Sunday's Brighton Ride

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Sunday's Brighton Ride

Postby Tamar » Mon Nov 08, 2004 10:25 am

Five of us took advantage of the well-signed London to Brighton Veteran Car Run yesterday. Myself, Richard from Coulsdon, Ben from Wimbledon (who has yet to make it on a Saturday ride due to his habitual post-Friday hangover), Yannick from Mauritius, and our esteemed leader, Paul Tunnel. Paul overslept and had to be driven to meet us by his wife Ruth, who sadly could not be persuaded to accompany us with tea and sandwiches.

Anyhow, the weather was mild and windless and we made such good progress that we soon overtook most of the cars and ended up cycling the majority of the way on our own?which hadn?t quite been the plan. We rode from Coulsdon and through Redhill slipstreaming some lovely old open top thing with wicker baskets strapped to the side and a row of brass valves along the back that looked like they?d been nicked from a tuba. Tapping along in its wake at about 20mph was v pleasant. But then as soon as it hit a hill it slowed even more than Paul and we gleefully cruised past it.

Much fun was had waving at the spectators, who of course were there to see the cars and looked perplexed as five cyclists waved and grinned. Ron Halfacre gave us a cheery wave though and a few guys yelled ?Allez!? as we overtook crawling cars.

Got to Brighton before midday and sat next to the Bianchi-green railings eating sausage sandwiches and watching the old cars roll in. We disappointed some small children who mistook my lycra for a wetsuit and were distinctly unimpressed when I explained I wasn?t diving but cycling.

Yannick seemed rather crestfallen that our route hadn?t taken in Ditchling Beacon ? those old cars would never have made it ? so Paul took us back via Devil?s Dyke and on up a few more drags. Ben and Yannick provided the entertainment with an Armstrong/Ullrich style battle. Ben ticked along effortlessly, sitting back in the saddle with his baggy combats falling half-way down his slim-line behind and an air of careless ease. Yannick, on the other hand, was out the saddle, rocking from side to side, and grimly trying to get past.

Back on the flat roads again Paul took the helm. Legs turning with metronome regularity he set the dial for 23mph and kept on going, and going, and going. Fantastic! Naturally I would have done my turn at the front if only I could have found the strength to get up there.

So we all tucked in and let our leader pull us back to Redhill, where unfortunately Yannick?s hill climb exertions caught up with him and he bonked big style. Paul pushed him up Merstham drag and we eventually stopped in Croydon for a well-earned chocolate bar.

Thanks guys for a fantastic day out.
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Postby Snoop Doug » Mon Nov 08, 2004 9:34 pm

Sounds like a most excellent day out. A well written evocative summary - I can smell the sausages and the chocolate, although not both at once. That wouldn't be nice.

Snoop :mrgreen:
Snoop Doug

Postby Ben C » Fri Nov 12, 2004 5:24 pm

Was a nice ride.

I've decided to lay off the beers and try to do some more 'ticking along effortlessly with an air of careless ease' tomorrow on the ride.

Obviously I'll make up for it by drinking double on Sat night.
Ben C
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