The key component to Road Racing: LT?

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The key component to Road Racing: LT?

Postby Toks » Wed Oct 08, 2008 10:24 am

Yeah I know another training article blah blah blah. Its a good one though. Take your time grab a coffee and read through it. I've highlighted areas I think are quite important

Lactate threshold: its significance and determination via field-test
Imagine yourself on the starting line of an auto race. All cars have identical aerodynamic characteristics (i.e.,
the same body), so you’re wondering what each one has “under the hood.” Now, suppose your own engine is
the most powerful in the race the – it can reach 500 horsepower – but there’s just one problem: when you try to
sustain more than 80% of those 500 horses for a few minutes, a sort of governor kicks in that makes it cut back
until various engine conditions reach a particular operating range. Your principal opponent, on the other hand,
has an engine that can only reach 475 hp maximum – 5% less than yours – but his governor kicks in at 90% of
that, or 428 hp – a full 7% more than you can maintain on a prolonged basis.

The horsepower-governor analogy helps illustrate the relationship between the central and peripheral
determinants of endurance performance, i.e., maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max), and lactate threshold (LT),

1. the first sets the upper limit of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) production via aerobic metabolism, and is
determined primarily by cardiac output (CO), the ability of the heart to pump oxygen-carrying blood to
the working muscles; CO in turn depends on cardiac stroke volume (SV): CO = SV × HR (the Fick
equation); ATP is the sole and direct source of energy used by working muscles

2. the latter determines the percentage of VO2max that can be utilized for an extended period (6 minutes or
longer), and correlates with the density of mitochondria (the locus of aerobic ATP production) within the
working muscles, as well as the extent of capillarization present, two adaptations that depend largely on
years of specific endurance training at an adequate intensity

VO2max is determined in a lab by analyzing expired gasses during a “ramped” test on a calibrated ergometer
cycle, wherein increasing work loads are imposed in a specific protocol until exhaustion is reached. LT is
determined along the way, prior to exhaustion, through analysis of blood samples, with the ratio of expired CO2
to inspired O2 (known as respiratory exchange ratio, or RER) being used a check.

On a practical level, the importance of LT is primarily in setting training levels (such as these), as well as gauging pace during intervals
and time trials, however, it need not be determined in a lab; average power over a 40-60 minute test TT, or
“functional threshold power” (FTP), serves well as a “proxy” since it correlates very closely with VO2 at LT
(although power at LT, as determined in the lab, will be somewhat lower than FTP). Such a test gives a “bottom
line” measure that integrates all physiological determinants of endurance performance (VO2max, LT, and
efficiency), and so is an excellent practical alternative to a ramped lab test.

The drawback to functional field testing is that it is self-administered, rather than carried out under the watchful
eye of a coach or exercise physiologist in a lab or other controlled setting, and can therefore be affected by
environmental conditions, the motivation and concentration of the test subject, as well as (to a lesser extent) his
or her judgment and skill in pacing correctly. For consistent and reliable test results, make sure you are
adequately rested, with no illness or infection present, while avoiding extremes of temperature (especially heat)
and wind. Flat terrain is recommended, but a steady, continuous uphill grade can also be used, and even a
rolling to hilly course will do if the same one is used each time (average power on a rolling/hilly course, or in
variably windy conditions, will be somewhat less than for a windless, constant-grade test of similar duration). It
may take a few attempts to get the pacing just right and the wattage “dialed in” (Figure 1), but once it is, average
power achieved in any carefully executed threshold test should be highly repeatable from day-to-day.

