Road cycling: Interval training for speed

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Road cycling: Interval training for speed

Postby Paul H » Tue Oct 07, 2008 11:16 pm

Interval training to improve anaerobic power and sprinting ability in road cycling

In competitive road cycling, relatively little attention has been paid to the anaerobic capabilities of cyclists. Riding in a pack has been shown to reduce energy cost by as much as 39 per cent at a given speed when compared to riding alone. So it follows that the most successful cyclists may not necessarily be those with the greatest aerobic capacity, especially in a close race, but may well be those with better anaerobic power and sprinting ability.

In a US study, researchers suggested that years of interval training, especially for the higher category competitors, had served to improve anaerobic power as well as aerobic function.
In road cycling, like middle-distance running with its similar demands, it is generally accepted to have an anaerobic/anaerobic energy requirement of 80%/20%.
Physiological assessments of elite and sub-elite cyclists have focussed on aerobic capacity (VO2max) as being the main determinant of success. Relatively little attention has been paid to the anaerobic capabilities of competitive road cyclists, in spite of the convincing argument that can be made for the importance of anaerobic function. This becomes clear when you consider the role that explosive and sustained anaerobic energy production must play in attempts to break away from the pack, climb hills, and compete in sprints throughout and at the end of stages or races.

These sections of competitive racing rely on the maximum rate of energy production by the individual cyclist, when there is little or no assistance from team-mates in terms of avoiding wind resistance through stream-lining. In fact, riding in a pack has been shown to reduce energy cost by as much as 39 per cent at a given speed when compared to riding alone. So it follows that the most successful cyclists may not necessarily be those with the greatest aerobic capacity, especially in a close race, but may well be those with better anaerobic power and sprinting ability. Naturally, aerobic capacity is still extremely important but it may be anaerobic capability that decides the finishing order.

The importance of interval training
To determine precisely which were the important differences between sub-elite cyclists in categories 2-4 in the US (category 1 being elite), the research team of Tanaka et al at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville assessed both the maximal aerobic and anaerobic capabilities of 32 male and 6 female cyclists ('Aerobic and anaerobic power characteristics of competitive cyclists in the United States Cycling Federation', International Journal of Sports Medicine, 1993, vol. 14, no. 6, pp334-338)..

For the males, both aerobic and anaerobic performances seemed consistently higher as the standard became higher, suggesting a dual importance of both forms of energy production in achieving success. VO2max values ranged from 4.5-5 l.min-1, or expressed another way 63-70, which agreed with other previous research. Surprisingly, anaerobic performance was even higher than has been observed previously in power athletes such as gymnasts and wrestlers, although this may be partly a reflection of the cyclists' familiarity with the testing mode in all these studies - cycling itself..

The results for the females could not be used to discriminate between standards because of the small sample size, although high values were still observed for both aerobic (3.4 l.min-1, 52 ml. kg-1.min-1) and anaerobic measures, displaying the same balanced physiological development..

The researchers suggested that the years of strenuous interval training that the subjects had endured, especially the higher category competitors, had in fact served to increase both aerobic and anaerobic function - each of these has previously been shown to be affected positively during relatively short-term training programmes. Thus the conclusions from this study include a large emphasis being placed on the importance of interval training for competitive cyclists. A controversy still exists about how well each of the two energy systems can be developed simultan-eously, without a sacrifice having to be made in favour of one or the other..

"VO2max and body fat
A unique cycling event is the 4000m individual pursuit, where a competitor from a stationary start must propel himself as fast as possible over the specified distance using a fixed gear. At international level, competition times are around 4.5 minutes, rising to 6 minutes and over at sub-elite levels. At elite level it can compare quite nicely with middle-distance running with its similar demands, and is generally accepted to have an anaerobic/anaerobic energy requirement of 80%/20%..

