Night Ride to Brighton

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Re: Night Ride to Brighton

Postby Dominic » Wed Jun 18, 2008 12:07 pm

Weather being kind, I will be there with dynamo lighting and Carradice bag. If anybody has any odds and sods they may have difficulty carrying then they are welcome to put it in my bag, if there is room :D
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Re: Night Ride to Brighton

Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Wed Jun 18, 2008 1:15 pm

I shall be on my "commuter" complete with panier rack as well.
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Re: Night Ride to Brighton

Postby Andrew G » Wed Jun 18, 2008 1:19 pm

[quote="mrP(Boonen)VT"]I started off with 1:30, then changed it to 1:00 so that it gives you a bit of a cushion for you to get to the 10.

Confirm 1:00 at CSS.

Back in time for the clubrun.....yeah right.

Actually I've got to get back to drive up to Cambridge to pick up Ian who's finished at his Uni with all his stuff (umpteem flights of stairs and big heavy bags designed just to help the legs recover after a long ride :roll: )

Cheers Paul, oh and don't expect sympathy for aching legs from me after this.
I'll be on my good bike with commuting lights as even I wouldn't turn up for a TT with a rack on my bike :lol: .
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Re: Night Ride to Brighton

Postby Andrew G » Thu Jun 19, 2008 3:51 pm

Well weatherwise the BBC is all doom and gloom (build an ark if you believe them :roll: ) but other sources say showers overnight (Friday/Saturday) and dry and brightening up on Saturday.

If it's just showers or light rain then I'm still up for it. Unless it's been chucking it down then I'll soon dry out anyway.
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Re: Night Ride to Brighton

Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Thu Jun 19, 2008 3:57 pm

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Re: Night Ride to Brighton

Postby Ivor » Fri Jun 20, 2008 10:26 am

currently met office says: [img][/img] then [img][/img] followed by [img][/img]

hmmm. taking a day off the bike today, hurt chest riding yesterday. :(
Not sure what to ride if I come along, will it be too fast to ride the "comfortable" mountain bike down?
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Re: Night Ride to Brighton

Postby Andrew G » Fri Jun 20, 2008 12:29 pm

[quote]will it be too fast to ride the "comfortable" mountain bike down?

Depends how fast you ride it :roll: .

Probably yes. I'm not anticipating a burn up due to the dark, even with our illuminations it's not as easy to spot the potholes etc, but would've thought it'd be reasonable (and Toks favourite word - steady).
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Re: Night Ride to Brighton

Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Fri Jun 20, 2008 4:18 pm

Not rushing around - has MTB got slicks - prob Ok :D
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Re: Night Ride to Brighton

Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Fri Jun 20, 2008 8:13 pm

Latest forecast is a bit damp to start with, clearing up around 2:00am.

If it is pouring down by 1:00am, then I'll reschedule, otherwise see you there.
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Re: Night Ride to Brighton

Postby Andrew G » Fri Jun 20, 2008 9:49 pm

Yep, see you at 1 at CSS.
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Re: Night Ride to Brighton

Postby Ivor » Fri Jun 20, 2008 10:00 pm

If I cut across from Oxted wheres a good point to join up?
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Re: Night Ride to Brighton

Postby Andrew G » Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:29 am

Wahay that was fun. :D :D :D

I met Paul and Dominic at CSS and it was nice and mild and dry. We set off to try and hook up with Ivor at Redhill but no sign. Quick phone call and he'd overslept :roll: so was diving down to meet us a bit further down. Another stop and check location and we eventually hooked up at Balcombe. You're a tenacious fella Ivor, I'd have given it up before that point and headed back to bed.

We were nipping down the roads at a fair pace considering it was pitch black, we all had good lights though. Paul's navigation in the South East is amazing in daylight, how on earth he knows the routes on unlit roads so well is staggering. We were on more main roads than you'd normally use on a Brighton run - single carriageway A roads and B roads - but all must have been reasonably minor sections as they were practically all unlit, and through the murk you could make out they were of the nice tree lined avenue variety. Hardly saw a car all night :D .

About a third of the way down it started raining. Not heavy but that sort of constant light drizzle that as my Mum says soaks you through. It was a bit on and off and never a particular pain, my only problem being with my specs. I was feeling Fignon's pain as I was on semi-permanent wiper duty of alternate lenses with the fingers of my gloves.

Some of the faster sections on the swoopy descents were interesting. Near as dammit zero visability through my glasses so just letting the bike flow over any lumps and bumps and following the flashing red light(s) ahead with continual swipes of the lenses.

Ditchling Beacon at night is different. You couldn't see it as you approached and then you were on it. The Beacon can often be shrouded in mist but with the rain it was just a cloud. Riding up I had both headlights on but they were just bouncing off the mist. I kept them both on and used the beam to pick out the banks at the side and catseyes to follow the direction of the road. Without any of the usual reference points it seemed to go by quicker than normal.

A regroup at the top and off to the seaside. Really misty along the top road and the rain driving in your face due to the speed as you always pick it up a bit along this section. The descent wasn't attacked with the usual relish and I just pedaled to the top and freewheeled down, still hit 45.7mph though - Don't think you'd have enjoyed it Snoop/Thora :) .

