URGENT - BIG Club Run this weekend

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Re: URGENT - BIG Club Run this weekend

Postby Alan M » Sun Jun 29, 2008 8:43 am

sounds like a really great but eventful day steve. thanks for going back for others including bridget. great that she managed 100 plus miles. it is 37 here and hot. madrid will explode for the game tonight and i will be watching it with some friends. i aim to rent a city bike tomorrow for some gentle riding. see you later in the week. cheers.
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Re: URGENT - BIG Club Run this weekend

Postby huw williams » Sun Jun 29, 2008 10:30 am

[quote="Sylv"]Brilliant day today which had started on the wrong foot though - as per email I turned up at CSS just before 9.25 to find absolutely no-one there, so carried on and caught up Apples and another guy, then another handful of puzzled-looking riders who'd stopped by the Starbucks.

I have to own up to negligence here and throw my hands up and appologise - what happened was, the groups had to change cos nobody (other than Stu) was deranged enough to want to go with Marek via the extra hills so we joined our two groups - this meant we then had to go ahead of Monnty and Alex's groups cos we'd quickly have to pass them on the road (not good as they were such big groups). Whilst all this was sorted out and we set off I completely overlooked one important point - we actually left too early - so sorry about that if you missed the group you wanted.

Anyway - the ride
Cheers to everyone for turning up and making it such a great day. Marek and Stu joining the (b) training group obviously meant the pace was a little higher than anticipated and I won the bet as to how long it would be before the pair of 'em went the wrong way due to going too fast on the front - (Merstham) At that speed they were half way to Nutfield before they realised

Despite his claims of tired legs Stu went up the climb to Outwood a bit sharpish and set the tone for the ride to Turner's Hill - some fast bursts but nothing too unmentionable - then we caught the group who had started after us (obviously these lightweights had decided to miss out the hills around Bletchingly - and Marek decided to go past them before the climb up to Turners - this we dully did although Marek's pace in pulling us past them was almost enough to finish me right there. After a quick regroup at Turner's where the others joined us - Sylv decided to mete out some justice for us not waiting for him and the (b) nature of the trianing group quickly transformed into an (a) - I sh1t you not when I say that we were doing 33mph on the flat past the Showgrounds at Ardinlgy and averaging over 25 mph until that little climb up to the village of Lindfield. Brief respite through the roundabouts at HH and then the racing proper started :roll: groups splitting, chases orgnised, breaks going away as people scented the bottom of Ditchling. - I got a massive tow off Rob and Marek, reeled in the shadow and Dan then it happened - a tractor had waited for Marek's group to go through then decided he'd had enough and jumped across the road in front of us. The shadow, on the front, nose on the tyre into the headwind didn't see it but luckily the shout went up at the last moment and he just missed the spikes of the hay-bailer on the back by literally inches.

It's by far the worst 'accident that never happened' that I've ever seen. The shadow's rear wheel came off the ground as he braked, I went around the side of him and I'll never, ever understand how he didn't hit it - there just didn't seem like there was any air between his face and the spikes - just inches away from the ultimate nasal-hair trim.

After the initial adrenaline hit we slowed up to check everyone was still in possession of all limbs but the stomach had been knocked out of the chase.
A steady climb up Ditchling where we met the others and realised we'd got to that point in well inside two hours. Nice descent down to the seafront - bit windy for us lightweights to clock high top speeds but there were a couple of 50mph+ recorded.

Lunch in the Regency was much appreciated if chaotic and then it was time to resume hostilities for the return - Marek's group had departed early thank God cos I was shot already but 6 of us managed to get a good working group together over the Dyke. There was a Boar in the road on the descent - flattend by a car it'd been, so we'll call it a 'crushing Boar' :D

We pinned our ears back for a fast wind-assisted ride back to the smoke (though Dan G needed to be persuaded NOT to attack on EVERY slight rise and split the group). 21mph average all the way home from the Dyke with Andy and Dan setting the early pace. All the way up the club run the pace never relented and Dan was determined to rip everyone's legs off before the Charlwood sprint. You see what happens? I coach him to his best form ever and he uses it as a rod for my back :evil:

Suffered greatly from there back but still maintained the good speed and we got back to coulsdon together after a superb 100 miles at over 20av.

