Club run 19/07/08

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Club run 19/07/08

Postby Nick » Sat Jul 19, 2008 4:41 pm

I made my full come back today and done a complete CR. Clocking over 45.7 miles, this was with the great help of The 16's group consisting of Phil nash and Tim to name 2 of 7, rest sorry names?????????? even though I know you all.

It was done in true Addiscome Agreeable Style, even though I told them not to wait they did on the climbs and even some of the flats.

What I really missed was the chance of the Sprint for the cafe, even though I made a very febble and early attempt to lead them out, I was way of the pace and didn't see who got what but looked close.

My knee held up very well. Upon leaving the cafe I stayed in the middle of the very large bunch for about 5 miles then Connor gave me morale support as I slowly made my way back through the pack. We rode for some time together then I decided to take it easier and let Connor go on, Thank you Connor. I rode the last few miles on my own until I went past Alan M with 2 others (OH they were fixing a punture) They came past me on the Dual carrage way on the last leg, I went to jump onto their wheel then realised I couldn't just kick (F**King knee) but then I had the run of the lights and went round them for about 30 seconds then they caught me again I managed to get the wheel this time upto Coulsdon.

Had a great day out Thanks to the "AGREEABLES" looking forward to endless weeks/months of getting back to fitness, and able to more work within the group.

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Re: Club run 19/07/08

Postby Antloony » Sat Jul 19, 2008 6:36 pm

Very odd run out with the 19's today. Started slow and just got slower once we hit the down hill the bridge after the M23 junction. I was hardly off the brakes as who ever was at the front must have thought they were in a just for fun ride, maybe the rain had something to do with it, dunno. I made a move to get to the front just as Neil M and Lockey had exactly the same idea so I latched onto Neils wheel and the pace picked up to more like what it should have been.

Onto the steps, felt good today so had a dig with Neil just to get over the top then eased back as AJ caught up with me, we both eased back...then back...then back and finally stopped to allow the others to catch up. Off again through the golf course with Adam getting vocal about not riding off the front so eased up again. The group finally started working...for all of 10 minutes when it all went t*ts up when a couple of rotations were called, seemed people were more content in staying where they were to gossip than doing their turn at the front. This resulted in another split with a few of us starting a thru and off to make up for those not willing to put in any effort.

Made it to the DC with an average of 18.9mph so bang on the money there. Waited for a re-group before the thru and off which worked well, not the fastest but was smooth with good calls being made at the roundabouts. Young Jack punctured so I stopped to go back and help out leaving an unconcerned group to just keep going. Soon had him back up and running and took it easy to the cafe. 8)

Quick bite and a cuppa then back on the road again, joined the BH group at the front which had the usual suspects, Marik, Dan, Stu, Neil, Lockey etc. Tried to do some big turns at the front to help me get a bit quicker and fitter, did ok till I died and was left to fend for myself. All good fun though.

Slow plod up to BH stopping to have a quick chat to Dan who'd been attacked by the puncture fairies again. Saw Andy (Woody) and he stopped for a natter as Ben went sailing past. Got going again after him, he had a good lead but closed the gap down before the top and went past him.

Quick stop at the top while we waitied for Dan the puncture man then zoom, on the move once again. Once accross the M25 bridge the pace hotted up , I sat in for a while before getting to the front again and managed to put in a big effort and stay there for a bit longer this time before saying farewell at the 217.

Felt so much better in the saddle today, stronger than I've done for a while, feel as though Im slowly getting more strength and speed in my legs. Onwards and upwards. Might try my luck at Palace again tuesday or even head off to Hillingdon to give that a go.

Happy riding chaps. :D
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Re: Club run 19/07/08

Postby Steve B » Sun Jul 20, 2008 10:07 pm

Good to see Jon (man in green) and Simon H back, after a long time away :D

I wasn't sure whether to go with the A or B training group, as my legs felt a bit heavy first thing, but opted for the A group thinking I could always drop back if needed. Happily though, I didn't need to, although a couple of times I desperately wanted to :shock:

Even though my legs felt 'heavy' I was able to push quite hard, but this was only good enough to just hang in there all the way from Coulsdon to the thru&off layby. Everyone else did work and the pace was pretty decent seeing as it was windy and very wet for a good part. My socks were still wet when I got home :(.

Thru&off always seems to suit me with small efforts followed by slightly bigger rests each time round. My legs now started to feel ok 8) . The speed was pretty hot, although it wasn't as smooth as it could have been. No one in particular's fault, just didn't gel perfectly. It was still good though :D . On the run in to the sprint the pace eased a fraction, bunching everyone up, only for it to all go ballistic after the right hander. I think it was an aluminium Bianchi 1-2 :D :wink:

Ride back got off to the usual chase the group down start, but this week it was only a short one. Sat in for a while and then went to the front and picked up the pace, seeing if anyone wanted a burn up. I thought I was working really hard at the front and started blowing hard. I looked around expecting to see half a dozen people only, but to my surprise, it looked like everyone :o

I started to tire badly up the climb to the church. Halfway up my legs fell off and I had to slow right up to get a breather :roll: 5 mins rest did the trick and the all out assault on the Merstham drag got underway. Two got away, Paul and Keith I think?, with me doing the work to chase them down. I asked Adam to come thru to take over but nothing happened :o , he was racing the next day so I dont blame him. Down the other side a few shared the work until my legs were literally screaming. Keith then decided to get 10m on us, but I clouldn't close the gap. Again I asked Adam to come through but again nothing, he was testing me to see if I had the balls to do it on my own. I was hurting bad, but kept pushing and just made it back on. That was tough :shock: . I'm actually pleased he made me do it :D. Thing was, we were now coming to the traffic lights and Adam sprinted off towards the roundabout smilng at us, cheers mate :wink: :D

Its all good though, see you next week 8)

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Re: Club run 19/07/08

Postby Marky Mark » Mon Jul 21, 2008 10:54 am

It's great to be riding again, but I do have to mention Nick first and his stonking first ride back, he did battle through some pain and hats off to the man for riding through the pain barrier and back into it again. I think riding has done my hand the world of good and the Phisio I had this morning proved it.

16's down to the cafe with Tim at the helm, then a ride back with Magnum P.I. which was a tad slow (but great company) but I just had to check out that everytimg was still working. I'm glad I only done a slow one because it left some in the bank to do another 20 miles on the MB Sunday.

Good to see lots of new faces out there in the club, better get the old photo copier working overtime on the membership forms.

Great seeing you all again, puts a big smile on my face.
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