Yes, I thought that would get your attention
Croydon has developed a range of activities to combat global warming and need participants, marshals and onlookers for this event.
Sunday, 19 October
Indecent Exposure
Stop global warming, get chilly in your knickers!
Join us for the wildest event of the year!
Expose your underwear and ride together to combat global warming. Ride your bike. Ride anyone’s bike. Make a wheel difference!
More copy here to explain how it all works and how long it will take etc. More copy here to explain how it all works and how long it will take etc. More copy here to explain how it all works and how long it will take etc. More copy here to explain how it all works and how long it will take etc.
1:00 - 3:00pm | Start: Queens Gardens | Katharine Street
Please call 07958 397794 or e-mail: to register
go to
Unfortunately i will be out of the country but look forward to seeing the photos