Club Run - 9th Aug

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Club Run - 9th Aug

Postby Keith » Sat Aug 09, 2008 2:32 pm

The Shadow managed to stay upright at CSS, and nobody fell off before the cafe, so a good day :D .

The combination of a wide range of abilities plus a severe headwind meant the the B Training Group got strung out at times. A couple of regroupings before smooth through-and-off on the dual carriageway.

With rainclouds looming, not too many takers for Box Hill. Michelle and I managed to make it home before the proper rain started.
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Re: Club Run - 9th Aug

Postby Andrew G » Sun Aug 10, 2008 9:28 am

Nice head wind on the way out wasn't it :D . Took a group on the Box Hill reverse (Chipstead Valley) way out which I like as it's a nice route. I think it caught a few out with how much tougher it is than the normal run with the long drags and couple of short steep hills - that's why it's so quick coming back that way folks, it's not just that you always have great legs :lol: .

Was going to go back via Box Hill and possibly a few extra miles but the sky looked a bit murky so headed back the short way. Sure enough the rain came, but a jacket donning at the church made sure it was fine and avoided getting a wet bum.

All in a nice spin (kept the gears low).
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Re: Club Run - 9th Aug

Postby Antloony » Sun Aug 10, 2008 12:05 pm

Well was brave again this week (or stupid) and took up the challenge to go with the A training group, I thought this 'could be a bad idea' as George rolled up on his TT bike. Man he was a monster, just spent nearly all the time at the front with me sat at the back hanging on for dear life. My legs finally gave up when the road suddenly went up at 17% and Stu and co attacked. I just haven't got the power to follow. Steve B was riding really well again, he just seems to be getting stronger and stronger.

I tried in vain to get back on, kept them in my sights for a few K's but gave up at Rusper where I sat up and waited for the B group. Kieth came along 1st so I tagged on and waited for the rest of the group to join us, there had been quite a big split, I guess some finding a bit hard with the wind blowing.

Thru and off went well, nice and smooth.

Heading for the sprint I did a turn on the front before being eaten up by Kieth and A.N Other (sorry, forgot name, should know by now as Ive partnered you up BH a few times now :oops: ) Alan also came past me so I took a breather on his wheel before going again. By now Kieth had quite a lead and looked back to see where everyone else was. I took this as my queue to just go for it and I quickly closed in on him at a far rate of speed, the old sprint still working well. I just missed timed it as he pipped me for the line, good fun though.

Gave BH a miss this week for the same reasons as Mr :mrgreen: . I wanted to get home before the rain, didn't quite make it though.

Felt better this week than last. I'll keep at it, diving in with the A training group, cant do me any harm I guess. I accept I'll more than likely get dropped a few more times but I dont let that get me down, I just keep pushing and one day I'll make it, its never going to be easy though but if feel that if you dont push yourself you'll never know how good you can get.
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Re: Club Run - 9th Aug

Postby Alan M » Sun Aug 10, 2008 12:07 pm

[quote]The combination of a wide range of abilities plus a severe headwind meant the the B Training Group got strung out at times.

That would probably include me then - a step up in pace from the 'comfortable' 19s. The run out via Farthing Downs was a bit of a shock to my slow to adapt heart and lungs, meaning I quickly fell off the back and was pleased for the eventual regrouping. After that, mostly by hiding at the back, I was able to handle the pace and usually respond to Keith's injections of pace. The dual carriageway was very controlled and moderately fast. Into the lanes the pace stepped up and a gap opened in front of Anthony, and by the time I got round him it had all gone away from me so I sat up as we approached the final bend. Still, I felt quite pleased with the effort. I mainly cruised my way home amidst burnt out vehicles and traffic queues and then, like Nicole, got a bit wet! 8)
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Re: Club Run - 9th Aug

Postby mlocke » Sun Aug 10, 2008 1:09 pm

Morning All

Having not ridden since last Sunday was thinking the legs could go either way, fortunately once under way they were feeling pretty good and by the time I got to CSS had all but decided the B training was the order of the day.

Set off via farthing?? and I must say that I prefer this way out as it's much harder and your in the lanes much sooner. Added to this the fact that you miss out the holey DC most of which is spent freewheeling (unless your at the front) and I think that some groups should go via this way more often????

I have to agree with Alan that the start is a bit of a shock to the system and the group was being split left right and centre, coming up towards the end Keith and AN other managed to get away after which a full regroup occurred.

Soon we were onto the steps and Keith got to the fron and upped the pace. Again the group fractured but I was feeling pretty good and decided to go after him. Once on his wheel had a little rest and was tempted to attack but decided to wait till the last lump. The pace was still really high and was painful just holding onto Keiths wheel but decided to go for it and knocked it up a few geers and accelerated. Keith reacted immediately and i think we were both now clear of everyone else. This mini battle went on till the top after which Keith told me he was taking it easy today (or supposed to be!!)

