ACC Members only Road Race CHAMPIONSHIPS

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Re: ACC Members only Road Race CHAMPIONSHIPS

Postby Antloony » Tue Sep 23, 2008 7:54 pm

[quote="mrP(Boonen)VT"]Finally, I have to end on a bit of a downer - I received a complaint from a horserider, which slightly soured the event. Please don't respond as I have dealt with it and have resolved it amicably, but if you were involved, please think about your reactions.....and let's continue to be Agreeeable.

Have PM'd you about this. I'll say this openly on here though as Im sure I'll be backed up. I had a conversation with this woman and I said nothing to make me 'think about my reactions' as you've put it.
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Re: ACC Members only Road Race CHAMPIONSHIPS

Postby Marek » Tue Sep 23, 2008 8:08 pm

I remember doing a road race a year or so ago when a horse got a bit upset as the peleton approached. A nice Mercedes had stopped just behind the horse. The horse reared up and then trampled all over the front of the Merc. If I could ban one mode of transport on the road, I have to admit it would be horse riding. I hate the bliming things and I just do not see the attraction.

I mean, why would you want to get on something that is three times the height of you, weighs goodness knows what and swerves around all over the place like George on a road race attack when they get spooked. I just don't get it. :lol:



p.s. that said, I would still be polite to them, you never know some of the girls on these horses have cute butts.
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Re: ACC Members only Road Race CHAMPIONSHIPS

Postby Antloony » Tue Sep 23, 2008 8:11 pm

[quote="Marek"]I mean, why would you want to get on something that is three times the height of you, weighs goodness knows what and swerves around all over the place like George on a road race attack when they get spooked. I just don't get it. :lol:



I pulled a bird like that once down my local disco....well it was dark and I'd had a few :shock:
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Re: ACC Members only Road Race CHAMPIONSHIPS

Postby Alan M » Tue Sep 23, 2008 8:12 pm

[quote]the idea behind club road races is really to get more people racing.

works for me - ain't broke, don't fix it 8)
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Re: ACC Members only Road Race CHAMPIONSHIPS

Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Wed Sep 24, 2008 8:35 am

We could always make it 30 laps :lol:

Andy, I was referring to our club race as a handicap, not the Surrey League - I have had 2 second places there (and both to John Ibbotson RIP :cry: ), so I'm not complaining. Congrats on your win.

It seems to me that the "B" race is just about right and it's only the fast boys that are whinging. Don't forget guys, we are limited in what we can do. However, I think Snoop's/Marek's idea of a stage race has some mileage in it, just thinking it through at he moment.
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Re: ACC Members only Road Race CHAMPIONSHIPS

Postby huw williams » Wed Sep 24, 2008 10:13 am

[quote="mrP(Boonen)VT"] It seems to me that the "B" race is just about right and it's only the fast boys that are whinging.

No no no... nobody's whinging (at least I don't think they are) Even experienced racers who made brave but ultimately doomed attacks in the early stages and got dropped with two laps to go had a great time :D

I was playing devils advocate to see if there was any room for improvement - last year after Hillingdon a lot of people suggested the ACC road race should be on the road rather than on a circuit so we made it happen - this year people seem to be happy with the way it is so if that's the case, let's leave it as it is. Nobody's yet come up with a really cast-iron argument reason for changing it.
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Re: ACC Members only Road Race CHAMPIONSHIPS

Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Wed Sep 24, 2008 11:26 am

[quote="huw williams"] Even experienced racers who made brave but ultimately doomed attacks in the early stages and got dropped with two laps to go had a great time :D

Just training to cover the chain ferry break :wink:
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Re: ACC Members only Road Race CHAMPIONSHIPS

Postby adrian » Wed Sep 24, 2008 11:45 am

[quote="mrP(Boonen)VT"][quote="huw williams"] Even experienced racers who made brave but ultimately doomed attacks in the early stages and got dropped :) with two laps to go had a great time :D

Just training to cover the chain ferry break :wink:

No need to try so hard this year, Paul - I'm not going :)
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Re: ACC Members only Road Race CHAMPIONSHIPS

Postby TimN » Wed Sep 24, 2008 2:02 pm

how did you paste the photos in, i have got one to the winner of the A race if you want it?
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Re: ACC Members only Road Race CHAMPIONSHIPS

Postby Sylv » Wed Sep 24, 2008 3:30 pm

No we don't! :lol:
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Re: ACC Members only Road Race CHAMPIONSHIPS

Postby -Adam- » Wed Sep 24, 2008 4:08 pm

[quote="TimN"]how did you paste the photos in, i have got one to the winner of the A race if you want it?

Yes we do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Theres info at the top of the General section on posting photo's...
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Re: ACC Members only Road Race CHAMPIONSHIPS

Postby -Adam- » Wed Sep 24, 2008 4:09 pm

[quote="mrP(Boonen)VT"]We could always make it 30 laps :lol:

Now your talking, it doesn't matter what the course is 30 laps would really sort out the men from the boys...
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Re: ACC Members only Road Race CHAMPIONSHIPS

Postby Andy E » Fri Sep 26, 2008 11:34 am

Here's an idea for next years race..

Why not make the A race a team affair :?: This would liven things up and make for a more interesting and tactical race. Say we had 15 riders, split into teams of 3 (as chosen by the judges and made as similar in ability as possible). This would really change things on a simple flat course like Newchapel. If 3 guys from different teams make a break, it's then down to the 2 un-represented teams to get to work and chase it down, whilst the others sit in and get a free ride, ready to counter if the break gets caught.. The team with the best sprinter would need to control things, whilst those without a sprinter would have to get away.

As well as making for a more interesting race, it would also serve as a valuable learning experience for most of us in racing as part of a team as opposed to on your own (which if we're honest is what we do in most 3/4 races). Just think of the grounding this would give our racers and the havok we could then wreak in the Surrey League :twisted:

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Re: ACC Members only Road Race CHAMPIONSHIPS

Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Fri Sep 26, 2008 11:37 am

Great idea for an ACC training session, but the oint of the race is to find the club champion and for that, it needs to be an individual race.

I'm still working on the idea of a stage race. :D

I had thought of combining it with a swim and a run, but that would never catch on :roll:
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Re: ACC Members only Road Race CHAMPIONSHIPS

Postby Snoop Doug » Fri Sep 26, 2008 11:42 am

[quote="Marek"]I hate the bliming things and I just do not see the attraction.

They don't even taste that good....seriously, they don't :(
Snoop Doug


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