Addiscombe in the NYC Marathon this Sunday

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Addiscombe in the NYC Marathon this Sunday

Postby the other Steve Dennis » Thu Nov 04, 2004 3:20 pm

Just maybe some tv coverage somwhere will reveal a pair of Addiscombe shoulders from under an official Marathon vest during the race.

Ok so I haven't suddenly sprouted running legs.

Sarah and I have both volunteered to be cycle escorts for the elite wheelchair and handchair athletes at this Sunday's New York Marathon.

We basically have no idea what this involves. Looks like we will be sent off one at a time in front of athletes in order to point out the many road defects and to warn crossing pedestrians. The wheelchair/handchair race starts before the runners and the winners complete the course in 90 mins (18mph) the slower competitors in 3 hours.

So we get to ride through the city on closed roads with the support of thousands of cheers etc (too early for the millions of supporters to be out).

Its gonna be great.

Keep a beady eye open.

How you doin'
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the other Steve Dennis
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