Sunday Ride - 3rd August

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Re: Sunday Ride - 3rd August

Postby Andrew G » Sat Aug 02, 2008 11:17 am

Forecast is saying poss the odd light shower so I'll be at GBs at 9, just bring a rain jacket just in case.
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Re: Sunday Ride - 3rd August

Postby Dombo » Sat Aug 02, 2008 11:49 am

may join you. if so I'll be there b4 9 and waiting.
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Re: Sunday Ride - 3rd August

Postby Snoop Doug » Sun Aug 03, 2008 12:03 pm

Turned up ready to go. First social ride for yonks. Turns out I wasn't feeling too sociable :( . Tail end of cold plus humid breezy morning = turn back for home quite soon. Got home with a measly 17 miles in an hour 15. Hope the rest of the group had a great time.

Snoop Doug

Re: Sunday Ride - 3rd August

Postby Andrew G » Sun Aug 03, 2008 5:50 pm

[quote="Snoop Doug"]Hope the rest of the group had a great time.

Well it was interesting.

Blimey about 20 people were at GBs!!! We had a nice social run up through Selsdon and the lanes (saying ta ta to Snoop - you did sound snotty) before dropping down Hessiers and up the long drag of Beddlestead to come out opposite the Bec CC hill climb venue. Amy said she wasn't feeling too great today so looped back here.

Then we dropped down Botley and then along Pilgrims Way. Once out the other side we headed over to Polhill.

Just after the roundabout at Star Hill I was up the front as we run in to the base of Polhill. Then there was a shout to stop from behind so everyone stopped. Chute!

Unfortunately a chap, whose name unfortunately escapes me, who'd come out with Monica had had a touch of bars with Rob and gone down. It all happened behind me but from what I can gather they were just riding along chatting, must have been a slight drift and the bars touched. Just one of those things and normally if it happens you just gently bump hands or shoulders, unfortunately the bars got hooked and he got unceremoniously dumped to the floor.

One finger was a funny shape so probably broken, other than that just a few scuffs to knees and elbows. Had a bit of shock so we called an ambulance and waited. A bit of a faff to tell them where we were as I know all the roads and where they go but not always what they are called. Farnborough Hospital is only round the corner though so the big yellow and orange bus was very quick arriving, and they then took him back to the hospital for a check over.

The bike - what do we do with it? Rob had the good idea of splitting it up so we removed the wheels and bottle cage. Then Rob slung the frame over his shoulder and Monica took the front wheel and I grabbed the rear one. We had to have a stop later to tie the bars to the top tube with an inner tube as they were getting in Rob's way but other than that if you need to get a fallen rider's bike home that's how you do it.

The ride was now sort of aborted but Jon said he knew how to get back from there via Star hill so was going to lead everyone back that way. Just as everyone was leaving Sam had a repeat of his chain over the top sprocket problem. Boy it was a good one and jammed right in behind the sprocket up hard against the hub. I gave it a quick yank about but it wasn't a quick shift so left the others to it as we had a bike to get back. BTW Jon it looked to me like the rear mech stop wasn't adjusted correctly so it was overshifting so you just need to adjust those and it should be fine in the future.

Rob, Monica, and I set off leaving the others to the mechanical as we'd have a slow ride back with bit bits. I'd tried calling my Dad for a pick up but there was no answer at the time. We made our slow and steady way back along Pilgrims Way where fortunately my phone rang as we reached the end. Hurray Dad was back so I asked if he could come and collect the bike and save us riding / carrying it up Botley.

Rob and Monica set off up Botley for home and I waited for the team car. Back home and a cuppa was called for I think by now. Thanks to Rob for taking the frame as even though it was a nice light one it would have got pretty heavy on a shoulder very quickly, the wheel certainly didn't get any lighter.

Hope everyone got back okay, eventually. Shame it all went a bit pear shaped but these things happen, can't be helped. Next time you come out with me no playing silly buggers please :D . Oh and keep your bikes clean, my hands were filthy by the time I got home :roll: .

Let us know how everything is Monica. He looked okay, just a bit shocked and then the adrenaline overload, probably a few sore bits, notably shoulder I'd guess, tomorrow.
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Re: Sunday Ride - 3rd August

Postby Antloony » Sun Aug 03, 2008 6:13 pm

Good write up Andrew. It really was like Carry On Cycling out there today.

Sams bike was going no where, despite many attempts to free the chain we had to give up. Locky, Sylv, Mark? and John Avery left Jon and Sam, Jon was going to leave Sam somewhere safe and then ride back to fetch his car.

Comedy moment of the day, watching Mr Avery topple over onto the grass verge when forgetting to unclip, one minute he was thewre, next he was gone.

Hope Mr X (cant remember his name either sorry) is ok, his helmet had a lovely split in it, no wonder he was complaining of dizzy spells, a real reminder that its always worth wearing a helmet.

Ride back for us 5 was thankfully uneventful, saw Marco and gave him a shout as we steamed into Croydon giving at a fair pace.

Not the best days cycling Ive ever had but certainly different.
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Re: Sunday Ride - 3rd August

Postby Jon C C on a Bianchi » Sun Aug 03, 2008 6:42 pm


I hope the bloke who crashed (Barry?? Baz??) is OK. It could have been so much worse - he ended up over the other side of the road - thank *#*@* there wasn't a car coming the other way. The helmet was pretty wrecked and certainly saved him from worse injury. An accident out of nothing. I was riding behind. Straight road. Good surface. He appeared to lose it momentarily, swerved into Rob, tried to correct, hit and appeared to go off almost sideways. :shock:


Thanks to everyone who tried to shift Sam's chain, absolutely stuck solid. What a carry on! :lol:


we starting walking, stopped a cyclist who told us that there was a station at Dunton Green about a mile away. Started raining. A sorry sight - carrying the wheel and frame. Really nice bloke stopped his van. A cyclist who had a BIanchi in the back! A couple of minutes later there were three Bianchis in the back and we were being dropped off at Dunton Green station. Yippee!! We were home at 1. 35. :D

Removed the cassette but unsurprisingly given the fact that it was wrapped around a crash barrier and wrenched repeatedly by Addiscombe's finest the chain's slightly mangled and needs replacing.

