Clubrun 26 July

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Clubrun 26 July

Postby Marek » Sat Jul 26, 2008 1:53 pm

That was great fun to the cafe today. Managed a very good pace all the way, giving us 25mph average speed. Dual carriageway was bonkers with Dave Kennett setting a very fast pace. Also on the run in to the sprint the pace was very fast and Sylv took the win by a squeek over Toby. I just wanted to make sure I beat Stu which I duly did coming in 3rd.

Piece of cake in the cafe and I felt decidedly dodgy afterwards. On the hill out of Charlwood towards Box Hill I could not keep up a good pace and got distanced by the group. At the top time trialled it back onto the end of the group, going past a few others that were also in trouble. Got to the turning off Partridge Lane and I decided I did not have the legs for Box today, so I went home a very scenic route taking in Colgate, Pease Pottage, Handcross, Worth, Turners Hill and back into East Grinstead.

All in all an enjoyable ride considering the legs were screwed after the cafe. Well done to Antloony today, put in a very good ride to the cafe.

p.s. if anyone sees a polar computer on the floor on the clubrun route it is mine, was going so fast today it must have blown off in the wind.


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Re: Clubrun 26 July

Postby Sylv » Sat Jul 26, 2008 5:30 pm

Yes a really enjoyable ride, think there were 11 of us at the start in the training group (soon to be renamed to 25mph). It felt good to be back on a proper bike again, I only built it up last night and inevitably dropped my chain on the Reigate steps due to a slightly maladjusted front mech. We kept the pace high and were joined by Dave Kennett shortly after. After a turn at the front I almost got dropped when he and a couple others attacked up the first of the series of climbs before Rusper, Stu didn't quite make it though, maybe his legs were hurting from the sunburn after falling asleep in his garden. Once again I couldn't quite match Toby in the last few tens of meters to the top of the last climb, but would soon get my own back for it.

As Marek said Dave set a ridiculously high pace onto the dual carriageway with me in his wheel, he was doing over 51km/h, no-one was comnig past after almost a minute, it was hard enough just to stay behind him. Slowed down to just under 49 but still no-one coming past for another few seconds. The thru-and-off proper then started (just before the first roundabout!), disturbed a bit by the traffic, but we were still improving on the 39.8km/h average to the DC.

The run to the sprint was quick, no sit and watch, I was patient and spoilt for choice for a lead out man with big Marek and Toby looking virtually similar from behind. Experience tought me to chose Toby who was nice and smooth till he hit the front, whereas Marek attacked a bit too fast. Toby and I were practically neck to neck when I tried coming past, and I think the result was different whether you looked at the first left-side post, or the second on the right hand side. We averaged 40.5km/h and, like Toby suggested, if we'd try a smooth team time trial all the way one windless day, with no attacks, we could probably do 26mph or more.

An even bigger group set off for Box Hill, but was soon split and we had Mark, Simon H, Kevin and a few others sharing the work with us, also a Gemini rider who once went flying past to the front, but asked for a changeover after about 10 seconds - the thru-and-off a la Addiscombe clearly not his forte :D . Onto Box Stu went flying past from the back right from the start, taking Paul H with him, and passing Kevin who'd taken an early start. I let them go but when the gap stabilised at 50 meters, put it in the big ring and went out of the saddle, making contact at the first hairpin. Thankfully they didn't attack there and I was able to take a breather. Stu took the lead, with Paul, Simon and me behind.

Paul tried attacking after the second hairpin but we were onto him, I had to get out of the saddle but needed to change to the big ring to do this, such was the speed. Sitting behind Stu still out of the saddle, I was waiting for one of his trademark attacks. Simon then had to let go. I tried going past Stu just before the last hairpin, then to recover on the turn as I knew he wouldn't pass me there (too many bad memories :lol: ), we were side to side for a bit after it but I couldn't match him in the last 75m.

The last leg of the ride was fast and furious as ever, great fun, Ant who was with us from Coulsdon still pulling strong turns. My computer stopped somewhere along the way, but pretty sure we were over 37.5km/h by the end. Back in pleeeeenty of time to watch the TT.
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Re: Clubrun 26 July

Postby Antloony » Sat Jul 26, 2008 6:10 pm

Well what a day, rolled into CCS feeling pretty good today so had this crazy idea of going with the training group for my 1st ever time. What was I letting myself in for I started to wonder as we took off from the station.