(Stu once asked me what would make him stronger so that he could attack again and again. The answer suprisingly is most likely to be in having a higher lactate theshold/greater aerobic power and not necessarily as Paul H's article seems to suggest more anaerobic power - see point 2)

Wide and rapid variation in the energy demands of road cycling has led some, such as Dr. Arnie Baker, M.D., in
Smart Cycling, to conceive of it as an anaerobic sport, but this is contradicted by what is already known:

1. most energy for a single maximal effort over 70 seconds, starting from a rested state, comes from aerobic
sources (Figure 2)

2. in four 30 second bouts of exercise, each separated by complete recovery, most of the energy utilized by
the third bout comes from aerobic sources (Figure 3), and the predominance of aerobic metabolism
becomes even more pronounced during longer exercise bouts (Figure 4), not to mention continuous
exercise, such as any road race, where intensity is lower, and recovery is not nearly as complete
3. the extent to which anaerobic energy sources are taxed (and blood lactate is produced) for a given set of
race demands will be determined by how much and often threshold power is exceeded, therefore, the
higher it is, the less they will be called upon, while the more often it is exceeded, the more anaerobic
sources are taxed. Furthermore, within the context of any road (i.e., endurance) event, how quickly one
recovers from short, intense efforts is actually more reflective of aerobic, not anaerobic fitness, since 1)
fatigue during intense exercise is related to changes in high energy phosphate (ATP) levels, 2) 100% of
ATP resynthesis within working muscle occurs via aerobic metabolism, and 3) the rate of ATP
resynthesis is correlated with mitochondrial respiratory capacity

(If you wanna know why time trialist can often do so well in road races (the guy who beat me at Rusper and one the following week is a well known TT strong man, see below)

4. racing categories and time trial performance both correlate much more highly with sustainable threshold
power than with anaerobic capacity or sprinting power.

Thus, it often goes unrecognized that greater aerobic ability (in particular, a high mitochondrial density within
muscle) enhances the ability to sprint or attack in almost all race situations. The reason is that short-term power
production is reduced when the effort is initiated from prior exercise (as opposed to from rest), and this reduction is
in direct proportion to high-energy phosphate levels within the muscle. In other words, the really “strong” riders
seem to be able to attack repeatedly, or when the pace is already very high, and then recover more quickly than
others, largely because their muscles are more aerobically fit, not because they have markedly greater “lactate
tolerance,” and despite the seeming importance of sprinting ability in determining race outcome, it is more the case
that the sprinter with the highest threshold power wins. Adam Myerson, a pro/elite-level field sprinter, summed it
up nicely by noting that sprinting ability may be what helps you win the game (race), but having a high threshold
power is what allows you to play the game in the first place, and influences how well you can play at the end.
Another insightful comment was recently offered by Andy Birko at Wattage Forum:
(here's one for sprinters without sustainable power. I bet if you tested Adam it would be his aerobic power that had made the most significant gains oin the last 18 months rather than his anaerobic power or sprinting prowess)

[color=#0080BF]“When rested, I’ve got a pretty decent sprint (for a Cat. 4) at around 1100 Watts or so. When I hide, suck
wheel, etc., in a long race, I can produce about 800 Watts or so in the final sprint. When I’m pulling, chasing
etc., I’m lucky if I can hit 650 Watts by the end. There’s another guy in my club whose sprint speed is about
the same as mine (I don’t know his power), and when we do sprint drills, the result is split about 50/50. When
we do our monthly time trial, he goes about 10 seconds faster on his road bike than I do on my TT bike.
Guess who beats whom more often when we do our training races.
Anaerobic capacity is like a bank – every time you go over LT, you’re drawing from the bank, and again,
the further and longer you go above LT, the quicker you’re withdrawing. You can only replenish the bank
when below LT, so recovery from anaerobic efforts is directly related to how often and how much you go
above LT, as well as long you stay there, so the higher your LT, the stronger your anaerobic efforts can be
without draining the bank as much.”