The group then continued on reasonably smoothly but the pain in my hip by this time had really began nagging. Trying my best to ignore this I carried on and managed to be first to the top of one more lump in the road.

Just before you turn left to do the short one I decided that my hip hurt too much and slowed leaving the group to go forth without me :(

once temted by the short one but saw Kasper just ahead who couldn't hold onto the Training group and we decided to wat for the next group to do the T&O and contest a sprint.

The T&O with the 19's was OK. There were a number of new to the T&O ers and it was a reasonably large groups which made it a little ragged but very easy as it seemed to take ages for your turn to come.

Coming into the sprint I told the newish guys how far out we were. Not because I was being nice but because I wanted them to led me out.

My plan duly paid of and in the end I won relatively easily, or atleast more so than I thought I would as some of the guuys looked like they would be pretty strong :)

Ride back was the eventful quick route.

Started off nice and steady sat behind Steve & Allen. When Shaun went and Steve chased I went too with Jon. Came past Steve who said his legs were dead and Jon and I had a gap. The out of nowhere over the golf course Steve came flying past (Sandbagger!!)

The all the traffic happened after which the hammer was put down by steve and we were all flying at over 30mph again.

Overall a good ride and just a bit annoyed about the hip still!!

On that note I went for the x-ray results on Friday (my birthday) and was told that they take 3 weeks!!! not 7-10 days as the hospital told me!!

I am limping a little bit today :(

Cheers guys an see you next w'kkend.

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Re: Club Run - 9th Aug

Postby Sylv » Sun Aug 10, 2008 3:38 pm

Rather stupidly on Friday I completely changed my TT position set-up, extensions and saddle, without even trying it out. It felt horrible on the way to CSS so I had to put it back to what it was before on the go, missing the first few groups leaving, the earliest I could follow was the 18s. The position still wasn't great, so I soon rolled off and re-adjusted, and was happy enough to be solo-ing my way to Charlwood.

Up the climb near the posh estate detour route though, came across two guys stopped, one with his chain jammed into the spokes behind the cassette, stuck behind the pins - oh no I thought, exactly like the other week. One guy was pulling on it all he could, and I was about to tell them that nothing we tried could unstuck the chain last week, but miraculously he managed it while both of us others were holding the bike. They'd never done the clubrun and didn't know the route, so I said I'd wait for them.

I was going to take them the usual way (in reverse) but we came across another group (19s I think) at a junction, so we followed them down a great alternative route, missing out going down Box Hill. Got talking TT position with Mark Mc and a grand vet doing Ironman races. Last few miles I put the hammer down on my own, well I thought I was alone until Mark pipped me to the sprint line by surprise, coming out of nowhere while I was just pootling about before the café stop :lol:

No cake left there so just had time to down a Coke and quick chat before we were off again, which actually was quite good timing - I always have a hard time warming up again after a long stop. I accepted the invite for Box Hill, with George Stu and Paul H. We had a decent tail wind, and it was quite funny at times, as George and I with our aerodynamic advantadge, were able to pull long strong turns at the front, so by the end of them we'd slowed down a bit and Paul or Stu would have had a good rest, and come flying past, but the speed was still above what they could maintain for a few seconds, so it would slow down a fair bit almost as soon as they hit the front :lol:

Up Box though and Paul and Stu were left to battle it alone, George had a cramp early and I gave up the chase halfway between the last two hairpins (my excuse is that I can't really get out of the saddle with my TT extensions poking behind the stem into my knees). Both Stu and I managed to stay upright on those tight wet corners. We'd picked up Ben and another guy before the climb, Ben carried on while we were resting, and I was having some much needed date cake.

Forgot to mention we were pretty soaked by then, but it seemed only I had read the weather forecast - I'd brought gilet, armwarmers and shoe covers, so was ok. Good ride back from there, at times it was indeed like being motor-paced when George hit the front. And he was so tucked in you really had to be right on his wheel to benefit from any draft at all. I had two computers on, but neither was set up properly so no idea of the average speed :lol: Think George said it was 23.8 from the caf' to the big roundabout before Kingswood.
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Re: Club Run - 9th Aug

Postby Marky Mark » Sun Aug 10, 2008 7:43 pm

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm the smell of burnt Robin, like the good old days with a post-match barby, I did feel sorry for the old couple who tried to finish off the burgers and shish kebabs, the fire brigade have so much to answer for!!!! :wink:

The 15's mash up 8)

Lead by Amy the human Satnav..... !!!, don't be fooled by her navigational skills, no maps, no sign posts, etc, etc, makes you think doesn't it? I've now sussed it, she will wear a neatly disguised rucksack which hides a transponder linked to So much for knowing where you're going hey, wink wink. :wink: :wink: :wink:

THANK YOU Amy for taking us on a 'NON' hilly 50 route, the only one hill you promised us with hand on your heart and without fingers crossed was going to be going into the Farthing Downs, straight through the other side and into our lovely Surrey countryside, but you did add that it would include the odd up and down!!!!!. Our John the old'n was confused by the hilly 50 to follow :shock: , luckily the rest of us had faith in Amy the mountain goat, even the human ear bud could cut the mustard and keep up, even though we couldn't quiet manage the advertised 15, hope we can do it again next time but faster.