An interesting ride. Let's do it again next week.


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Re: Sunday Ride - 3rd August

Postby Andrew G » Sun Aug 03, 2008 6:58 pm

[quote]Let's do it again next week

10.30am at the bottom of Polhill to continue where we left off :lol:

Barry, that's it - I think.
[quote]The helmet was pretty wrecked

Helmets always look a sorry sight after even a fairly small impact as they are designed to break up to absorb the impact so they look worse than is sometimes the case.

You need to adjust the cage stops Jon to stop ot happening again, and get Sam to clean his cassette and chain :lol: . Silly question but it's not a 10 speed shifter with a 9 speed mech is it?
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Re: Sunday Ride - 3rd August

Postby Dombo » Sun Aug 03, 2008 7:23 pm

Great ride, thanks for organising Mr :mrgreen:

Once Barry was safely in the ambulance and we'd stripped his bike :lol: four of us set off up Star Hill and back to Croydon. Met a couple of mtb-ers at the top who were training for a Crystal Palace - Reims charity ride and stopped for a chat. While chatting, some c*** in a silver car deliberately passed too close and smacked me in the a*** with his door mirror, which luckily was sprung and came off. No real harm done, Pyrenean adventure last month having numbed said organ. He didn't stop but I then found his mirror lying in the road and did a Basil Fawlty on it, jumping up and down on it until it shattered, in case he returned to find it :twisted:

Childishness over, three of us (not sure where our fourth got to) then returned to Croydon via Bromley road without further mishap. Stiff headwind along the A23 slowed things down a bit, (wondered how I'd averaged 27mph from Coulsdon to GBs earlier) but all told a great day out.
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Re: Sunday Ride - 3rd August

Postby Jon C C on a Bianchi » Sun Aug 03, 2008 7:58 pm

[quote="Andrew G"][quote]

You need to adjust the cage stops Jon to stop ot happening again, and get Sam to clean his cassette and chain :lol: . Silly question but it's not a 10 speed shifter with a 9 speed mech is it?

Ok - I've turned the screw until he can't get the biggest sprocket. Then I turned it back a half turn so that he can now get the biggest sprocket. Really don't know what more i can do - it's the limit of my bike knowledge!!. It's 9 speed shifter and mech - but worth asking the question. :D

I don't know what to do about Sam and his filthy chain :? . He cleaned it all off yesterday. I checked and he made a pretty good job of it. I think it must be the lubricant. We tend to give it a good spray of GT85 or similar. Probably the wrong thing to do. What do you use? :?:

BTW Andrew forgot to say - really great ride until the crash - thanks for organising it. We're out for a ride most Sunday mornings so anytime your up for it well be there.


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Re: Sunday Ride - 3rd August

Postby Marky Mark » Sun Aug 03, 2008 8:56 pm

Bloody hell fire, It sounds like I was the only one not have an accident this weekend. I've ben out on the mountain bike death run again and survived.

Hope all turns out for the best, any news on the broken one?
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Re: Sunday Ride - 3rd August

Postby Marek » Sun Aug 03, 2008 9:00 pm

I presume GT85 is something similar to WD40 and is a degreaser. This is meant for taking grease off. So use this to clean the chain, then use water to clean the GT85 stuff off, as you do actually want a bit of lube on the chain. Once this GT85 stuff is off dry the chain and then put on something like a dry wax lubricant, White Lighting or something similar. Just put a drop on each link. Your chain will stay a hell of a lot cleaner, I clean my chain and lube after every 200 miles or so.

Sounds like your adjustments should do the trick.


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Re: Sunday Ride - 3rd August

Postby Andrew G » Sun Aug 03, 2008 9:43 pm

As Marek says it's a dry wax lube you want. Finish Line is another one and both that and White Lightening are good, some shops sell one others t'other. They'll probably tell you which one is better depending on which one they stock :lol: .
[quote]I don't know what to do about Sam and his filthy chain

Just Sam's? Is your one a vision of cleanliness then :lol: .
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Re: Sunday Ride - 3rd August

Postby Jon C C on a Bianchi » Mon Aug 04, 2008 7:41 am

[quote="Andrew G"]
Just Sam's? Is your one a vision of cleanliness then :lol: .

:lol: :lol: :lol:

:oops: well, it's never quite as bad - I clean my chain more often and more thoroughly - it's an age thing. :D

GT85 - THE lubricant, penetrator and water displacer (as it says on the tin) - as recommended by GBs!! w*@#kers! :D

will give your technique a go

thanks Andrew, Marek

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Re: Sunday Ride - 3rd August

Postby Snoop Doug » Mon Aug 04, 2008 9:18 am

[quote="Andrew G"]Silly question but it's not a 10 speed shifter with a 9 speed mech is it?

It'd better not be. I've patented that particular piece of stupidity, my lawyers'll be in touch


PS - nothing personal folks but boy, am I glad I bailed when I did :shock: . Do hope all bikes and limbs, brains etc are all in fine working order - what a ride.
Snoop Doug

Re: Sunday Ride - 3rd August

Postby jon avery » Mon Aug 04, 2008 11:01 am

How is the guy who fell off? I've seen him before but dont know the name.
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