This interpretation is spot-on, and is essentially the same as what was presented in a recent study in the Journal
of Applied Physiology. It explains why “genetic sprinters” need to be careful to “conserve their sprint”
throughout most any road race; as Jim Martin (masters national match sprint champion, but only a Cat. 3 on the
road) describes it: “I often to spend the whole race sitting in and suffering, waiting for the 1 km to go sign.”
Further, world and Olympic match sprint champion Marty Nothstein is generally unable to contest for the win
once the ‘smack’ really starts to go down in national-level points races and Madisons on the track, as well as
road criteriums; despite his world-class sprint ability, and even though he has greatly improved his aerobic
ability (threshold power), as evidenced by his win at the 2003 New York City Championship (a 100 km
criterium), it still apparently is not enough to handle the repeated surges thrown at him by riders such as Colby
Pearce, Jame Carney, etc. Even for a points racer, most training time should be spent working on threshold
power, although the new rule awarding 20 points – but no other benefit – for lapping the field tends to tip the
balance a bit more towards those who can sprint well.
Or in other words, it’s an aerobic sport, damn it! 

Charles Howe is neither an exercise physiologist nor a USA CyclingTM licensed coach, but you can learn a fair
amount by hanging around the right people. Special thanks to Andrew Coggan, Ph.D., for his contributions to
this article.[/color][/size]
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Re: The key component to Road Racing: LT?

Postby Robh » Wed Oct 08, 2008 5:50 pm

Does LT exist?

When do we reach LT?

Could it be , that once we can meassure lactate in the system . ( lactate is increasing or is "stable" on a certain level), that we already may have surpassed the "actual " lactate threshold of the working ( hard ) muscle groups and actually now hope that other muscle groups can take some what over or are they not yet on their own limit.

Stupid but simple [possible example ).

You do vertical jumps with one leg. You start perfect with a perfect inter-muscular chain of calf,quadriceps/hamstrings,gluteal and so on. Now unfortunately your calf muscle may be the limiting factor, and you may start to run into trouble with this muscle. But you keep going and you still jump ( not as high anymore ) but still go up, thanks to some other guys like glutes , quadriceps and so on.

You locally reached a " threshold " of the calf muscle, but you can compensate to a certain extent with other muscles in the same chain.. Now your quadriceps reaches the "threshold " , but you keep jumping ( not as smooth any more ) and you may now be doing a kind of Hip flexion extension , because gluteal and some other muscles still can do it. Now in fact you may be able to go on for quite a while with this motion , relative bad jump , but still moving. And you may finally find a " threshold " for this motion.Which is now the " real " threshold and if we take the latter , do we still apply a smart "stress " to the calf , or do we overuse ( abuse ) this muscle , with all the possible benefits and risks ?

I hope you see my discussion point.

If I go 1 hour all out as a time trial and I consider this as LT ( as Friel suggests ) are we sure the heart rate is usable, the wattage is usable , the speed is usable , the lactate numbers are usable ?

Could it be , that if I go too hard out , but I can "survive " still one hour my LT or all other factors are different , compared with a just perfect 1 hour TT?

Could it be that if we use the situation , where we see the first time an increasing trend of lactate concentration in the body , or a slightly drop of lactate , that this is a possible indication , that anywhere in the body some muscles reach their threshold, and that's why we see a release of lactate into the system? Not as an absolute number, but as a trend, with all the possibilities, that some lactate " may get used " on it's way to your finger or earlobe and the reading we have on the lactate pro is just a reading with an indication of a climbing or dropping trend.

What if in some athletes ,the lactate passes by more Type 1 fibers , than in other athlete's ?

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Re: The key component to Road Racing: LT?

Postby Michelle » Thu Oct 09, 2008 10:43 am


Please translate Rob I do not geddit.

Toks - I think what you are saying is that your bloke says that the aerobic capacity in the body is what wins you races - directly linked to the amount of mitochondria and therefore the amount of ADT created i.e. energy. But what Rob is saying in general (not in that response above, I don't understand a word of it) is that the purpose of FaCT training is to increase the amount of mitochondria in the muscles, to increase the amount of capillaries in the muscles, and by the way the mitochnodria also get rid of lactate acid so more of them means an increased ability to go harder, and also FaCT training increases the size of the liver and the liver's capacity for storing glucose, so you have more of that to call on when you race....

