by Tony » Fri Sep 05, 2008 3:33 pm
OK - so picking on the Dynamo is a bit of laugh. Big club, frequented by a a bunch of jumped-up, City toss*rs who don't stop at red lights, etc. etc. However, ACC needs to be aware of its own image too! It would not be hard for the Dynamo to have a little dig at ACC's expense regarding our Saturday run to Charlwood. Just change a few of Andrew's words:
[quote="Andrew G"]The thing I find most bizarre about them is not the way they ride but the fact that so many of them seem to think that riding the same route at the same time every Saturday am week-in week-out is some kind of enjoyable cycling life. I can think of nothing more tedious than riding round the same Surrey lanes, once or twice if they are the nice, but after that the tedium must be phenominal. I don't follow all the guff about living in Croydon either, anyone would think there were no other decent roads in Surrey, Kent nor Sussex.
The fact that Charlwood Cafe is the meeting place of a group of cyclists whose en-masse procession around the nearby lanes is likely to piss off everyone else seems the perfect reason to me for never going anywhere near the damn place. I don't understand what attraction it has either, for all those who like their cycle rides neatly packaged in a wipe clean package I suppose.
[Just as well I don't get out much on the bike at the moment