Craig et al used this event to assess 18 exper-ienced male cyclists ('Aerobic and anaerobic indices contributing to track endurance cycling performance', European Journal of Applied Physiology, 1993, vol. 67, pp150-158). The purpose of the study was to supply numerous measures of the cyclists' body types and physiological characteristics, and to use this data to determine mathematically the factors that most contribute to success..

Using relatively non-invasive methods, the two most important factors were found to be VO2max and body fat. Even though, unlike running, there is no need to move it vertically against gravity, unnecessary body fat in cyclists still has a detrimental effect on three counts: an increased energy cost of acceleration at the start of the race, increased rolling resistance of the wheels on the floor, and increased frontal area of the cyclist - and thus increased air resistance. Of these, the increased air resistance is the most important - 5 kg of extra weight add about 4 seconds to race time due to this factor alone..

"Estimating individual pursuit time
For those with access to accurate equipment, if you can measure your VO2max in l.min-1 and mass of fat in kg (can be calculated from body weight and percent fat), the equation for estimating 4000m individual pursuit time is: time in seconds = 441.2 + (4.316 x fat mass) - (25.94 x VO2max)..

When the researchers in the Craig study then used all the data they had obtained, irrespective of its complexity, they found that the most important predictors of success were VO2max, LTPO (power output and lactate threshold) and MAOD (maximal accumulated oxygen deficit - a measure of anaerobic capacity)..

The equation (for those with access to sophisticated laboratory equipment) became: time = 462.9 - (0.366 x LTPO) - (0.306 x MAOD) - (0. 438 x VO2max). This equation could account for about 75 per cent of the variation in performance between individuals. What it showed was the importance of both aerobic and anaerobic capacity in producing peak performance over 4000m, with interval training once again the type of training to be concentrated on most..

A reliance on purely aerobic energy production would need a VO2max of around 90-100 .min-1 to compete at top level where average speeds of over 50 km.h-1 are not unusual. Another way of looking at it would be to say that for a very well-trained male cyclist with a high VO2max of 75 to compete, he would have to work at an intensity of at least 120% VO2max, with the surplus requirement coming from anaerobic sources. Thus the 20 per cent or so of total energy that must be produced anaerobically is essential to compete effectively and must be addressed in training..

Aerodynamic design
The importance of minimising air resistance applies not only to the control of body fat but also to the design of the bicycle itself. During the last decade, with the introduction of newly designed wheels and frames, the aerodynamics of the machinery itself have been dramatically improved. So have the records and performances over a wide range of events..

Capelli et al carried out an interesting experiment ('Energy cost and efficiency of riding aerodynamic bicycles', European Journal of Applied Physiology, 1993, vol. 67, pp144-149) when they towed two cyclists in the fully dropped position on various designs of bike. The bikes had different combinations of aerodynamic and traditional frames, and lenticular and traditional wheels. Using exactly the same conditions for each trial, they found that lenticular wheels in fact made little difference to air resistance, whereas an aerodynamic frame produced a significant reduction in air resistance. The combined effects were enough to give an improvement in performance of 3 per cent, all else being equal. This compares well with average improvements in record times of a little over 4 per cent since the introduction of newly designed frames and wheels..

"How fast can cyclists get?
Over the past two or three years, a lot of media attention has focussed on the various attempts to break the world one-hour record. There has been intense competition between such big cycling names as Tony Rominger, Miguel Indurain and the Brits, Obree and Boardman. All these athletes have achieved average speeds of well over 50 km.h-1 when breaking the record, and the current record is over 55 km.h-1..

However, a research team from Australia (Olds et al, 'Modelling road-cycling performance', Journal of Applied Physiology, 1995, vol. 78, pp1596-1611) has used data collected from 41 experienced cyclists to develop a complex mathematical model which can predict performances for a given athlete under given conditions of fitness, track, environment, etc. This has allowed them to predict the best human performance possible if a perfect athlete were to attempt the record on a perfect track under perfect weather conditions..