Still felt good as we hit the Riegate steps, Im used to this bit of tarmac now and know when to attack which I did, I thought I was doing well untill I realised Sylv had dropped his chain and a few had stayed back with him. Oh well onwards and upwards. The pace was really high, never had to dig in like that before to stay with a group, I just didn't have it in my legs to do any work on the front, just made sure I stayed in contact and fought not to get dropped.

Up Rusper I started to flag and dropped back then realised Stu had been dropped due to doing some big turns on the front so we battled on together helping each other out trying not to get to far behind. We gained some distance back and could see the group again before we got to the DC. Managed to get my breath back before it was off again for the thru and off.

As mentioned Dave sat on the front at a ridiculous pace just dragging us all along, no one was able to get in front :shock: . Once the pace settled it was normal service resumed as we kept a good pace going, I did all my turns and was feeling ok still at this point. Didn't bother to contest the sprint, still got 5th though, maybe I should have got my arse out of the sadle and had a dig as Ive alway had a good turn of speed in the sprints.

Found out at the cafe that the speed had been really high so felt quite proud of having done so well, couldn't face eating all my cake though, just wanted to drink and drink and drink.

Joined in the fun and games back to Box Hill, managed to do a few turns on the front, always seem to be stronger on the way back from the cafe??? Got hammered once the road went up though, I really cant climb at all, my lungs and legs give out way before I want them to. Had a good battle with Lockey though and just pipped him to the top.

Time for the last leg of the journey as we set off again at a more sedate pace untill the road got smoother and then it was full on flat out again, I was still feeling good so had some good hard efforts on the front just trying to keep a reasonable pace up untill the rondabout at the 217.

Said my goodbyes and had a blast down th 217 and onto home.

Well Im feeling pretty chuffed with myself. I'd hoped to get into the training group within a year of starting riding and Ive done it with 3 months to spare. Cant say Ive trained at all, I tend to do no more than the club run every week. All I need to do now is get myself on the front a bit more and get a little quicker up Rusper and I'l be there.

Cheers chaps for a great 1st time adventure into the world of the training group :D
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Re: Clubrun 26 July

Postby Jim B » Sat Jul 26, 2008 7:08 pm

Well done Antloony.
I hope you don't start training then - you'd be kicking everyone's ass.
It was well paced today. Everyone sharing the load, hence the good average speed. Lots of people looking strong today as well.
More interesting than the Tour TT anyway.
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Re: Clubrun 26 July

Postby Marek » Sat Jul 26, 2008 7:24 pm

[quote="Sylv"]Once again I couldn't quite match Toby in the last few tens of meters to the top of the last climb, but would soon get my own back for it.

As Marek said Dave set a ridiculously high pace onto the dual carriageway with me in his wheel, he was doing over 51km/h, no-one was comnig past after almost a minute, it was hard enough just to stay behind him. Slowed down to just under 49 but still no-one coming past for another few seconds. The thru-and-off proper then started (just before the first roundabout!), disturbed a bit by the traffic, but we were still improving on the 39.8km/h average to the DC.

The run to the sprint was quick, no sit and watch, I was patient and spoilt for choice for a lead out man with big Marek and Toby looking virtually similar from behind.

Hey Sylv, that was me that took the final hill before the dual carriageway, Toby and I must have looked very similar, or you were just hallucinating at the fact that I actually got up a hill before you.


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Re: Clubrun 26 July

Postby Nick » Sun Jul 27, 2008 2:00 am

I took the NEWBIES today under distress:).....only kidding

What a great Club we are to have riders coming from North london travelling 4 miles by bike then on the train to US......

We were a group of around 10 most on their 1st ride some on their 2nd ride then me and graham.

We had a young lady with her shopping bike including basket, her friend from work, we also had Tom a new guy to cycling and others.

We had a steady ride from CSS, a new route to Charlwood for me too even after 5 years on the CR. Tom had apuncture on the way I stayed with him sorted the puncture and I got him to follow my wheel and we even caught the group back up before the cafe. We was the last group to leave the cafe and set of at a gentle pace.

I got to speak to all the riders within the group and they were all pleased with the ADDISCOMBE AGREEABLES and are all coming back even after riding with me..................they LOVED the way they were treated from the begining @ CSS, then throughout the ride enjoyed the banter in the cafe etc.......

A great day again, new faces and old faces but most of all, the Social side of Addiscombe is 2nd to none.

