The alternative club run - ToBM

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The alternative club run - ToBM

Postby Amy » Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:21 pm

A number of things helped me decide to do the "short" route of 85 miles. Huw had entered me for the 114 miler and told me where to miss out the last climb if I didn't feel up to it. Even doing the 85 miles route I'm still not quite sure why I turned up the road that left to the final big climb of the day (but not the last climb): sheer stubborness to at least do the whole of the short route after wimping out of the long one.

Personally I think I did the right thing - I'd only ever planned to do the short one anyway, this year as part of rebuilding my strength and stamina. I started off badly, up the Gospel Pass - it takes me ages to warm up (and I never felt like I got warmed up on the whole ride) - having to stop a couple of times to quell the feeling that the banana I'd eaten at breakfast was going come back the same way it went in. Before that while still on the lower part of the Gospel Valley, the Addiscombe express train steamed past with Keith Leigh leading the charge. I noted that very few non-ACC felt inclined to join on the back - probably thinking the same thing as me :roll: Anyway reached the top of the Pass - even managed to keep riding for the photographers at the cattle grid and further up - and tried to stay on the road while enjoying the spectacular views of the hills beyond Hay-on-Wye as I freewheeled down to Hay itself. Several roadies flew past me - only for me to ride pass them a bit further down the hill, having punctured on the road surface or cattle grid or just probably just having to sort out brakes after braking too hard :D

The next section was flattish but I was not riding easily and, adding to the fun, my gears were playing merry hell with my cadence by slipping all over the place - dang! I knew I should've taken it back to Pearsons to get my new bike checked but the gears had seemed all right the last time I rode it. Anyway, once I cleaned it, that's where it's going :x

Back to the ToBM - I restocked with energy drink at the first feed station outside Brecon and munched some dried mango slices but didn't stop long. Not long after I nearly missed the turn for the shorter ride - Huw had told me that the A470 that the route goes on is an absolute drag - he was not wrong. I felt like I couldn't go any slower as I ground my way along it, gears slipping just to add to the whole experience. I'd been pretty much on my own since dropping down Gospel - a few ACC'ers who'd punctured (Brian Nolan in the first 10 miles) or who had started later gave me a shout as they went by - but now I couldn't see anyone. I hadn't seen an arrow for some time and was starting to think about getting the map out and checking I hadn't gone astray but I kept on and eventually reached Merthyr Tydfyl where I recognised the route Huw and I had followed on our recce last year/year before?

Stopped at the next/last feed station between the Pentwyn and Talybont Reservoirs where Michelle finally caught me up (I'd been expecting her for ages) and we stayed there for awhile while Michelle managed to stuff a couple of bananas, two egg mayo rolls and some biscuits to my one tuna mayo :shock: I know people are going to say I didn't eat enough but I tend not to eat much and prefer to keep the fluids going in - I did not get the bonk at the end, just bl**dy knackered. Nick, the organiser, was there and we heard that a couple of girls were due to come through past us 85 milers at the front of all the men doing the long route - well they were Olympic hopefuls...

Michelle and I set off together and shortly afterwards, the Keith Express caught us up - only Hal was left of the original group - and the two girls (who were taking it easy because they didn't want any injuries especially on the downhill). Michelle and I then jumped on the back for awhile - I was shelled out at a steepish little climb somewhere along the canal and Michelle said goodbye to the group when it turned up the last big climb above Llangynidr as I found out later.

I was starting to really suffer in the heat up the final mountain and even got off and walked for a bit from the cattle grid to the sharp bend left where I felt that it looked a bit flatter and got back on my bike and stayed on for the rest of the climb with photographers shouting nice things to keep me going (though I knew one of them was lying as he told a guy behind me that it was the last climb of the day and it was all down hill after that). It was a good long downhill though from the top of Mynydd Llangynidr - I knew where the route went so could ignore the road that continued higher and turn down the road to Crickhowell.