Whether or not you want to do FaCT style training and coaching is up to you - (ie 85-90% at LBP - 20), and I personally will be doing some of this but also stressing the other fuel systems as well by doing interval training, sprint training etc etc - but your article seems to say that you should increase your mitochondria, and FaCT training says it does just that.

So there you have it, discussion over, all sorted :shock:
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Re: The key component to Road Racing: LT?

Postby Robh » Thu Oct 09, 2008 11:33 am

No probs Michelle will try...

Juerg is questioning does LT exist.

He used an example in muscles groups for jumping on one leg saying what is the real threshold. Is it when its reached locally at the calf muscle which may be the limiting fatcor on that day or when your compensating with all the other muscles to keep the motion going they have reach their own limit of threshold.

Remember the example I showed to PaulH that the classical lactate test which uses 2mmol and 4mmol to find your threshold the absolute numbers were affected by what you eat. This can drastically effect your zones based on this figure which I witnessed in Mallorca on a person who had this classical lactate test done and a LBP test 2 days into the camp. His zone were a lot higher compared to the FaCT data and using them for just 1 days he could not produce anymore lactate in the FaCT test near the end. We were riding in our BI-STF zones and his classical lactate test had him above @ his LBP so he was digging into his glycogen reserves.

If we take for an example when I tested my friend, his resting lactate @ rest was 3.4mmol so nearly close to 4mmol which is suppose to be your threshold. FacT uses trends for their test not absolute numbers as diet does not affect the trend. If your seriously depleted of glycogen your LBP will be much lower to fully rested and a full liver...
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Re: The key component to Road Racing: LT?

Postby Robh » Thu Oct 09, 2008 1:17 pm

The athlete I metioned from Mallorca is a triathelte and has been training for 2 years. During one of the evening sessions on the level II course, Andrew Do, the trialthlete joined us to talk about his level 2 running LBP test he had that day.

As a comparison Andrew Sellars looked at his classical lactate test for both his running and plotted the running one on his software to compare with the LBP test. We didn't do a cycling comparision but it was the same conclusion as running.

Here's the images :-

1 .Clasisical lactate test:-


2. LBP test


Classical lactate test - 4mmol @ 180bpm (LT/AT)
LBP test - 167bpm for LBP (similar to LT/AT)

So which method is correct for finding when you've gone using the old term anaerobic? 180bpm or 167bpm quite a difference when using for zones if percentages are used.

Well we know FaCT uses trends and the trend is always the same no matter your diet.

Diet does have an effect on the classical test as it use absolute number set @ 4mmol.

Remember while back when Juerg asked Ajay the next time he has a lactate test to ask the person doing the test why would your lactate numbers pre breakfats would go 15mins after breakfast.

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Re: The key component to Road Racing: LT?

Postby Paul H » Thu Oct 09, 2008 2:17 pm

180 looks about right for this persons AT - maybe a little less.

Before 180, the heart rate and lactate are rising at a reasonable steady rate. Over 180, the heart rate is not rising so quickly and lactate is rising quicker indicating your body is relying more on the aneorobic system to maintain the extra speed.

The AT seems to be at the same place on the 2nd test (180) eventhough he is going faster (producing more power). I have noticed this myself that my AT HR seems to be pretty stable irrespective of my current fitness.
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Re: The key component to Road Racing: LT?

Postby Robh » Thu Oct 09, 2008 2:44 pm

Thanks Paul.

Some further readng on lactate and absolute numbers :-

More discussions on the classic lactate test how high carbo breakfast or being glycogen depleted wil leffect results :- ... l#POST1813
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Re: The key component to Road Racing: LT?

Postby Toks » Thu Oct 09, 2008 3:07 pm


Please translate Rob I do not geddit.

