21 June Club Run

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21 June Club Run

Postby Marek » Sat Jun 21, 2008 3:47 pm

A more modest group of riders at CSS this morning, probably due to the rather lousy start to the day, I was pretty soaked by the time I got to CSS. There were still enough riders to have 3 meaningful groups. We had a fast, medium and slow group.

I set off with the faster group which included George, Dan, Graham, Michelle and another 5 or so riders whose names I have yet to learn. We also picked up Ajay on the Reigate steps. Was a good pace but not too bonkers. I was not feeling that great and although I did some early turns on the front and just about managed to beat Dan to the top of the steps, I did not have a great deal in the tank. Into the lanes and people were taking some good long turns, Dan was on fire today. We took a slightly longer route today as George was keen to get in some more miles, so we took in the Henfold Hill circuit which was a nice change. The 17%er seemed to catch a couple of people out, but its only short so not too bad.

At one point going through the tree lined section before Rusper George did an almighty fast tug on the front and only Dan and I went with him. I came around the others at the small climb after Partridge Lane and then Dan just blew me away, no way was I keeping up with him.

We took the shorter route to Lambs Green and were then on the run into the sprint. Ajay did a long turn on the front and then kindly wound it up for the sprint, then a rider on a Focus whose name escapes me but was also riding very strong came through and upped the pace a bit more. Then the mighty Dan, I was sitting on Georges wheel and he was keeping the gaps down and as we went through the last corner I opened up the throttle. As I did so my pump decided to jump from my back pocket, a great blocking ploy and then I managed to keep the power down to take the sprint. Although I had not been on the front for some time so felt a bit guilty, not sure who came in behind me. Thankfully Michelle picked up my pump.

Quick cuppa tea and then a fairly fast ride with Paul H, his tri mate (who had done a 5km running race prior to the club run), Keith and Michelle before turning off back to EG with Keith and Michelle. Think my lack of dinner the night before started to take its toll as I was feeling pretty slow on the way back. Maybe it was a mixture of that or the weather. Anyhow was worth getting out of bed although I was soaked when I finished.

Good to have a bigger group and to see Ajay getting some form.


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Re: 21 June Club Run

Postby Michelle » Sat Jun 21, 2008 5:25 pm

Good ride today despite my flat within 90 seconds of our front door. This meant a quick tube change, back to home for the track pump treatment, then cutting through Merstham towards CSS to try and pick up a group or two coming the opposite way. Keith then picked up a flat on the front but told me not to wait.

Despite John C suggesting I go in the medium group, I saw a couple in the fast who I'd been out with in the B training the week before so I thought I would take my chances.

Hung on for pretty much all the way, the speed was 22.1 to Merstham, 20.7 to Reigate and dropped a bit after that, but I reckon it must have picked up on Georges alternative route. I must get fitter to be able to go up those hills a bit faster!! :shock:

No turns on the front for me, it was well windy today and of course I had jumped up a group (kind of). When the speed up came for the sprint I managed to hang on for, oh, about 1 mintue, and then got caught up in turning traffic which put me well out of contention. Watch out, though, I may get you all next time. :D 8) tee hee.

Lovely cake and tea and a good old chat in the cafe, then back in the fast group to just North of Horley, where Keith, Marek and I turned off to head East. Pleased to say I sucked Keith's wheel, Marek's wheel and Paul Hones wheel for a fair amount of time. Good training for the Jack and Jill, hey.

Back home for cheese on eggy beans and a chocolate milkshake after. YUM!
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Re: 21 June Club Run

Postby Keith » Sat Jun 21, 2008 6:22 pm

Bit of a frustrating Club Run for me today. Like Michelle said, after a pucture on her bike I got one on the A23. Thought I'd got it fixed it in plenty of time before the first group we due to come through, only to find it wasn't holding pressure. Brand new tube out of the box - with a hole in it. :roll: Bu@@er. Start again.

Thought that if the leading group got caught by the Reigate traffic lights, or stopped to take coats off, I may be able to catch them at the lay-by. (Yes, I'm an optimist!) Got going and went past the 2nd group (sorry guys that I didn't join you) and kept the pace up. Nobody at the lay-by, so thought I'd missed them. Turns out they wen't another way. :roll: Bu@@er again.

