London Dynamo

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London Dynamo

Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:24 pm

Interesting discussion on Bike Radar

[url=]Bike Radr, Commuting, London Dynamo[/url]

In particular a comment....

[quote]Would those Dynamo present here agree that RLJing on the Embankment whilst wearing a club jersey is in itself cockish behaviour? Doesn't carrying a clubs colour mean you are representing the club?

Now I've been around long enough to ride in bunches containing every London club jersey from Lee Valley westwards down to Addiscombe. And the only time I've encountered a collective attitude problem with your lot. Don't try playing the 'the big club card' with me. The Willesden are huge, as are the Addiscombe. And I've never had a green or yellow jersey try and shove me into the verge.

Oh, and with 400 members....shouldn't you be organising a few more events to put something back into cycling?
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Re: London Dynamo

Postby Andy E » Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:42 pm

Fierce words indeed, unfortunatly a lot of it pretty fair.. Being a dynamo member myself (2nd claim) i must admit that they have more than their fair share of 'all the gear and no idea' riders. Not surprising seeing as a lot of their riders come from Chelsea, Fulham, Richmod etc. Personally i think anyone riding in club kit should obey the rules of the road at all times.. Those that don't should be named and shamed by their clubs (this does happen on the Dynamo forum believe it or not).

I'm wearing my Dynamo shorts on my commute today, hope i don't get lynched on the way home :shock:
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Re: London Dynamo

Postby Andrew G » Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:46 pm

The thing I find most bizarre about them is not the way they ride but the fact that so many of them seem to think that doing lap after lap of Richmond Park is some kind of enjoyable cycling life. I can think of nothing more tedious than riding round in circles around a park, once or twice if it's a nice park, but after that the tedium must be phenominal. I don't follow all the guff about living in London either, anyone would think there wasn't a train service out of London to the edge of Greater London that ran frequently and only took a few minutes.

The fact that Richmond Park is the meeting place of a group of cyclists whose behaviour is likely to piss off everyone else seems the perfect reason to me for never going anywhere near the damn place. I don't understand what attraction it has either, for all those who like the countryside neatly packaged in a wipe clean city package I suppose.

[Ducks for cover from the volley from the Richmond Park cyclists :D ]
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Re: London Dynamo

Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:46 pm

You'll have a safe passage as far as us Agreeables are concerned.
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Re: London Dynamo

Postby Andy E » Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:57 pm

[quote="Andrew G"]The thing I find most bizarre about them is not the way they ride but the fact that so many of them seem to think that doing lap after lap of Richmond Park is some kind of enjoyable cycling life. I can think of nothing more tedious than riding round in circles around a park, once or twice if it's a nice park, but after that the tedium must be phenominal.

I couldn't agree more. I went once or twice but it's just so busy and pretty dangerous with all the cars and runners, other cyclists etc. Their Sunday Surrey Hills rides are excellent though, and early enough that i can be home by 11:45 with 90 hilly miles in the legs.

Richmond Park is pretty cool in winter though, cycling round in the dark once the gates have been shut to cars. Just watch out for rutting stags :wink:
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Re: London Dynamo

Postby Andrew G » Thu Sep 04, 2008 3:01 pm

There's mention of a chain gang in Richmond Park :? :lol: .

The park is also used by runners, cars, and numerous wildlife which lives there, including as you mention deer (which are bloody big and solid and I wouldn't fancy hitting one) and has a 20mph speed limit. How on earth can you have a chain gang limited to 20mph.
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Re: London Dynamo

Postby Apples » Thu Sep 04, 2008 3:04 pm

hahahah....i do laps of Richmond Park somtimes and yeah it is pretty boring ,, but what else can a Sarf London geeze do if he wants to get a bit of greenery on the commute home from The Smoke.

If I see any Dynamo's I normally wave as I ride past 'em :evil: :evil:
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Re: London Dynamo

Postby Andy E » Thu Sep 04, 2008 3:22 pm

I remember reading in Michael Hutchinson's book 'The Hour' that he prepared for the hour record by riding round and round and round and round Richmond park..
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Re: London Dynamo

Postby Will » Thu Sep 04, 2008 3:35 pm

[quote="Andrew G"]The thing I find most bizarre about them is not the way they ride but the fact that so many of them seem to think that doing lap after lap of Richmond Park is some kind of enjoyable cycling life. I can think of nothing more tedious than riding round in circles around a park, once or twice if it's a nice park, but after that the tedium must be phenominal.