Toks - I think what you are saying is that your bloke says that the aerobic capacity in the body is what wins you races - directly linked to the amount of mitochondria and therefore the amount of ADT created i.e. energy. :
Hi Michelle, despite nearly 40 different threads started by Rob about FaCT I'm really non the wiser. Poor RobH can't explain what Juerg means most of the time and when challenged he gets a bit prickly. It must be so frustrating for him.Oh well...

Michelle training wise I'm only interested in 2 things.

1. What significant component(s) determine success in endurance cycling events?
2. How can I train to get it/them (1) on 10 or less hours per week (2) with minimum build up of stress and fatigue (I'm particularly interest in developing my aerobic fitness in the next 6-9 months though rather than in 2013 :roll: .

I couldn't give xxxx what my physiology breaks down. Will I have the power to be competitive against who ever I'm racing against in 2009 is all that really bothers me? Check out Number 4 (power levels) in this link.
There's a graph showing key adaptions you get from training

Charles Howe article goes against old school beliefs that sugest that Road Racing is a predominantly anaerobic (real hard efforts of 30secs-2 mins) rather than and aerobic sport (efforts from 3mins and above). Hence success depends on
Last edited by Toks on Thu Oct 09, 2008 3:32 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: The key component to Road Racing: LT?

Postby Robh » Thu Oct 09, 2008 3:10 pm

No not really it's funny watch you try and learn, your a tpyical power user not open to new ideas....Saw one if Mallorca refused to think out of the box.

I've expalined to you it just does not sink into your brain so Prickly Rob offered you a test and my time for FREE and you did not take up my offer. I did try to help.

I do not know how you are called MR Motivator Toks....Seriously!

BTW Hunter Allen from Cyclingpeaks is a certified FaCT level 1 coach. Have a look here :-

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Re: The key component to Road Racing: LT?

Postby Toks » Thu Oct 09, 2008 3:20 pm

[quote="Robh"]I do not know how you are called MR Motivator Toks....
Not a title I gave myself I promise you :D But I reckon you could work it out if you were to read through the racing, training and results threads over the last 4 years :wink: [quote="RobH"]Prickly Rob offered you (TOKS) a test and my time for FREE and you did not take up my offer. I did try to help.
Don't start being all nice now I'm getting confused :D Yes Yes I'll be there in November, if the offer still stands :D [quote="Rob the FaCT Man"]BTW Hunter Allen from Cyclingpeaks is a certified FaCT level 1 coach. Have a look here :-
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Re: The key component to Road Racing: LT?

Postby Robh » Thu Oct 09, 2008 3:24 pm

That link you quote it's for franchise businesses to make money as it's so easy to follow...No thinking required at all Toks.

I will set the record straight for once, you can carry on believing what you are doing and I will do the same but will also try new ideas and help forum members down this path.

The door will never be closed for you Toks come back when you feel you can think out of the box and except to try new ideas.

There's more than one way to skin a cat..
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Re: The key component to Road Racing: LT?

Postby Robh » Thu Oct 09, 2008 3:26 pm

Toks lets be nice as things can be get funny on a forum.

1-1 face to face so I can show you how you preform on the test. You haven nothing to loose. Me? Just my time away from my wife.

Cheers Rob
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Re: The key component to Road Racing: LT?

Postby Robh » Thu Oct 09, 2008 3:40 pm

I was warned by Juerg and Andrew people who believe in power will be the hardest to make then think out of the box.

Come down to the clinic and I will show you the basics to begin with how you can't use Power soley to pace.
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Re: The key component to Road Racing: LT?

Postby Sylv » Thu Oct 09, 2008 3:47 pm

[quote="Robh"]ICome down to the clinic

Just don't expect white walls and gentil nurses ;-)
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Re: The key component to Road Racing: LT?

Postby Paul H » Thu Oct 09, 2008 3:57 pm

[quote]Some further readng on lactate and absolute numbers :-

More discussions on the classic lactate test how high carbo breakfast or being glycogen depleted wil leffect results :- ... l#POST1813

Not sure what these articles are telling me. Obvioulsy any test would have to be under the same conditions.
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