Decent ride back though after toast and 1/2lb butter at the cafe.
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Re: 21 June Club Run

Postby Amy » Sat Jun 21, 2008 8:34 pm

Seems about 50% of the club didn't feel like coming out today :roll: Anyone count? Thought there was about 40 out today? The rest had a valid excuse, like TTs, night rides and races :D

Anyway, I spent the club run playing with my new bike, the position and, in particular, the gears on the compact :?
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Re: 21 June Club Run

Postby Dombo » Sun Jun 22, 2008 10:13 am

My first CR for a while due to various commitments, not least having to put more hilly miles in prep for the etape. Nearly didn't come out looking at the thin grey drizzle at the start but as Mrs Dombo said "What will you do if it's raining in Pau? Sit in a cafe drinking coffee all day?".
Well actually....
Reasonable turnout given the weather and after swopping a few Dragon stories at CSS we set off, the three speeds groups being an excellent idea. Medium speed group set a cracking pace (for me) that got a bit strung out after Rusper and whittled down to half a dozen of us by the dual carriageway for some thru and off. That went well until we got down to four, and then yours truly lost the draft and got spat off the back, hooking up with fellow etapist Andy for a more leisurely final mile or so to the cafe.
Box Hill beckoned so a biggish group set off, splitting naturally into two with me stupidly hanging on like a tin can tied to a bumper to the front group. Lost them again due to my rain jacket acting like a parachute (that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!) and I waited for the others, folding and refolding said garment and making a meal of stuffing it in my jersey pocket as they hove into view.
Strung out again for the climb we regrouped at the top, the front group having waited, and after a brief chat with a trio from London Dynamo who had also slayed the Dragon I set off on my tod for home. A brief stop at Dauphin to ask about their fitting service - probably mad with just two weeks til a major ride but who knows? - and I rolled home after 55 miles at 18.3 average, a number that keeps creeping up as I nose out of my comfort zone.
As ever, an enjoyable CR in great company.
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Re: 21 June Club Run

Postby Jon C C on a Bianchi » Sun Jun 22, 2008 11:13 am

That was fun! :) Weather forecast hinted at better things to come so we braved the rain and really glad we did. Couldn't see a bl**dy thing on the ride to CSS as shades needed constant wiping or steamed up when we stopped at lights (yes, we do stop at Red! :shock: ).

I think it was eventually 4 groups that set off?? as the medium group was a bit big and needed to be split - a gentle ride for our group - speed varied hugely depending on who was at the front - did a good few miles at 21 mph - but averaged 17 mph - nice chat about football, near death bike experiences, and of course Dragon ride exploits and daring do. 8)

Good natter in the cafe with Chloe, Kate, Kate's dad and others and then off to Box Hill. Group soon split we formed a SLIGHTLY slower group - John C leading the way, Chloe, Sam, another rider (sorry didn't catch your name) in red and white, riding a grey carbon bike he claimed had the consistency of rubber!!, and yours truly. We picked up another rider in Red (whose name i should know) who dropped off from the faster group with a mechanical or something. :?

Man in Red and Sam charged up Box Hill, Chloe next, the rest of us made no attempt to race just wanting to get to the top. John C doing a Jan Ulrich - pushing a huge gear :shock: - i just tapped out a high cadence in a low gear (bit like Lance Armstrong really :D ) and kept Chloe in sight.

Regrouped at the top and Sam, John C, Chloe and I rode back together. Chloe turned off towards Surrey and home, John C to Coulson and the obligatory cafe stop and Sam and I took the hilly but more scenic route through Woodcote, backside of Purley to Sunny South Norwood. Both nearly wiped out by motorist in Addiscombe of all places!

105 kms (65 miles) at 26 kph (16 mph) - 4 hours ride time. Good fun, great company - really enjoyed the ride. Brighton and back - bring it on! :D
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Re: 21 June Club Run

Postby Andy E » Mon Jun 23, 2008 12:36 pm

[quote="Marek"]...then a rider on a Focus whose name escapes me but was also riding very strong came through and upped the pace a bit more.

That was me :) Unfortunately approaching the sprint from a slightly different route to normal disorientated me a bit and i opened it up just after what i thought was the penultimate turn.. Turned out i went about 1km too early.. d'oh! Blew up as Dan and Marek came past, held on for 3rd i think.. Must start paying a bit more attention to the landmarks.
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