A great day out and superb attendance given that we only had a week to promote it. For those who couldn't make it with such short notice - we'll be doing another one, provisionally booked for SATURDAY of the AUGUST BANK HOLIDAY WEEKEND

Watch this space
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Re: URGENT - BIG Club Run this weekend

Postby Jon C C on a Bianchi » Sun Jun 29, 2008 11:17 am

WOW!! Brilliant! Great day - really, really enjoyed it. Thanks to everyone who made it happen (i was going to say 'organised it' but that would be abuse of the English language! :D :D ) and thanks to everyone who took part and made it such an agreeable experience! :D

PART ONE - the Agreeables go bonkers on the way to Brighton

Started with Monty's 17 mph group - started OK but got faster and faster - hills were fine but on the flat doing something like 40 kph I could just about keep up working hard, dropped off the back beforeTurners Hill and increasingly worried that i might make Brighton at this pace but wouldn't be able to ride back as legs and lungs would be shot to pieces. :shock:

Decided to try and find a slower group at the meeting point at Turners Hill where it seemed that the groups were sorting themselves out a bit.

Joined Alex's 17 mph group - someone (who clearly had a great sense of humour or a lobotomy) said that Alex's group was riding a pretty steady 16 mph pace so Sam and I decided to join them and ride on to Brighton. Typically Alex's group blasted off at an incredible silly pace!!! I couldn't believe it... out of the fryng pan... :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

I just about hung on to Alex's and Robyn's wheel - it was going completely crazy :shock: :shock: - hadn't a clue who was setting the pace because everything was a blurrrr :o . Looked behind me to see no one on my wheel :shock: - the rest of the group unsurprisingly had been dropped way down the road. Remembering I managed to lose Sam on last year's Brighton run and how unimpressed my wife was I decided to pulll up and wait. :D

Chloe came up and thought that Sam was down the road, we waited and sure enough Sam and Bridgette came up, we were just about to set off when Amy (who everyone seemed to have forgotten :oops: ) came up having shed her chain back down the road.

Anyway, we set off at a sedately (for this particular ride) 30 kph and after a slight detour at Lindfield where we followed the signposted but wrong route we met up with Alex and the rest of the group who had waited for us. Trouble was they'd managed to lose Robyn :oops: :oops: who had dropped off and it turns out had followed the signposted but wrong route. Fortunately Chloe had her number and we agreed to meet her at Ditchling. :D

To be continued...
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Re: URGENT - BIG Club Run this weekend

Postby Stu Merckx Man » Sun Jun 29, 2008 1:47 pm

[quote="-Adam-"][quote="Stu Merckx Man"]my legs just didnt seem to have it today on the way down. they were feeling a bit tired from a heavy weeks riding.

What have you been doing!? After pulling out of the Jaunts because you were sick, you have now had a ''heavy weeks riding''. Er, why? Didn't I suggest you ought to rest a little and recover from actually throwing up last weekend!?

Seriously Stu, if your gonna keep your 2nd cat licence this year you're gonna need to think about your training a bit more I think.

not an uber heavy week, i took monday and tuesday completely off, then went out for a gentle spin on wednesday for a couple of hours, felt good from that, so thursday i went hard for 2.5 hours and still felt good, so went for another 2 hours on friday, so on saturday my legs felt a bit heavy, thats all. dont panic! :lol:
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Re: URGENT - BIG Club Run this weekend

Postby Bo-Gilly » Sun Jun 29, 2008 5:55 pm

I'd like to say thanks to Steve, Tim and all those who I rode back with. Yep, 10 miles outside Brighton I realised I was running on empty - I blame the wind resistance caused by my off-road baggies :shock: It was quite comical TBH, the smallest of hills was bringing me to a spluttering halt - there was nothing there. So with another 30 odd miles to go, and from my own experience that it is neigh on impossible to recover from 'the wall', I informed the others that would have to complete the rest of the journey by train. At this point I was informed that this wasn't an option as the nearest train station was some 10+ miles away, so re-fuelling it had to be.....and damn good those energy bars and gels are ! I managed to kick start, and with a further re-fuelling stop at Handcross (?) I was more or less firing on all four cylinders again for the rest of the ride 8) Ended up rolling outside my house feeling a whole lot better than I had felt 10 miles outside Brighton :shock:
And as it was only my third CR since my two month enforced absence from cycling, I was well pleased with my 92.68 miles :D ...thanks guys :wink:

