Palace Aug 26th - Heeeeeeellllllpppp

Are you thinking about starting racing? Ask about future events in here, find out what you can expect at them and who else is going so you can scrounge a lift off someone rather than riding the 30 miles to get there yourself!

Palace Aug 26th - Heeeeeeellllllpppp

Postby Snoop Doug » Mon Aug 25, 2008 10:32 am


Long story short - comunication cock up means the powers that be think ACC are marshalling tomorrow @ CP. I'm just back from me hols today and found out. Last weeks race didn't happen so the organiser is asking last weeks folks to come back but I think we could be short of about 5 people (roughly). If anyone can be there tomorrow to marshal that would be great. Other wise the organiser will ask riders to withdraw to help and if that don't work - no one is going racing :( . Will post this in general section too.

Cheers - Snoop - megajetlagboy....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Snoop Doug

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