You're missing out on the fun that is the "3 lap challenge" that is on Bike Rader and that was started (I believe) by Toks :D

But there is officially no fun to be had beyond 3 laps :wink:
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Re: London Dynamo

Postby Will » Thu Sep 04, 2008 4:26 pm

most go anti as that's considered to be faster (because of no right-hand turns i think) ... &start=435
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Re: London Dynamo

Postby Robh » Thu Sep 04, 2008 4:32 pm

[quote="Andy E"]I remember reading in Michael Hutchinson's book 'The Hour' that he prepared for the hour record by riding round and round and round and round Richmond park..

Didn't work though shame....
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Re: London Dynamo

Postby Andrew G » Thu Sep 04, 2008 4:44 pm

He did do loads of laps of the park but also admits in the book that he's slightly nuts :D . If I remember he also did 6 hour turbo sessions :shock: , but learnt French while he did it so not all was lost.
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Re: London Dynamo

Postby Marky Mark » Thu Sep 04, 2008 5:22 pm

Description of Dynamo

The dynamo [color=#0040FF](Our nearest and dearest)[/color] uses rotating [color=#0040FF](no comment)[/color] coils of wire and magnetic fields [color=#0040FF](oh the green green grass of home)[/color] to convert mechanical rotation [color=#0040FF](you know, the old legs go round and round and up and down)[/color] into a pulsing direct electric current through Faraday's law [color=#0040FF](note even Jude). [/color]A dynamo machine [color=#0040FF](no soul)[/color] consists of a stationary [color=#0040FF](due to heavy park traffic)[/color] structure, called the stator, which [color=#0040FF](hunt)[/color] provides a constant magnetic field [color=#0040FF](Just like a turbo, Going knowhere fast!), [/color]and a set of rotating windings [color=#0040FF](windups)[/color] called the armature which turn within that field [color=#0040FF](park, same thing). [/color]On small machines [color=#0040FF](cheap small bikes for short poeple)[/color] the constant magnetic field may be provided by one or more permanent magnets [color=#0040FF](magners?); [/color]larger machines [color=#0040FF](big bikes for tall people)[/color] have the constant magnetic field provided by one or more [color=#0040FF](member)[/color] electromagnets, which are usually called field [color=#0040FF](don't look em in the eyes :shock: )[/color] coils.

Lots of Love, Marky Mark :wink:


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Re: London Dynamo

Postby Toks » Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:22 pm

[quote="Andrew G"]The thing I find most bizarre about them is not the way they ride but the fact that so many of them seem to think that doing lap after lap of Richmond Park is some kind of enjoyable cycling life. [size=150]
In general they ride 4 laps at thru and off pace in different groups on saturday morning. It usually takes around 60 or so minutes. Most other rides interestingly enough are in the Surrey Hills.[/size]
I can think of nothing more tedious than riding round in circles around a park, once or twice if it's a nice park, but after that the tedium must be phenominal. [size=150]Each to their own. Is it anymore tedius than riding a circuit race once a week or riding along a dull A/B road by yourself? Everyone knows its training, its not a social ride. Most people only do 3 laps on average - its a case of ride hard and fast and then get the F out of there.[/size]
I don't follow all the guff about living in London either, anyone would think there wasn't a train service out of London to the edge of Greater London that ran frequently and only took a few minutes. [size=150]
Er some people just wanna train and get on and do other stuff. Trains from central london will be minimum half an hour to get to the edge of somewhere desent. That 60 minutes training time. If you can get the same effect from going quickly around a so called boring loop, then why not?[/size]
The fact that Richmond Park is the meeting place of a group of cyclists whose behaviour is likely to piss off everyone else seems the perfect reason to me for never going anywhere near the damn place. I don't understand what attraction it has either, for all those who like the countryside neatly packaged in a wipe clean city package I suppose. [size=150]
Time and its a good circuit. When I was a newbie at ACC a fast training group blasted past me I felt quite resentful. They hadn't communicated and they were probably riding too hard for social niceties. Most of the Dynamo haters are probably sloath types. The LD's have more bad riders because quite simply they have 4-5 times as many riders as most other clubs. Thats apart from the mighty ACC of course[/size]

[Ducks for cover from the volley from the Richmond Park cyclists :D ]
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Re: London Dynamo

Postby Robh » Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:37 pm

[quote]Er some people just wanna train and get on and do other stuff. Trains from central london will be minimum half an hour to get to the edge of somewhere desent. That 60 minutes training time. If you can get the same effect from going quickly around a so called boring loop, then why not?

Toks if people are pressed for time just ride a turbo in the comfort of their home.... :)

Same affect going quickly? Please do expand because if it's what I think you mean I disagree....
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