OMG Matt deCanio - excellent

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Postby David Lombari » Wed Sep 22, 2004 3:33 pm

"m*x sc**dri **n*s and had loads of m*str*s**s in i*aly"... bloody hell Marco what's this, a crossword!!??
There have been rumours for ages about M*x. In the Giro drugs raid in San Remo a couple of years back, he was one of the guys that was detained. Turns out that they only found a box of Pro Plus on him! Oh well, better luck next time.
Reckon Tyler going could be the last straw for Jeremy Whittle after his desperate notes about the Millar affair. Wonder if they'll still show Tylers film at the Show this weekend?
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Postby simonfrench » Fri Sep 24, 2004 1:02 pm

V funny. I don't believe everyone's on it, or everyones clean either - but a bit of gossip will be just what's needed for the 4.30 to 5.00 slot this afternoon...

See some of you at the show tomorrow.
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Postby David Lombari » Fri Sep 24, 2004 1:05 pm

The sexual abuse story was a VERY personal thing to stick on a website. Worth a read.
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Matt De Canio biog

Postby the other Steve Dennis » Tue Oct 05, 2004 2:58 pm

For those interested.....

Matt DeCanio has been a professional cyclist for four years and has spent six years with the U.S. National Team including three trips to the World Championships. He has raced on such prestigious pro teams as Prime Alliance, Saturn and Linda McCartney and has competed in 22 countries. Career highlights include a stage victory in the UCI rated Sea Otter Classic, yellow jersey wearer in the UCI rated G.P. de Beauce, yellow jersey wearer in the Tour de Toona, 5th Overall in the 2003 Sea Otter Classic, 8th overall in the 2003 Redlands Classic as well as being a former Junior National Time Trial Champion. His strengths are time trialing and mountain top finishes. Matt founded with Navigators Pro rider Justin Spinelli in December of 2003, with a goal of turning average riders into pros through intense training programs and pro tips. You can reach Matt DeCanio online at

also has a few racing articles online at [url][/url]

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