Nearly missed the turn in Crickhowell though I knew we were turning off the main road to head back over to the start/finish by the little roads below the Sugar Loaf - one guy in front of me missed it completely even though I shouted. Another guy behind me groaned as he knew the main road way was flat. As Huw has described in his write-up of last year's event, the last five miles were hell :twisted: Nothing that anyone couldn't have coped with ordinarily but now that everyone was close to dropping, some were walking up even the smallest of climbs. I managed most of them except one but nobody saw that :lol: and even managed to increase speed as the finish came in sight and I was determined to get there before the 7 hours were up. Which I did, clocking in at 6hrs 57mins and 19 secs which got me a silver for my pains.

Met up with those ACC'ers who'd finished before me and a few who came in after me (having down the long ride in much the same time as me on the short ride....) but I was somewhat out of it. Went to buy some desperately needed tea and not only forgot to pay but left my purse, mobile phone and mitts there - good job I realised my mitts were missing :oops: I also forgot to give back my transponder and number so, missed out on my medal and didn't get my tenner back (not that I mind that seeing as Huw'd got me in on a press pass....) Huw, you'd better let me know where to send them back :oops:

And do you know what really hurt when I got back on my bike to ride back to the B&B? My arms, from holding onto the brakes down the descents. As someone said later in the Skirrid Mountain Inn, you could be hanging onto the brakes for dear life and still be doing at least 20mph.

There's probably things I missed or have forgotten but I think I'll shut up now. Next year I hope to be doing the long ride: yeah :mrgreen:
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Re: The alternative club run - ToBM

Postby John the old'un » Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:30 pm

Great ride and report Amy. Well done.
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Re: The alternative club run - ToBM

Postby Michelle » Sun Jul 27, 2008 6:13 pm

Sorry Amy for tonking off with the Addiscombe train and the two girls. There was good reason, however,as it is not often that you can say you have ridden with Jess Allen (Halfords Bikehut - Nicole Cooke's teammate) and Sharon Laws (off to the Olympics next week again with Nicole Cooke and Emma Pooley). So the opportunity was way too good to miss, seeing as I could ride with Amy on any given Saturday of the year :D :D :D

I had not wanted to do the longer ride as was still recovering from a nasty cold chesty cold and putting my back out. I have a big race coming up on 10th August and didn't want to get myself too much in the red, so decided to take it easy. Spent about 15 minutes at the first food stop, helped Brian Nolan with a flat - well held his wheel, helped a Welsh guy with his flat and had a relatively relaxing and easy ride whereupon I met up with Amy at the second food station. As she said, I was pretty hungry and the egg mayo rolls were fab, so I had two, but I did only scoff one banana! We heard that two local girls were ahead of the Addiscombe train....hmmm, surely not Nicole Cooke?

Anyway Amy and I swooped off down the technical descents until we were just sauntering along by some reservoir or other (there were lots on the day). Two said chicks mooched past hardly breaking sweat, and I had the cheek to ride up and ask if either of them was famous :shock: Yes I have no shame - well, I wasn't gonna find out anyother way. The one in blue and white indicated that the one in the Halfords Bikehut kit was more famous than she, so on asking the name I got 'Jess' but that's all.

I looked behind then, and saw Amy on my wheel but slightly further back, Keith and Hal were motoring up. I said to Amy that I might latch on. She told me later that she too had caught a wheel, but with the first hill decided to be sensible and dropped back.

I love riding with Keith, Hal, Marek, Paul H .....anyone in that fast, loony group really. Ultimately, I can suck a wheel till the cows come home and put in the effort to keep there ( well I might have a job with George but I'd give it a go), which is what happened. It's very exhilarating to travel along at such fast speeds and know that this sort of thing can keep going forever, nearly. I knew the boys were mashed - as soon as they hit some of the bigger hills the gears got knocked down and the pace slowed.So where I normally get dropped I could keep up. But I had done the shorter route so thought I would help out a bit and did a little turn on the front. And all the while, I was cycling with champions....yes the two women were sucking wheels like good'uns on the back of our little Addiscombe train 8)

As soon as the last big hill of the day arrived, however, that was it, and HR mounting I decided to slip into the granny ring and pootle up and my own pace. I did see Keith slowly come out the back of the group, Hal was still in there - kind of, and of course the two girls were floating up as if they were on magic carpets, not bikes.

