Club Run 5th July

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Club Run 5th July

Postby Andrew G » Sat Jul 05, 2008 3:40 pm

Nice spin out with an 18s (including Ant back on the bike after his recent goosing injury :lol: ), think we were bang on too - well I was for door to door :) . Nice group, regular rotations and everyone doing their bit. Got caught near the end by Alex's sandbaggers 18s but having got to us they then didn't move away, no carrots and the headwind must've slowed them :D . I ducked down Partridge with Matt and a couple who were struggling a bit today while Alex took the rest straight on. Bit damp on the way out but lovely warm sun on the way home, think we just started the CR about an hour too early today.

Spun my legs up briefly a couple of times on the wind assisted return down the A23, and an enjoyable ride back with a few bods. Been ages since my last CR and might not get out on (m)any 'til the end of August so good to see some faces again. Welcome back Sean, complete in mainly white Italian kit :shock: .

The only disappointing note of the day was the number of pairs of black socks on display in the cafe :roll: . Standards people, please! [url=]12 pairs for £18, or 5 for £9[/url] :mrgreen:
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Re: Club Run 5th July

Postby Antloony » Sat Jul 05, 2008 4:23 pm

As Mr :mrgreen: said my first jolly out after my terrible unfortunate accident with a dinning room chair. :shock:

Decieded to take it easy and hang around with the 18's today having not touched the bike for nearly 3 weeks and wanted to get back into it without killing myself. Quite enjoyed the run out, the sun came out and shone to dry those who had got a soaking heading towrds CCS this morning. As Andrew commented Alex's sandbaggers over took us then put the breaks on and ground to a virtual standstill...if your gonna show off and over take guys at least keep the pace going :D The two groups joined as one having said farewell to a few at Partridge, I just sat on the front from here onwards dragging everyone along, Alex came along side and had a good turn before peeling off do to being a tad tired....although I think he said something a bit more colourfull but I got the drift.

On towards the sprint, I upped the pace a bit as I was feeling quite good when I was over taken by two riders....well the cheek of it, I let them go ahead a bit before just cruising straight back past them without even getting out of the saddle to take an easy win.

Good run back, gave BH a rest this time as my hand was starting to hurt but still managed a good pace and a good blast back to CCS and onto home.

Legs are a little tired but I guess thats to be expected having been off for a bit, was great to be back out though and really enjoyed my day despite the rain first thing.
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Re: Club Run 5th July

Postby Sylv » Sat Jul 05, 2008 6:12 pm

Good ride, I can quite accurately tell how good I will be feeling on the bike by how easy it is to get up in the morning, and today it was horrible. Then it started raining as I was getting ready, but glad I went out as it didn't last long.

Took the bypass in reverse and met just Stu, Jim and Andy in the first group, so did a 180 deg turn and joined them. We kept it nice and fast into the wind, easing off a bit to regroup after the Reigate steps on which Stu and me started racing each other. Jim was super strong and slightly raising the group's pace every time he came to the front.

Onto the dual carriageway which I was looking forward to with a now tailwind, but the pace was so hot it was agonising. But it was smooth and safe, so Jim wasd happy :lol: . Andy got off the through-and off, then we regrouped at the lights. We saw another group just pulling out of the junction with the short way, I didn't notice that included Dave K and Adam, so kept up the two-men battle with Stu who was hammering it at the front, I could barely stay in his wheel. Then with 200m to go we got swamped by the other group who'd been sitting behind us, and some guy in red won the sprint ( :wink: ).

Just Stu and me for the Box Hill return! It was pretty fast and by the time we hit the first hills five minutes before Box, we made to each other the confession that we were both pretty much exhausted! Stu didn't even attempt to race up Box, so I went solo to get cakes in time for when he arrived :lol:

Felt a bit better after that, we kept the pace up from there, catching up Andy and another guy, then duelling out all the way to Coulsdon, where Stu turned off. I had promised myself to do an easy cool-down spin from Regalinos to home, but the tailwind was too enticing and it was easy to keep it up to 40km/h, which made it 36.1km/h average, decent considering the small number of riders and the wind.

The phrase "my legs hurt" is often over-used, but today they really did hurt quite a bit.
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Re: Club Run 5th July

Postby Andy E » Sat Jul 05, 2008 6:40 pm

Certainly was a good ride today. After watching the rain come down whilst getting ready i had one of those will i/won't i moments.. As i was planning on joining the A group for only the second time i knew i was in for a lot of pain, and the rain nearly got the better of me. After setting off with Stu and Jim Sylv joined us just outside the station. A fairly brisk but bearable pace down to Reigate and i was keeping myself out the wind so as not to overcook myself and blow before we got to Charlewood. Managed to come through and do a reasonable amount of work this time which was good (last time it was a case of hanging onto the back for dear life), but was still falling back a touch on the hills, whereas Stu, Sylv and Jim were all sprinting up them! Tried to make up for this by coming past and putting an effort in at the top each time the guys had to ease up and wait.

