Yes, good ol' Greg. Shame he fell out with Trek. Constant sniping at the guy who made your employer the company it is today is never a smart career move. Still, at least the efforts of Lance have put Trek in a strong enough position to still honour the lifetime warranties on Lemond bikes.
The problem is that many people cannot accept the good Armstrong has done and will do again for the sport, whereas the naysayers (Kimmage, Walsh etc) only damage it by drawing attention to what most people could not give a stuff about. A bunch of French and Italian cyclists whom nobody outside the keenest group of fans could name take drugs? Who cares?
Whereas an articulate, brash and abrasive American who's beaten a pretty nasty and virulent cancer, raises millions for charity, dates a rock star, charging up an Alp leaving all in his wake, oh and never failed a drug test? That's good sport and good telly.
Go up to the average man in the street and ask him to name a famous pro cyclist. Armstrong for sure, Merckx too if you're lucky. Famous for drug "scandals"? No, for winning it 7 times in a row in one case and for being the greatest cyclist ever in the other case.