Anyhow, Amy is not wrong when she says that the last 5 miles is hell, compounded with the fact that I couldn't remember if it was 5 or 10 miles I had to go. I didn't recognise anywhere, until about 2 miles from the end when I popped out of a little narrow valley and caught sight of the escaprment topped hill near the start. After a little while I could see the flags, and then, head down for a mini sprint and I was there!

A hot day, a good day, and one for the diary for more than one reason.
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Re: The alternative club run - ToBM

Postby Andrew G » Sun Jul 27, 2008 6:18 pm

Well done ladies, the men obviously don't have your recovery skills as you've nailed them to the reports :D . great report Amy and good to see you're back.
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Re: The alternative club run - ToBM

Postby Keith » Sun Jul 27, 2008 10:47 pm

A great turnout of Addiscombe riders to both the Tour of the Black Mountains sportive yesterday and the Skirrid Mountain Inn afterwards. Some superb scenery in lovely weather and the occassional killer hill made for an excellent ride. The beer afterwards wasn't half bad too!


After a rash of yellow (oops, sorry, gold) jerseys at the start ,it wasn't looking too good for Addiscombe by the top of the first major hill. Carl who'd been putting in some strong turns developed a wonky saddle, equally strong Dan lost his chain.

After the first descent, a group formed including Hal and myself. Initially 4 of us did the work, followed by a band of others. Straight through the 1st feed station and very soon the Addiscombe Express formed. Gradually people dropped off until we were left with just 2 engines and 2 carriages. Hal, me and the 2 British Cycling team members, Jess Allen & Sharon Laws. A pattern formed; Hal & me delivered the girls to the bottom of each hill, they then showed us how to climb them (Sharon, especially, seemed to breeze up without breaking sweat) before we caught them on the descent (If, like Sharon, you were off to Beijing next week, you'd reach for the brakes a bit sooner down every hill!) and we took up the pace once more.

It was great to add Michelle to the Addiscombe Express for a while :D . Eventually half way up the last big climb, my engine developed a bit of a miss, and I dropped behind to slog over the last 10 miles of rolling hills alone (and without water :roll: ).

Thanks Hal, for a great cycle ride.
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Re: The alternative club run - ToBM

Postby Keith » Mon Jul 28, 2008 6:00 am

Pictures from the official photographer are available at the following link: [url][/url]

(The picture on my last post is one of Michelle's.)
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Re: The alternative club run - ToBM

Postby Rob C » Mon Jul 28, 2008 8:54 am

What were poeple's numbers? I was 050.

What a great day out.
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Re: The alternative club run - ToBM

Postby Amy » Mon Jul 28, 2008 9:25 am

303 - omg, I look like I was enjoying myself :shock: :shock: :shock:
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Re: The alternative club run - ToBM

Postby carl f » Mon Jul 28, 2008 11:20 am

no 078,omg i don't!
Having said that,did enjoy it,toughest sportive iv'e done to date.....
Missed the hal and keith super express due to loose saddle at the top of the first climb,but managed to get in a good group of 8 or so of us,including dan and neil,until they all dropped off leaving just the 2nd addiscombe train to grind home
Had a well earned few pints of local sheep dip after in the skirrid arms with a good bunch of agreeables :D

will i go back next year.....probably
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Re: The alternative club run - ToBM

Postby kieran » Mon Jul 28, 2008 11:27 am

number 30

Well, my report:

Got up late Saturday morning so a rush job to get ready, almost forgot the sun cream for my face and neck, but forgot my arms so they’re nice and red now. Rolled over the mat at about 8:08am on my own and headed off at a quick pace as I had seen an ACC jersey fly by on my way to the start line. About 5 miles in I got a rear puncture!!

Luckily I had a spare inner tube, changed and headed off again. Over the course of the next 60 or so miles I caught up with a fair few ACCer’s and joined Adrian and Graham up that little steep hill with the second feed station on top, what a beech with only 39x25 as my granny gear., last time I came up here I had a nice triple chainset. A quick refuel and then off again on my own. During the ride there were a few other cyclists I kept as targets ,a triathlete who kept a good high constant pace, a guy on a white bike with deep rim wheels who was a great descender (no helmet!!), I passed him up hill often only for him to over take on the downhill and then I would try to follow his line. Anyway it was all good fun baking in the heat until the steep twisty descent that ended with a sharp right turn. I went off the road at one point here as the bends were so sharp and I couldn’t kill my speed enough prior to it. Got to the right hand turn only to get my second puncture!!