The all-night cafe/bar was an experience. 3 bouncers on the door to turn away the weavingly drunk so we left our bikes outside under the canopy in their protective care and moved inside. I think it says it all that as Dominic pointed out nobody even batted an eyelid as we went in and sat down. Four men in head to toe soaked lycra and not a glance :lol: , it was also nearly full at 3.30-4am - these students have more stamina than me that's for sure. We all had a bargain priced pasta dinner/breakfast before heading home.

I'd taken a camera and hoped to take a few shots of us as the sun was coming up, which it was as we were leaving, but with the drizzle and slate coloured sky you only knew it was happening as it got lighter so didn't bother - never saw the sun :( .

I had a bit of the shivers as we left but soon warmed up enough as we got going. A good ride home too with everyone riding well and sharing the workload pretty evenly, Dominic looked like he was doing little more than soft-tapping though :D . His strength was rewarded with two punctures. After each of these I got a bit shivery again as we started, and as it was still drizzling I decided to DNS the 10 I was going to do straight after this.

The drizzle came and went in volume, stopping briefly from time to time, but never for long and the splash from the road got you wet anyway. We were all happy and enjoying ourselves though and the weather didn't really put a dampener ( :roll: ) on the ride. I just decided against the TT to avoid any more shivers from the waiting before and after as I don't want to pick up a cold before next week's SCCU 50.

We swung by the HQ so I could give my DNS apologies in person and then went up Rusper hill to finish off with the CR in reverse.

A great ride and good to get my first proper night ride under my belt. A real shame the weather stopped us watching the sunset, but never mind still happy to have a night ride to Brighton on Summer Solstice in my memory mussette :D .

100 miles exactly and an average speed of 17mph exactly. I checked the speed at Brighton and it was the same so the dark didn't slow us down :wink: .

Cheers guys, always good to do something different and a good night on the bike.
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Re: Night Ride to Brighton

Postby Dominic » Sat Jun 21, 2008 12:41 pm

Nice write up Andrew, couldn't have put it better myself.

Very nice ride, good company. It if was dry it would have been perfect.

Have to do it again :D
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Re: Night Ride to Brighton

Postby George » Sat Jun 21, 2008 1:04 pm

Well done chaps, I bet your all fast asleep now :wink:
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Re: Night Ride to Brighton

Postby Ivor » Sat Jun 21, 2008 3:08 pm

[quote]Well done chaps, I bet your all fast asleep now :wink:

not a chance! charging around coordinating children!
feeling a little drowsy at the moment though. Good write up Andrew.

Decided to have a "power nap" before setting out.... and then realised it was just before 1am :shock: Not enough time to slide over to Redhill so quick check of the map and a "guestimate" of the agreeable trains route and tragectory and I pedalled off and cut down diagonally towards Horley.
Eeek! Even though I'd got two bright lights on the front this first bit towards Lingfield was scary. completely pitch black and no cats eyes in many places. Hit a couple of potholes and was sure I was going to lose the tyre. What's a good steady blast in the daytime was a tense experience in the dark. Anyway made excellent time cutting across and texted a location update, hooked left onto the B2036 towards Balcombe only to find out that the ACC posse was just behind. 19mph average to that point :). Andrew said they'd just joined the B2036 and would catch up so I should head on towards Balcombe. So off on my own again for a bit - grateful of all the street lights, although someone turned them all off again a bit later. Got into Balcombe and pulled up for a snack.
Got a position check from Paul they were a couple of miles back and we soon joined up and continued on our way. As we progressed the drizzle got worse and it was like riding through a cloud, just wet and grey all around. Descending on blind faith following the blinking red light ahead. :shock:

Ditchling Beacon. so thats what that little hillock was called. Was going nice and smooth and cruised past the pack at the bottom wondered why they were slowing down and bracing themselves. I had no idea what was to come. :? anyway, kept a nice steady smooth rhythm and kept on grinding. absolutely zero visibility going up - no idea how steep it was, how much further to go, whether it was about to turn sharply at 90 degrees! just kept sweeping the headlight left and right to get some bearings and hoping the next little flat was the crest. gulp. oh well I couldn't ease up now - it would look like I was defeated - and it didn't seem to be getting any steeper. so just keep going. Finally! it levelled off, and seemed to start dropping. :) woo. pulled up for a drink, snacks, stretch, bit of meditation etc. 9 minutes 15 to get up, 310watts average. :)

Then cruise on down to Brighton, and I got a puncture just as we hit civilisation. And then it dawned on me that the spare tube I'd brought, was the one with a dodgy valve from the hampshire hilly sportive. :( oops! Andrew gave me one of his - its great riding with sensible organised people. :)

Cafe as described by Andrew. Pack in the pasta (average) coffee (weak) and set off on the way back, in the light. Bit more traffic on the roads now though than at 2am. Nice steady run with a few rest breaks courtesy of Dominics punctures, nosied at Pauls new house and dropped into the Horsham TT HQ for Andrews apols..... after winding Andrew up for the past 20 miles about him bottling it. :) :) :)

Club run in reverse from then and then I cut off on my own to head back under Reigate, Redhill and up to Oxted. Legs stopped working for the last four or five miles - turned the pedals but no power came out.... and slowing up the chills set in. Last slog up to home and sploshed down in a hot bath.

Overall, fantastic ride. Shame about the rain but an enjoyable (and different) outing all the same.

Oh and how dare those TT-ers call *us* the mad ones! :lol:
Last edited by Ivor on Sat Jun 21, 2008 4:10 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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