.

Nearly all on closed roads (albeit with marshals shouting "keep to the left" - only in England!!)

Fantastic weather, great ride and great company - what more could I ask for? (well some legs that get me up the big cimbs)

I had to get back by 1:30pm (on pain of death if I didn't make it) which is why I initially set the start at 6:30, but George persuaded me to make it 7:00 as we would be going fast enough. We got to Brighton at 9:30am including a tea stop at Ardingly!! and left just over an hour later. I was going to stay on the A23 for a while to save time, but was out voted and we headed back over Handcross, then back up through the lanes around Ansty, Bolney, Warninglid and picked up the A23 at pease Pottage and back home, arriving at 1:29pm :D :D :D :D :D :D and in good shape. Quick shower, change and out by 2:00pm like clockwork, then a fantastic meal with all the family - topping off a great day.

Thanks guys.
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Re: Brighton ride on the 15th

Postby Marky Mark » Mon Jun 16, 2008 8:24 am

You make it sound so easy, well done for that ride. I saw a clip on tv this morning of a woman who was so proud of doing LTB, she left at 6am to get into Brighton for 1 pm ahhhh bless.

Hats off to you all for a good training ride. See you soon.
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