ACC Members only Road Race CHAMPIONSHIPS

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Re: Addiscombe 2008 Members Only Road Race

Postby Andrew G » Wed Sep 03, 2008 9:00 pm

Nice try Ant but you go in the A race without a shadow of doubt. You sandbagged for months through the various speed groups in the CR, you can't try and go back now :D . Getting you arse kicked by Marek and co will be good for you, it's character building. :twisted:
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Re: Addiscombe 2008 Members Only Road Race

Postby Keith » Wed Sep 03, 2008 9:16 pm

So, from those who've posted, the start list is:

Andy E

Toks? (You haven't said whether you're racing.)
Paul H?

Add your name to the list if you're intending to race.

I'll leave it to Guru P's Official Sorting Hat to put us in the appropriate event.
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Re: Addiscombe 2008 Members Only Road Race

Postby Grahame » Wed Sep 03, 2008 9:47 pm

I will not be pleading my case to be allowed into the "B" race, for three reasons:

1 - I know any appeal will fall on deaf ears
2 - It would be good for me to get my legs ripped off in the chasedown of Marek's suicidal 1st lap attack :wink:
3 - I'll be up in Yorkshire at my dad's 70th birthday celebrations that weekend.
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Re: Addiscombe 2008 Members Only Road Race

Postby mlocke » Wed Sep 03, 2008 10:08 pm

Me added if my hip is OK

[size=150]First Race Starts 10am[/size]

Newbies, non fast group club riders, women and Inexperienced 4th Cats


[size=150]2nd Race: Starts 11am[/size]

Fastish peeps,Training Group, 3rd Cats and 2nd cats

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Re: Addiscombe 2008 Members Only Road Race

Postby Antloony » Wed Sep 03, 2008 10:22 pm

Scrub my name then, Im not even going to attempt to race with a load of E1,2's plus 3rds who are bordering on becoming 2's when I cant even get a point in a cat 4 race. I'm all for a bit of heathly competition but this ain't going to do my health any good :D
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Re: Addiscombe 2008 Members Only Road Race

Postby Toks » Wed Sep 03, 2008 11:46 pm

[quote="Antloony"]Scrub my name then, Im not even going to attempt to race with a load of E1,2's plus 3rds who are bordering on becoming 2's when I cant even get a point in a cat 4 race. I'm all for a bit of heathly competition but this ain't going to do my health any good :D
There's no elites or first cats racing Anthony. Sorry I thought you'd made several sccessful training group trips. There's no need to pull out you can ride in the B group :D :D
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Re: Addiscombe 2008 Members Only Road Race

Postby Michelle » Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:44 am

No way!

Don't believe his sandbagging Toks, he is a really strong rider. He has been in the A training group a number of times - yes, although dropped like he says, but the B training group is now too slow for him, and in a couple of weeks he will be haning on in there in the A's.

Ant belongs in the A race. For a number of reasons.

1. He is way too stong for the B's it will just be unfair.
2. He will learn loads more from going in the A's.
3. He is just covering his light with a bushel, in order to win prizes like out of date Go bars (who wouldn't :shock:).

Come on Ant, have some belief in yourself! The B's last year was like an 18's club run. You know you are way faster than that.
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Re: Addiscombe 2008 Members Only Road Race

Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:49 am

[quote="-Adam-"][quote="Toks"]Paul are we letting 2nd claimers race but not claim prizes?

Yes Paul, I asked weeks ago...? Last year there were even non-members allowed to race...

I know - I have asked the powers the be and awaiting reply.

BTW if we can let 2nd claim members ride, then I see no reason why they can't take prizes as the club rules are:
"They are not eligible to win trophies and cannot compete in the name of the club in open or semi-open events", just not eligible for trophies.
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Re: Addiscombe 2008 Members Only Road Race

Postby Andrew G » Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:04 am

[quote="Michelle"]Come on Ant, have some belief in yourself! The B's last year was like an 18's club run. You know you are way faster than that.

He's not hidding his light or being modest Michelle....

[size=200]He's just sandbagging as usual![/size]

Looking at the list so far Ant it'll be easy for you -
Sylv's knee's are playing him up
Stu hasn't been racing as much lately
George has been TT-ing not road racing
Hal is probably winning a sportive the day before so will be knackered
Keith's bike is making creaking noises
Steve will fall out his pedals at the start
What are you worried about? He says from the sanctuary of being otherwise engaged that day :lol: .
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Re: Addiscombe 2008 Members Only Road Race

Postby Toks » Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:23 am


I know - I have asked the powers the be and awaiting reply.

BTW if we can let 2nd claim members ride, then I see no reason why they can't take prizes as the club rules are:
"They are not eligible to win trophies and cannot compete in the name of the club in open or semi-open events", just not eligible for trophies.
Thats fine with me :D
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Re: Addiscombe 2008 Members Only Road Race

Postby EdO » Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:34 am

Being an inexperienced 4th Cat with ONLY a couple of races under my belt, :( I'd like to try and enter the 2nd race.

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Re: Addiscombe 2008 Members Only Road Race

Postby Toks » Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:35 am


ah another point in my favour not to get destroyed by the fast guys, Im a senior at the ripe old age of 41.
Oh my gosh I can't beleive you played the age card :lol: :lol: Mate you've done brilliantly well on essentially one ride a week. Why not just give it a go. In our last promotion Huw and I were giving out prizes for for pretty much anthing so no matter what you feel its worth racing. Here are some possible prizes for this year.

The blingiest rider
Most aggressive rider
Best effort for a 1st timer prize
Woman's prize (It will be the big girl prize if no ladies show up :wink: )
Best TT riders prize
The Charlwood Sprint Prize
The Ajay 4th cat forever prize
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Re: Addiscombe 2008 Members Only Road Race

Postby Antloony » Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:49 am


Stop being mean to me, I've never won anything in my life and just once, maybe just once this could be my chance to finally achieve my goal before I have to quit cycling in a months time due to acute left leg failure and a ruptured left nostril. :shock:

Mr :mrgreen: and Michelle, if I end up in the A race and I fail miserably and end up commiting sucide under the wheels of a mobility scooter I HOPE YOU'LL BOTH BE SATISFIED.....
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Re: Addiscombe 2008 Members Only Road Race

Postby Sylv » Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:49 am

Bummer, you can cross my name off the list - got my dates wrong and am at a wedding that day

Ant you can have my spot

Gutted :cry:
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Re: Addiscombe 2008 Members Only Road Race

Postby Antloony » Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:53 am

[quote="Sylv"]Bummer, you can cross my name off the list - got my dates wrong and am at a wedding that day

Ant you can have my spot

Gutted :cry:

Sorry to here that Sylv, Im really gutted for I really am, its such a shame you wont be there so I can beat you :D

ps I think Kieran, Stu, Hal, George, Andy, Edo and Kieth want to come with you....honest.
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