Speak of the Devil...... CR 4th Oct 08

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Speak of the Devil...... CR 4th Oct 08

Postby Marky Mark » Sun Oct 05, 2008 2:56 pm

Speak of the devil........Quote of the week...

Had a good run with the JFF 17's group which did run like a well oiled machine. Thank you to Steve (I hope that's your name) for lending me a black pair or gloves to stop me getting frost bite, I couldn't see you down the cafe to give them back to you, I have bought another pair so hope to see next week to return them to you, snot included LOL.

About an hour into the run and my well oiled wheels fell off past the golf course :oops: , need new legs for Christmas, it was my excuse to ride with Robh who wanted to chat with me anyway about my test I had booked with him after Marco's recommendation and hoping to put a little bit of structure to my training. I glad he was there to see at what point I suffer in the ride, It truly is an eye opener, and Rob seems to talk a lot of sense, can't wait for the lactate test now, interested to see what the findings are.

Well done to Andrew (John C's friend) for his first JJF at 17mph, he really seemed to enjoy the ride, I had a nice chat with him in the cafe, he liked the pace but did confess to the hills hurting a tad but a very good effort. He downfall was telling me "There are only two types of cyclist, one that has fallen off and one that is going to fall off".

Needless to say that on the way back just before the Merstham Drag. Andrew and I had rode back in a group of 4, I was leading the group and car ahead stopped with the indicators to turn right, that bit was ok, but not the woman who then overtook us and stopped behind the car turning right leaving at least a foot between her and the curb :evil: , she could of left tons of room. Three of us just made it through the gap but Andrew being a bit of a novice pulled on the brakes a bit too sharp and done a head over heals. :shock:

I caught this out the corner of my eye and totally blocked the road with my bike and kindly asked the 'lady' to pull over just in case he was injured. She tried to drive off so I took a photo of her number plate :idea: . She then jumped out of her car saying "Why are you going to sue me? I didn't hit him" but I said you caused it. Then the interfering builder with all of his mates jumped up with the old comment "You bloody lot are a pain in the arse and should ride on the pavement or on a track, I bet you aint even got insurance". I told him in a nice way where to store his comments!!!. 8)

Andrew got up and said he was ok after dusting himself off, so I let the lady on her way with a smile :) . But she did add before she drove off that she had been on a cycling holiday in Germany for 2 weeks and had a lovely time with no trouble. How I didn't punch her :evil: .

Glad you enjoyed your first run with the Agreeables Andrew , you are now a rider that has fallen off, no damage done, I'll give you a 5.2 for artistic impression and a 5.6 for the landing. :wink:

See John C. I told you I'd look after him. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

PS I didn't think it was possible to ride at such high cadence as Robh was. I tried it once and nearlly bounced off my saddle :shock:
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Re: Speak of the Devil...... CR 4th Oct 08

Postby Amy » Sun Oct 05, 2008 7:07 pm

[quote="Marky Mark"] Then the interfering builder with all of his mates jumped up with the old comment "You bloody lot are a pain in the arse and should ride on the pavement or on a track, I bet you aint even got insurance". I told him in a nice way where to store his comments!!!. 8)

Wish they'd make up their minds where they think we should ride :roll:

Bit of a baptism of fire for Andrew - glad he made it OK.
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Re: Speak of the Devil...... CR 4th Oct 08

Postby -Adam- » Sun Oct 05, 2008 11:33 pm

Okay, I have to ask. But did the 'lady' in question actually cause an accident? Or was it the impatience of a few and inexperience of another that led to Andrew falling?

I wasn't there, so obviously I can only speculate. But from what you write Mark, there was no need for the lady to stop. She did not cause an accident and thus I fully apreciate her disgust at you taking a picture of her number plate. When riding in a group, whoever is on the front should remember that, and not ride through gaps which the rest of the group cannot.