I just want to say how impressed I was with Stephanie. She had only ever been out with the 13s, and yet was prepared to take on Brighton. And very well she did too.
And yes Steph, the ride out from Brighton onto the South Downs was a killer.........you did well to take the train :wink:
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Re: URGENT - BIG Club Run this weekend

Postby Andrew G » Sun Jun 29, 2008 6:16 pm

Sounds like another good CBC, great ride Bob and a superb return. 8)
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Re: URGENT - BIG Club Run this weekend

Postby mark » Sun Jun 29, 2008 7:24 pm

May I say a big thanks for the warm welcome I recieved onSaturday, it was my first time out with the club and and as I have only been cycling for 3 weeks it came as a big suprise we were going to Brighton!!

I was up for the challenge and learnt alot about cycling in a group and can't wait for next Saturday!!

Thanks Guys

PS - I did fee a bit of a failure as I did get the train back but knew I would have struggled to make it home.. :oops:
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Re: URGENT - BIG Club Run this weekend

Postby Sylv » Sun Jun 29, 2008 7:28 pm

[quote="huw williams"]It's by far the worst 'accident that never happened' that I've ever seen. The shadow's rear wheel came off the ground as he braked, I went around the side of him and I'll never, ever understand how he didn't hit it - there just didn't seem like there was any air between his face and the spikes - just inches away from the ultimate nasal-hair trim.

The view from Steve's handlebars


Sorry Steve - it sounds like a lucky close shave - (I am not so twisted as to actually search for an image of a tractor with a cyclist behind - I just came across it by accident).
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Re: URGENT - BIG Club Run this weekend

Postby StephanieG » Sun Jun 29, 2008 9:04 pm

[quote="Bo-Gilly"]I'd like to say thanks to Steve, Tim and all those who I rode back with. Yep, 10 miles outside Brighton I realised I was running on empty - I blame the wind resistance caused by my off-road baggies :shock: It was quite comical TBH, the smallest of hills was bringing me to a spluttering halt - there was nothing there. So with another 30 odd miles to go, and from my own experience that it is neigh on impossible to recover from 'the wall', I informed the others that would have to complete the rest of the journey by train. At this point I was informed that this wasn't an option as the nearest train station was some 10+ miles away, so re-fuelling it had to be.....and damn good those energy bars and gels are ! I managed to kick start, and with a further re-fuelling stop at Handcross (?) I was more or less firing on all four cylinders again for the rest of the ride 8) Ended up rolling outside my house feeling a whole lot better than I had felt 10 miles outside Brighton :shock:
And as it was only my third CR since my two month enforced absence from cycling, I was well pleased with my 92.68 miles :D ...thanks guys :wink:

I just want to say how impressed I was with Stephanie. She had only ever been out with the 13s, and yet was prepared to take on Brighton. And very well she did too.
And yes Steph, the ride out from Brighton onto the South Downs was a killer.........you did well to take the train :wink:

Well done for riding back! :D :D

I made it to Brighton but I serioulsy couldn't manage riding back this time round :roll: . But the next time there is another ride to Brighton I'll def try and cycle back with the group. :lol:

StephanieG 8)

Re: URGENT - BIG Club Run this weekend

Postby Steve B » Sun Jun 29, 2008 9:32 pm

Thanks Sylv, just seeing that picture of a tractor has given me heart palpitations. Please don't post a picture of a side view, it might finish me off :shock: . I think I'm going to need therapy :wink:.
[quote="Alan M"]sounds like a really great but eventful day steve. thanks for going back for others including bridget. great that she managed 100 plus miles. it is 37 here and hot. madrid will explode for the game tonight and i will be watching it with some friends. i aim to rent a city bike tomorrow for some gentle riding. see you later in the week. cheers.

No problem Alan.