What a great CLUB we are.....................Up the Addiscombe...................


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Re: Clubrun 26 July

Postby Sylv » Sun Jul 27, 2008 7:58 am

[quote="Marek"]Hey Sylv, that was me that took the final hill before the dual carriageway, Toby and I must have looked very similar, or you were just hallucinating at the fact that I actually got up a hill before you.

I meant the last hill befoer the village of Rusper.

That "hill" you got to the top first, is just a bump :wink:
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Re: Clubrun 26 July

Postby John the old'un » Sun Jul 27, 2008 10:01 am

[quote="Nick"]I took the NEWBIES today under distress:).....only kidding

What a great Club we are to have riders coming from North london travelling 4 miles by bike then on the train to US......

We were a group of around 10 most on their 1st ride some on their 2nd ride then me and graham.

What a great CLUB we are.....................Up the Addiscombe...................



Sorry to have missed it. Was down at Horsham/Crawley riding the Crawley Wheelers 10.
I reckon I would have had more fun with you guys.!!
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Re: Clubrun 26 July

Postby mlocke » Sun Jul 27, 2008 11:22 am

Decent ride yesterday.

Went with the B training which was a decent sized bunch at about 8 of us.

Left CSS on the front pacing us to the flyover. All this time i Was strugling to maintain a 20mph avg and for the first 15 miles of the ride I was really struggling, considering dropping back to the next group behind.

The Reigate steps were agony and could be the slowest I've ever gone over them. So slow infact that I was last - where have the climbing legs of a few months ago gone!!??

I spent the next few miles hiding at the back of the group. Gradually I could feel the old pins coming to life and found myself able to contribute something to the group even if they were only short sharp bursts.

The group decided to do as Monty suggested and we turned right at the Star pub and do the longer T&O.

After a quick drink break in the laybe we were off. Although not the smoothest or quickest T&O ever it was still nevertheless enjoyable and I really felt like I was working the whole time not just when I was on the front.

Toward the end of the T&O a couple of riders were beginning to drop off the back but the turns continued till the last few bends where I decided my man to mark would be the Gemini rider that had dropped back from A training group. My hunch appeared to have been corrct as he either went for a long one or misjudged the corners left and declared "through thr middle" as a gap was created for him to come through. I thought "i'll have some of that too" and added "Me too".

At this point I thought it was just me and Gemini but out of nowhere Steve??? (sorry) came flying down the right, Gemini reacted but didn't have the legs. By the time I realised this the gap was surely too big to bridge but went for it anyway. Sure enough it was and he won a well timed, powerful spring with me in second (so nowhere!).

Avg to the cafe from CSS was 21.5mph

Now I have been having some real problems with my hip for a couple of months which has been getting really painful lately so I made the decision to go back to BH with the steady group. But, as always when everyone is stood there the competative urge takes over an dfound myself in eh group containing Stu & Sylv etc.

All said though that once my legs had woken up I actually felt OK and did a turn or two and hung on the rest of the time.

Once at cafe I felt dizzy and funny and was glad to have sat down rather than fall!! Must be the heat

Speed to the bottom of BH was 22.2mph from the cafe.

Coming to the bottom of the hill was chatting to Stu who said "you never know you might stay with us this week". I think the little g1t knew what he had planned and as soon as we turned right he was gone in an attack that I am sure must have forced the spinning of the earthe to be affected". :)

I myself pootled up the hill again but it was the quickest since I started recording it since 31/05/08. 8min 5 secs. Not blisterung but OK considering the hard ride beforehand. I tried a couple of attacks in the big ring but everytim Ant came back to me and by the time we came round the last left hander I had no response to Ants last gasp burst.

BH stats:
Length: 1.54 miles
Height gain: 412 ft
Time: 8m5sec
Avg spd: 11.4mph

Again the ride back was fast and furious and eventually my hip pain got too much at the banstead roundabout where I dropped off the back.

The avg back from BH to home was 20mph

Overall was the second fastest CR for me at an avg 20.2mph including my warmup and cool down over the hill to wallington & only the second time that I have broken the 20mph barrier ( which happened for the first time 2 weeks ago).

Hopefully once the hip get s better I will make the jump to the A training or the 25mph (unbelievable) group.

Well done to Ant for having the boys bits for oing with them and more so for perserviering.

Thanks to all for good ride.
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