Good news - the manager has got straight back to me and he says yes to an ACC discount.
How much? Obviously the more people who come, the bigger the discount. There are a lot of rooms there but I'm not sure exactly how many so its first come first served.
Let me know names if you're interested, whether you want to stay 1 or 2 nights (friday 3rd and sat 4th) and I'll get back to you with a cost based on numbers of people coming
Don't worry if you can't commit right now - there's other B & Bs, hotels in town so if you decide to join us at a later date you'll be fine - except you won't get a discount of course
So far the the organizing committee is heading the list of confirmations: (Correct me if I've added any names who can't make it) add yours if you want to come...
Huw Williams - Event co-ordinator and chain-link ferry liaison
Amy Robinson - Sensible pace group leader 15-17mph*
Paul Tunnell - Stupid pace group leader/questionable choice of route and directions 19-20mph*
Ruth Tunnell - Lunch stop co-ordinator
Andrew Green - Chief 'excuses for lamentable late-season form' correspondent
Jon Avery - Chief Somellier
Mr and Mrs Adrian + 1 new addition - OOOhhhh check you guys out in the 'family' room
*Group speeds are based on club run speeds. Anyone out there want to lead a 17s -18s group around? The whole route is sign-posted so don't worry about getting lost (unless you're riding with Paul Tunnell
That's already 8.5 people and we're heading in the direction of a good discount:
Once again If you don't know what the hell I'm talking about, here's last year's report and feedback on one of THE great ACC days out