greetings from the north

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greetings from the north

Postby Rory » Fri Nov 05, 2004 12:39 pm

how do? Things are going well up here. Unemployed but making the most of my spare time by getting out on the bike.

Joined the Lakes Road club which has a good mixture of roadies and mountain bikers. The club runs are tue, thur, sat and sun and so far the turn out has been good - 16 were out yesterday, 6 on tue and 20 on sat. With a lot of bike friendly cafes around then the routes are always varied but you can always guarantee a few big hills.

Trying not to neglect the mountain bike too much so I did a night ride with Biketreks and had a bruising encounter with some rocks. Combining rusty off-road skills, wet roots and fading lights, then crashing is inevitable.

Hope the weather is good down there because it certainly isn't up here.
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Postby Elliot M » Fri Nov 05, 2004 2:00 pm

Hi there Rory, hope all is going OK

I bet you're missing the burnt out cars and household detritus of the Croydon trails up there. Myself I am having a Ullrich style cake eating and booze drinking close season at the moment...!

I need to send you a gazette - cos you're on the cover!

Are you looking for design type work up there?
Elliot M
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Postby Rory » Sat Nov 06, 2004 11:38 am

Yeah, I'm really missing tampax alley.
If you could send the gazette to then that'll be very agreeable.
Design work is a bit thin on the ground. I've got freelance work with a designer in Kendal and an interview with a printer in Barrow. Both start dates are mid December so I might have to sign-on until then. Plenty of time for long winter rides.
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Postby Grahame » Mon Nov 15, 2004 5:03 pm

Hiya Rory,
I'm going to be up in t'lakes next weekend 20/21/22 November with a few mates. Fancy going out for a ride?
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Postby Rory » Wed Nov 17, 2004 1:25 am

Alright, Grahame, how's Greenwich treating you?
This weekend could be tight. I might be going up to Mabie - there are a few mtbers going up for the weekend but I was planning to beg a lift and get back for saturday. If you can be arsed to drive any further north then you are more than welcome to join us.
Where in the lakes are you planning on riding?
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Postby Grahame » Wed Nov 17, 2004 11:23 am

We'll be based in Windermere YHA.
Short ride Saturday afternoon (dependent on getting there on time, aiming for a 1:30pm set-off from the hostel)
All day ride on Sunday, leaving Windermere YHA at 9:30am (ish - faff dependent) - will be a long one, emergency lights recommended, apparently.
Monday shortish ride in the morning before driving home in the afternoon.
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Postby Rory » Wed Nov 17, 2004 3:20 pm

I'll get back to you on friday if I can make it.
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Postby Rory » Fri Nov 19, 2004 2:22 pm

Grahame email me your mobile and I'll ring you over the weekend. My rear brake lever died last night whilst on a night ride so I'm off to wheelbase to pick up a new one. Hope to get it fixed tonight - if not then it'll be road bike this weekend. Scotland is looking unlikely with this mechanical problem and not being able to contact the man and his van for a lift. If I do go off-road I'll probably do a local ride (walna scar - grizedale) tomorrow and then try and meet up with you on sunday.
If I don't see you then have a good time. Snow on the tops so wrap up warm.
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Postby Elliot M » Fri Nov 19, 2004 2:58 pm

[quote]local ride (walna scar - grizedale)

lucky b*gger

where exactly are you living then?
Elliot M
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Postby Rory » Sat Nov 20, 2004 10:00 pm

ulverston, but my bike is stored at my mum's - greenodd.
from greenodd it's about three miles to the bottom of lake coniston. today was pretty much a walk up the top section of walna because of snow but most of it had melted on the other side so the run into coniston was top-notch.
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