The wheel rims were roasting as well. Luckily I had a spare inner tube, changed and headed off again. BUT whilst fixing the front wheel I also noticed that since my first puncture about 70 miles or more ago I had left the little lever for loosening the brakes, to allow easy removal of the rear wheel, up so I had had only the front brake to use, no wonder I had found the descents hairy. I turned the lever down and continued on by myself for the rest of the ride and then on the last big climb of the day, doing about 60 rpm (hating it, thinking what am I doing this for!! Push left leg, now the right…), the one with the sharp left turn at the top to take you down, as I was going at high speed I went over the last cattle gird and whatever way my front wheel hit the edge of it I got a front wheel puncture on a high speed descent! My third puncture!!

After a few very scary moments trying to stop the bike and bring it under control I managed to stop. Needed a few moments to get my composure back and then…Luckily I had a spare inner tube, changed and headed off again. My last spare inner tube (see Huw was right, take three just to be sure!) Anyway by this time my descending was not as fearless as before (pity as it was probably one of the nicest descents) and I was also paranoid that I’d get another puncture in the last 15 miles or so, and din’t fancy using patches. Anyway those last 15 miles were pretty hilly and a challenge after the last 100 miles so I was glad to see the finish. I did it in a time of 7 hours 27 minutes, including time for 3 punctures, so I was happy enough but I would have enjoyed the ride more if not for them, as also if I’d remembered to turn that little lever down on the rear brake after fixing the first puncture. Then eat, eat and eat.

The rest of the stay was great, and spent some time with Ed’s family, we even found a stream to go paddling in on Sunday before heading home for the traffic jams on the M4 and London.

Would I do it again? Yes but only if it was dry and only with more suitable gears and better tyres, also my brake and wheel rim combo doesn’t seem great so would experiment with that set up as well. Oh, for others thinking about it next year, there is not too many steep climbs but lots of long drags!
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Re: The alternative club run - ToBM

Postby Michelle » Mon Jul 28, 2008 11:43 am

Good write up Keiran, you had a bitch of a day. Better than trying to repair the little blighters in the wet though. I thought you would have run out after 2 - that's all I ever carry.

I was 144 - lots and lots and lots and lots of tongue out photo comp entries!!!!!!!!!!!!! :!:
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Re: The alternative club run - ToBM

Postby kieran » Mon Jul 28, 2008 12:53 pm

I see the results are up, are the first 2 times correct???

Richy Cook 5:09 = 22.3 mph or 36kph !!!!
John Rushton 5:25

the next rider is in at 6:08 = 18.75 mph
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Re: The alternative club run - ToBM

Postby Andrew G » Mon Jul 28, 2008 2:10 pm

I thought this was meant to be a hard ride, far too many smiles.

Michelle, you are shameless - Poor Phil waits about in the sun all day taking photos and look what greets him. 144E-BM1.jpg and 144J-BM1.jpg are :lol: .
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Re: The alternative club run - ToBM

Postby adrian » Mon Jul 28, 2008 6:28 pm

I was 009. The photographer seems to have confused me with an MTBer who looks like Victor Meldrew. The second one of me is a modest entry for the 'tongue oot' competition.

Phwoar, what a day it was! Report to follow.
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Re: The alternative club run - ToBM

Postby Toks » Mon Jul 28, 2008 7:29 pm

[quote="kieran"]I see the results are up, are the first 2 times correct???

Richy Cook 5:09 = 22.3 mph or 36kph !!!!
John Rushton 5:25

the next rider is in at 6:08 = 18.75 mph
Wow those times are insanely fast. John Rushton is a local VET rider who features in the Welsh Nationals. Do you think they were part of a bigger group that never registered? The 5.09 time would be good going on flat roads on a roadbike by yourself let along climbing hills
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