Onto the dual carraigeway and we were really motoring, although i really started to suffer when we hit the A23, and started missing turns. Thankfully we got caught by the lights and i could get a breather. Determined to at least take part in the sprint i kept back during the final run in to try and save a bit of energy. This definitely paid off as i was in the mix until Adam came through from the other group we passed. I was totally cooked, but pleased i'd hung in.

Headed off to Box Hill early with Rob as i needed to get back, although poked my nose into Cycles Dauphin for a quick gander and was pleased i'd left my credit card at home :D Sylv and Stu caught us up just before Chipstead, but i was really starting to flag now and just couldn't keep their wheel and they were soon in the distance.

Great fun all round, just hope i have something left for Tuesday :D
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Re: Club Run 5th July

Postby Alan M » Sat Jul 05, 2008 8:01 pm

A steady sitting-in ride with 19s was called for after 2 weeks in sunny Spain - this was exactly what I got so enjoyed the leg stretch and will aim to come back to some form over the coming week. A slightly interesting finale, by chance meeting the training group, with Adam joining their final sprint and winning it!

Returning the short route, got caught out by the great escape while I was in the loo - so Steve and I set off quickly, catching some other stragglers and forming a jolly group. Tried to get away from Steve up the drag but this was a short lived dream before we joined a larger than usual coffee club.

On leaving the cafe I noticed a a little bit of inner tube escaping from the side wall of the front tyre - rode on it anyway which was probably not a great decision as 5 minutes after arriving home it popped :shock: - spent the remainder of the afternoon watching the Tour an Valverde's win and then cleaning my bike and fitting 2 new tyres.
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Re: Club Run 5th July

Postby Alex P » Sun Jul 06, 2008 12:41 am

Great ride today despite the windy conditions and the initial rain causing the dilema of what to put on, I chose full summer (luckily) but I did see a lot of winter gear out there today.

Us sandbaggers managed to catch up with the first 18mph group not for want of trying we just just got into a good rhythm with regular rotation, 8) the moment we overtook the first group we just hit a wall of wind and stalled. We tried the through and off tactics but it didn't work. :( and it wasn't until Mr Antloony did a spell at the front that we all managed to recover and get to get back on track.

The ride home was a real blast especially with the wind behind us and I clocked an averge 19.3mph for the whole ride in the main as as result of the final leg.

Roll on next week
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Re: Club Run 5th July

Postby Steve B » Sun Jul 06, 2008 1:24 pm

Good ride today, although it did get off to a very wet start here in Sutton. A huge downpour just before I left home, meant the roads were extremely wet, soaking through my shorts :shock: ,and shoes (which didn't dry out all day :( )

Took a nice sized 19/20 group of 7, inc Mark Phil Neil Rob? Nigel Ed & myself. Mark lit the burners up the Reigate steps ensuring everone was fully warmed-up by the top. A couple of hard efforts throught the lanes kept the momemtum going until 2 puctures, 5 minutes apart, knocked the stuffing out of us. Every group had now past us, so we were playing catch up. Thru&off was called and immediately we were in to a really nice smooth quick motion. This was good stuff and we kept it going most of the way to the cafe.

Through Lambs green Rob did a big stint on his own at the front. Was this tired legs from everyone else or just saving them for the sprint finish? :? Before the turn on to the road to the cafe, I went to the front and decided I would try something different for a change. To finish well at Crystal Palace, you need to be able go early from the bottom of the hill but still have enough left in your legs to fight all the way to the line. Hal is one of the best at this 8) . Anyway, I thought I would practise going early and wind up the pace all the way to the line, if at all possible. So out of the junction and on to the power, gradually building it up. I was hoping that the others would stay on my wheel for a while and then fall away as the speed kept increasing, but Neil sucked my wheel for a lonnnnng way, and then Mark jumped across the gap once one opened up. Around the right hander, Mark was tucked in nicely and I was on full tilt. If Mark had anything left, he surely would take me before the line. I pushed as hard as i could, but he did have something left and cruised past me, nice one Mark :D. I enjoyed that :o .

Tea in the sunshine was nice and I didn't really want to get up out of the chair, and when us last one's left, we'd missed the boat :shock: . Oh dear!. So me and Alan set off, but with no hope of catching the main group, we stayed with the few we did pick up on the way, including Sean, who's legs we'd picked up off the road a couple of miles outside of Charlwood :wink: . At the church stop Alan said we would all regroup at the top of the Merstham drag, meaning that he was obviously going give it some welly up it. And he did :)

We did regroup for a nice run in to Coulsdon, but I couldn't resist a full on blast after the lights at Hooley when I saw a good size truck to chase 8)

Coffee in the sunshine again at Regalino's, and on home.

Steve :D
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Re: Club Run 5th July

Postby Andrew G » Sun Jul 06, 2008 1:46 pm

[quote="Steve B"]Good ride today, although it did get off to a very wet start here in Sutton. A huge downpour just before I left home, meant the roads were extremely wet, soaking through my shorts :shock: ,and shoes (which didn't dry out all day :( )

Commuting bike with rear mudguard = dry bum :D .
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