The profile of the hypothetical 'super-athlete' included the highest VO2max they had ever recorded of 92 and body mass = 67 kg from an Australian and world track endurance champion, as well as the ventilatory (anaerobic) threshold of 90% from an international road cyclist. The conditions were perfect - sea level (as are all valid record attempts), temperature = 20 deg C, relative humidity = 60%, wind speed = zero, best aerodynamic bicycle currently available, best riding surface, best riding position recorded for reduced air resistance (16% of body surface area presented forwards for an international female cyclist), etc..

The result was an average one-hour speed of 56.9 km.h-1. If a rise in altitude is allowed (up to about 4000m). the performance actually improves, contrary to most other endurance events. This is because the reduction in available oxygen (and therefore the limit to energy production) is outweighed by the effect of reduced air pressure and therefore air resistance (and energy requirement). When compared to running, for example, cycling is affected positively in this way because of the great speeds that can be obtained and the high air resistance experienced. At 2230m above sea level Mexico City), the distance covered by the 'super-athlete' would be 58.7 km. At an altitude of 3500m, the distance covered would be 61.6 km..

Finally, while considering the 'limits of the possible' in cycling, one can't pass without a mention of the theoretical situation reported by Capelli and di Prampero ('Effects of altitude on top speeds during 1 h unaccompanied cycling', European Journal of Applied Physiology, 1995, vol. 71, pp469-471). While wisely pointing out the dangers of using this type of mathematical model too confidently, the authors do postulate an interesting scenario. Imagine a hypothetical velodrome where the cyclist could breathe pure oxygen, thus allowing the air pressure to be reduced to one-fifth of its value at sea level with no detrimental effect on the oxygen content of the blood. Air resistance to the cyclist would thus be reduced dramatically. But Capelli and di Prampero go on to suggest that lowering the air pressure even more so that the oxygen content of the blood is reduced compared to normal conditions at sea level would improve performance still further because of the relatively large reduction in air resistance. Under these conditions of a very thin atmosphere of pure oxygen, the two calculate that Tony Rominger would achieve the quite respectable average speed of 98.14 km.h-1! One wonders how long it will be before something like this is attempted. As di Prampero et al proposed back in 1979, the ultimate conditions would exist in a velodrome which was just a giant vacuum, with the cyclist pedalling away in a pressurised suit supplying him with oxygen!
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Re: Road cycling: Interval training for speed

Postby Michelle » Wed Oct 08, 2008 9:30 am

Does he mean 80% aerobic/20% anaerobic?

Both times he says 80% anearobic/20% anaerobic
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Re: Road cycling: Interval training for speed

Postby Sylv » Wed Oct 08, 2008 9:48 am

[quote]Another way of looking at it would be to say that for a very well-trained male cyclist with a high VO2max of 75 to compete, he would have to work at an intensity of at least 120% VO2max, with the surplus requirement coming from anaerobic sources. Thus the 20 per cent or so of total energy that must be produced anaerobically is essential to compete effectively and must be addressed in training..

I didn't know you could use both sources simultaneously - is that what it means?
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Re: Road cycling: Interval training for speed

Postby Paul H » Wed Oct 08, 2008 12:24 pm

80% aerobic/20% anaerobic
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Re: Road cycling: Interval training for speed

Postby Robh » Wed Oct 08, 2008 12:56 pm

[quote="Sylv"][quote]Another way of looking at it would be to say that for a very well-trained male cyclist with a high VO2max of 75 to compete, he would have to work at an intensity of at least 120% VO2max, with the surplus requirement coming from anaerobic sources. Thus the 20 per cent or so of total energy that must be produced anaerobically is essential to compete effectively and must be addressed in training..

I didn't know you could use both sources simultaneously - is that what it means?

During endurance exercise at a steady pace (or even vigorous exercise which lasts more than several minutes duration), aerobic reactions provide the important final stages for energy transfer. A graph of oxygen uptake over time would show an exponential rise in the first few minutes, followed by a plateau. This represents the steady state which reflects the balance between energy required by working muscles and ATP production.