2mins to go, 1-0 Spain, I bet the whole place is going nuts :D

Last edited by Steve B on Sun Jun 29, 2008 10:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: URGENT - BIG Club Run this weekend

Postby Steve B » Sun Jun 29, 2008 10:48 pm

[quote="mark"]May I say a big thanks for the warm welcome I recieved onSaturday, it was my first time out with the club and and as I have only been cycling for 3 weeks it came as a big suprise we were going to Brighton!!

I was up for the challenge and learnt alot about cycling in a group and can't wait for next Saturday!!

Thanks Guys

PS - I did fee a bit of a failure as I did get the train back but knew I would have struggled to make it home..

Wow, what a week to pick for your first ride with the ACC. I bet you were bloody surprised to find you were cycling to Brighton :shock: Most people would have turned round and gone home.

Certainly not a failure Mark, quite the opposite if you've only been riding 3 weeks.

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Re: URGENT - BIG Club Run this weekend

Postby Tim Coales » Mon Jun 30, 2008 1:25 am

15mph group outward:
Arrived at CSS at 8.35am to meet up with those heading off at 8.45am. In the end, we waited an extra 5 minutes for a contact of Bo-Gilly who didn't arrive. So the six of us set off: self and son Phil, Tim2, Bob, Stephanie and Cameron on his MTB. As we left CSS we met a NP rider on his way to a rendezvous at Merstham. "Bit early for you guys isn't it?". We're pottering down to Brighton I replied, to which he wished us a nice day. Still, it gave me an opportunity to make some arrangements for the Interclub TT. We passed a group of about 10 cyclists at the Feathers, including some ACC jerseys. :shock:

On the road towards Bletchingly, we started passing cyclists on a L2B charity ride. This was a source of encouragement to those in the group concerned about their ability to make it - Phil has only done 1 ride of 20 miles this year, on Monday night - Stephanie had only riden with the J4F group - Bob was only on his third ride with the club since sustaining serious injuries in an accident at the end of March :!: .

We reached Turner's Hill about 10am and had a 10 minute rest while we watched some of the the charity riders walking up the hill :lol: Continuing onwards and downwards past Wakehurst to Ardingly, we had a nice tight group with Bob, Tim2 and myself sharing the front as we cruised, with Cameron having to pedal quite hard on the downhill.

Things went a bit awry at Haywards Heath, 10:50am. :( Cameron needed to buy some water, so I pointed out the exit to take from the southern roundabout while we waited for Bob and Stephanie to join us, having dropped back on the climb up from the first roundabout. We then moved on to wait just after the roundabout where a fully laden scaffold lorry carried out a spectacular and panic-stricken 3-point turn in front of us. We were sure we saw Cameron cross the road to a shop just up the rode from us, just as the first of 2 groups of ACCers sped passed. We waited a few minutes and then started off slowly, expecting to see him waiting for us. Neither he or his bike were anywhere to be seen, so we concluded he must have set off after one of the groups that had gone through :?

Soon, Nigel Williams joined us having dropped off of one of the groups that had passed us. He hadn't seen Cameron in Haywards Heath either, so we carried on. Just after Wivlesfield, Monty's group passed us. He slowed a little to chat and again hadn't seen Cameron. I started to feel quite bad at this point, having expected to have caught him if he was ahead :(

Monty had arranged for a re-group at Ditchling before climbing the hill, but when we arrived there was no sign of anyone (they had gone up a side road to answer nature's call it turned out later). Bob had dropped back to accompany Stephanie on the run into Ditchling, so Monty, Phil, Tim2 and myself rode up the hill chatting as we passed some of the charity riders. At the top we turned into the Beacon car park and joined the other ACCers already there, 11:40. Bob and Stephanie must have come by soon afterwards, obscured from view by a bus which was turning round in the entrance. After resting awhile Monty and the others set off, while we waited for Bob and Stephanie to arrive. We waited and waited and waited. Other ACCers and charity riders came and went, Alex's group and others arrived. Still no sign :( I began to get a bit concerned, remembering last summer's ride when we had waited for Mark & Will Leadham to arrive at the Beacon, eventually assumed they were ahead and continued. They never arrived at the pier :oops: and we found out later they had touched wheels and crashed on the steep descent to Brighton, with Mark breaking his wrist etc :( :(

At 12:15 We continued, descending to the A27 quite quickly. Although windy, it was nothing like the last time I was there on the March Friday Night Ride To The Coast, when we were pelted by hail and had to lean at crasy angles into the wind just to stay upright! I clocked 46mph freewheeling down the hill to the traffic lights on my new GBcycle :lol: Turning into a strong headwind, everyone was happy to sit behind me for the last 4 or 5 miles to the pier where we arrived at 12:35.