[quote="Marky Mark"]I caught this out the corner of my eye and totally blocked the road with my bike and kindly asked the 'lady' to pull over just in case he was injured. She tried to drive off so I took a photo of her number plate :idea: . She then jumped out of her car saying "Why are you going to sue me? I didn't hit him" but I said you caused it.

But she did add before she drove off that she had been on a cycling holiday in Germany for 2 weeks and had a lovely time with no trouble. How I didn't punch her :evil: .

I'm sorry Mark, but I think in this case you have over reacted quite a bit. And left yet another motorist with the opinion that we as cyclists are arrogant and self righteous. Even the guys in the van may have had a case.

If I'm not reading this right, please set me straight. But as most motorists hate us enough already the last thing we should do is instantly be so forceful with them when in reality they havn't actually done anything wrong. The scenario you describe happens every day, im sure you have tried to drive passed a car waiting to turn yourself, and how often is it that you can't get round and end up waiting right on the kirb? Maybe she did this imediately after passing you, in which case you would have thought she might have taken more consideration. But thats just it, motorists generally don't think! It's up to us to ride defensively.

Like I say I wasn't there, so I don't know the full story. I'm just speculating from what you say...
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Re: Speak of the Devil...... CR 4th Oct 08

Postby Marky Mark » Mon Oct 06, 2008 7:24 am

No way Adam, there was not time for us to slow down bu the time she had squeezed us into the curb (IF I HAD TIME TO STOP I WOULD OF, I DONT HAVE ABS ON MY BIKE!!!). As as for the crap from her about "Well I didn't hit him", those sort of comments don't wash with me.

You don't have to be the one hitting someone to be the cause of an accident. You can cause an accident by doing something stupid and putting your car in a position to cause injury to others.

I hear what your saying Adam and I was not rude to her, raise my voice or act in a threatening mannor, I was wearing an Addiscombe kit so I'm well aware of what that could say about the club.

Rant over and I stand 100% by my actions. My write up probably makes it sound worse than it was.

Marky Mark 8)
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Re: Speak of the Devil...... CR 4th Oct 08

Postby Tony » Mon Oct 06, 2008 12:11 pm

Sounds like the main issue was that the driver overtook you and then braked sharply immediately in front of you. If so, it was, for sure, a pretty poor piece of driving. She would not have done that to a more imposing vehicle - such as another car. Maybe the woman had got cheesed off overtaking the rest of clubrun posse and was frustrated that she might have to do so again if you all came flooding past whilst she was stuck behind the driver turning right. No real excuse, mind - sounds like a poor piece of driving.

Was the car was a Mercedes or BMW and the woman was in her mid-30s - mid 40s with children, by any chance? If so, she would fit one of my stereo-type arsey road-users perfectly!

Hope it didn't detract from the clubrun fun.
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Re: Speak of the Devil...... CR 4th Oct 08

Postby John Czernobay » Tue Oct 07, 2008 3:52 pm

Hey Marky, many thanks for looking out for my colleague, sounds like you had a great time :lol: , your an absolute Star and Agreeable :) Well done Matey. As for the motorist and the builders :evil: it goes with the territory; we are this decades "hate figures" :cry: ; but don't give up and keep the faith :D.

See you all Saturday.
JohnCz.. :)
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Re: Speak of the Devil...... CR 4th Oct 08

Postby Marky Mark » Tue Oct 07, 2008 4:38 pm

Well I'm still smiling John and I hope Dambuster Andrew is too.

These things are sent to try us, worse things have happened at sea!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

PS has he come back to work yet?
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Re: Speak of the Devil...... CR 4th Oct 08

Postby Marky Mark » Tue Oct 07, 2008 5:03 pm

[quote="Sean Hogan - 何祥"][quote="Marky Mark"]

These things are sent to try us, worse things have happened at sea!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Now [size=200]that [/size]would be a CR report to end all CR Reports

NOW [size=200]that's[/size] what you call off road
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