The fit looking mountain biker who joined us had a couple of moments trying to cut the mustard, but in his defence he did phone Butlers half way through the ride to trade his bike in for a road bike, fair play to the man for giving it his all to keep up with us elite Olympic champions.

'Ear bud' the Surrey under 14's world champion did another solid ride, just when you underestimate a rider and try to hold back to make it easy for him. I decided to make him team leader by calling rotate and put him into his first ever lead role position. You could knocked me down with a feather, he stunned me and Bald-Rick by jumping out of his saddle and execrating up to 25 MPH like a bat out hell, bloody good effort but it did leave him on an empty tank a mile later, once again Ahhhhhhhh bless, energy gel and bar then took him all the way home. Well done Ear-bud, and George you have a potential challenger to your title of time trial king. The pot hole that blew his hopes of getting cake did put a mini damper on things but an Agreeable effort kept him going to get to the cafe.

Nice to have a different CR even though it seemed like a sportive it took in some nice flowing roads and hills, be rude for all of you no to try it.

'All in all' it was another Agreeable ride, good group with the odd giggle. We even went to the shooting of the Pims advert. Party promo tent with the hills singing to tune of 'Prince Charmin!'. I couldn't resist that one. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Nice to see the Anger management classes have worked for Rick, he even asked me if I'd like to shout at the angry horny driver, thanks, but no thanks! :oops:

Brighton here we come :D
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Re: Club Run - 9th Aug

Postby Amy » Sun Aug 10, 2008 8:09 pm

[quote]a 'NON' hilly 50 route, the only one hill you promised us with hand on your heart and without fingers crossed was going to be going into the Farthing Downs

Oh come on - it was the only hill worth mentioning! And look at all the downhills you got - that nice drop from Bletchingley (Michelle' postcard view) is the END of the timetrial course favoured by the Norwood Paragon. The finish is just outside the village and you have to climb that evil hill...

Mind you that rendition of 'Prince Charming'....

Marky Mark, you may also like to know that, just outside Salfords, you can see the property some farmer built for himself and hid behind bails of straw, thinking that he could get round the planning law :roll:
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Re: Club Run - 9th Aug

Postby Andrew G » Sun Aug 10, 2008 9:34 pm

[quote="Amy"]that nice drop from Bletchingley (Michelle' postcard view) is the END of the timetrial course favoured by the Norwood Paragon. The finish is just outside the village and you have to climb that evil hill...

Do the Southern Counties early season 21 next year Mark and you can go up it twice :D .
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Re: Club Run - 9th Aug

Postby Paul on the Pearson » Mon Aug 11, 2008 2:04 pm

Out with the B training group again this week. I prefered the new route over Farthing Downs, better than the usual grind up the dual carridge way, but for those that hadnt had the luxury of a warm up and even for those that had it was certaintly a shock to the system. I'd forgotten what an uphill drag it is. Basically I had a great ride untill the bit after you come off the dual carridge way on the through and off and go by the airport over on your right, where I always seem to run out of steam. But all in all pretty pleased with the ride. Its official. Shaving your legs and wearing pink definately makes you faster!
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Re: Club Run - 9th Aug

Postby Amy » Mon Aug 11, 2008 2:48 pm

[quote="Marky Mark"]Lead by Amy the human Satnav..... !!!, don't be fooled by her navigational skills, no maps, no sign posts, etc, etc, makes you think doesn't it? I've now sussed it, she will wear a neatly disguised rucksack which hides a transponder linked to So much for knowing where you're going hey, wink wink. :wink: :wink: :wink:

I really must let you in on a secret - it's called a map. You mark the route out on the map and then memorise it (it helps that I already know the roads - it's just connecting them altogether). Other people are much better at putting rides together with out having to refer to a map - I should be better, considering I've been riding most of these roads all my cycling life (now when did I start riding tandem with my father?)

[quote="Paul on the Pearson"]wearing pink definately makes you faster!

Ah yes, Ant and I were discussing your sartorial apparel at the start.... don't get started on the spelling :lol:
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