Along to the Regency, Cafe Addiscombe. Had to sit at the front in a howling wind which kept blowing the substantial signs over. Not a cloud in the sky, not surprising with that wind! Great to see so many Agreeables there - including Marky Mark. Got news that Cameron had made it too, much relief :) After a Spag Bol and photos, it was time to head for home.

The Return
Set off along the front to Hove and up the hill. The faster bods disappearing ahead as we crested the hill to cross the A27,. Steve (The Shadow) waited for the tailenders. Everyone headed along to ridge to Devils Dyke, rather than bearing right to cut the corner and enjoy maxing out on the descent, so I followed suit so as not to confuse those behind. We had a group of about 20 waiting at the Tee junction. This soon broke up on the lanes to Wineham, leaving a select group of Sam & Jon Camden, Myself and Phil, Tim2, Bob, Conner, Amy, Bridget, Jeff Messie and The Shadow. I was feeling a bit wrecked at this time, wondering if I had overdone it on the stretch into Brighton and having been losing energy shivering in the "breeze" at the Regency. Bob and Jeff also seemed to be finding the lumps a bit tough. We had a couple of re-groups on the way and at Warninglid decided to head to Handcross for provisions and the dual carriageway round Crawley rather than the lump by the Hammer Ponds and Colgate Forest to Faygate.

Having stocked up with Bananas, water etc. Bob and Jeff were revived and we proceeded via Ifield to Charlwood and the return of the clubrun. This had the advantage of everyone knowing the route and being able to pace themselves accordingly. We said our farewells at the junction of the A23/M23 as different ones were going different ways at the Coulsdon ByPass.
Arrived home just after 6pm in time for a quick shower and off out to a dinner-party :D

Well done to everyone: especially Phil Coales on his first ever Brighton & Back, and only his second ride this year ( :mrgreen: ); Sam Camden on his 2nd Brighton & Back; Bob on his 3rd ride and 1st Brighton & Back since his accident; Bridget on her first Brighton & Back (I think); Stephanie on her first 15's ride. Now you know you can do it :!:
Big thanks to Steve Broomfield for his gentlemanly support on the way back.

Brighton and Back was my first coastal ride. I followed it up with Littlehampton, Eastbourne, Battle and Chichester so there's lots of possibilites for even the 15's :lol:
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Re: URGENT - BIG Club Run this weekend

Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:49 am

[quote]For those who couldn't make it with such short notice - we'll be doing another one, provisionally booked for SATURDAY of the AUGUST BANK HOLIDAY WEEKEND

Now you're talking. Put me down for that one. :D :D :D :D :D

That's a week after the 12 hour, so with some good miles in my legs, anyone up for a trip via Folkestone :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: URGENT - BIG Club Run this weekend

Postby Jon C C on a Bianchi » Mon Jun 30, 2008 7:31 pm

[quote="Tim Coales"] This soon broke up on the lanes to Wineham, leaving a select group of Sam & Jon Camden, Myself and Phil, Tim2, Bob, Conner, Amy, Bridget, Jeff Messie and The Shadow.

Great write up, Tim. You understandably left out your wrong turn, your bag of performance enhancing drugs, the close shave with the police cyclist surveillence squad, and your reassuring repeating of 'this really is the last hill'. :lol:

A really enjoyable ride back. I thought the members of the 'grupetto' showed some real cycling grit, solidarity and comaraderie. A pleasure to ride with you all. Thanks for a great day. :D
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Re: URGENT - BIG Club Run this weekend

Postby Jon C C on a Bianchi » Mon Jun 30, 2008 7:44 pm


Nearly forgot...I'd like to give a special mention for VC Amy who, from what I've seen, always seems to be there looking out for others and giving moral support. Nice one. :D


Marky Mark where are the photos????? get them posted !! :D :D
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