As the workload is increased there is a rapid increase in oxygen uptake, which is directly proportional to exercise severity. The region of the graph where oxygen uptake plateaus, and shows no further increase with an additional workload, is called maximal oxygen uptake, or VO2max. Additional work is accomplished via energy transfer reactions of glycolysis with a resultant formation of lactic acid. Exhaustion follows and the athlete can not continue.

VO2max quantitively expresses a person's capacity for resynthesis of ATP. This means it is an important factor in determining a person's ability to sustain high intensity exercise. A high VO2max is dependent upon, not only increased levels of haemoglobin but also, an integrated response from physiologic support mechanisms, namely blood volume and cardiac output; peripheral blood flow; aerobic metabolism; and pulmonary ventilation. It is difficult to know where to begin in a system that is so well integrated.

Engergy production during exercise :-


The three energy systems work in combination.

The amount of each system used to produce the required energy varies with :-

1) Intensity of workload

2) Duration of exercise

3) Available resources

4) Structural & Functional adaption to training.

Source :- My Fact Microsoft Powerpoint slides & notes.
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Re: Road cycling: Interval training for speed

Postby Robh » Wed Oct 08, 2008 5:33 pm

Aerobic/anaerobic( oxygen dependent and independent FaCT terms)

If we follow our initial "education" path with the aerobic /anaerobic model suggested by Hill in the 1920 we have a major problem to explain the above questions.

Noakes suggestion of the CGM or our extended CGM will make this task possibly somewhat easier.

1. First of all , even in an all out race of 20 - 30 seconds , there are still a lot of extremity muscles not pushed to the absolute oxygen independent stage and some may even still be able to contribute ATP production over oxygen dependent FFA delivery. What may happen is that the main contributor for that specific movement will have a problem delivering ATP fast enough at the specific moment by producing it over the oxygen dependent pathway. So they have to go over to the oxygen independent pathway for the ultimate ATP production to cover teh needed demand. But in the mean time all other production areas are still well underway to get the ATP delivery process up and going , there are just not yet able to have it finished as fast as it is used.

Now let's make it very simple example, you immediately need wood in your stove and fire otherwise the fire will go out. You order some wood and they are immediately delivered by a truck coming towards your house.( Fat ) But it will ne a while till they are there.

In the mean time you send your kids behind the house to bring up some wood as well , but it will take some time as well ( Glucose - liver ). Now you have some wood left in the basement and your wife goes and picks that up ( glucose in your muscle cell ) but you see that the fire will go out any moment so you take the last few wood pieces from beside the fire place and move it in ( CrPh ) and to avoid that you throw some paper in (ATP ) .

Now you can just hope , that if the paper is gone and the last wood pieces are burnt the delivery from your wife just arrives at the right time and so on.

So as the delivery system start moving towards the ATP demand, there's bigger the chance that if the high energy systems run out you very fast you can again deliver faster.

So the lactate as it is, perhaps something you could compare with too much wood in the fire place and the fire will go out , because of too much wood but not enough for "Time" and O2 to burn this properly to deliver the ATP fast enough for the demand.

Now you can save the fire when you take that wood out. It is slightly burnt but you still can use it later and it will burn easy.

By taking the wood out and perhaps using it in the other fire place you :-

a) save the actual fire and b ) re-use teh wood in another place where it can aswell be burnt.

So the too much wood 9(lactate ) is just at the moment in the "wrong " place to be used as an energy source, but by moving the lactate out of the "overloaded" fireplace ( moving lactate (MCT1 MCT4 ) into another area , where it may be used to create energy you solve 2 problems :-

1 . The lactate will on it's way out take with it some H+ with it ( helping to buffer the pH ) and
2. Will be helping to produce ATP faster in an area , where we still can use lactate as an energy source with oxygen.

I think Juerg has answered your question Sylv.
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