BallBuster Training days

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BallBuster Training days

Postby Stephen Bayliss » Tue Oct 05, 2004 12:01 pm

Hi guys, I know a few of you are doing the Tri and Run BallBuster on November 13th. I hope it's not inappropriate to promote our new business on the forum?

Hannah Reynolds expert coach from Cycling Weekly magazine, John Ibbotson ex professional cyclist and I have set up a coaching company.

We, Fit-For, will be holding training days on October 24th and 31st on Box Hill aimed at improving competitor?s performances at the BallBuster, people not competing are also welcome. You can get more information from our website

The aim of Fit-For is to help anyone improve - whatever their level. We want to offer the same level of coaching from complete beginner to elite athlete.

Please contact any of us for more information by emailing
Stephen Bayliss
is new here, be extra Agreeable to them!
Posts: 3
Joined: Tue Oct 05, 2004 10:31 am

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