Goals for 2009

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Re: Goals for 2009

Postby Antloony » Wed Oct 08, 2008 1:40 pm

[quote="Dombo"]Move from 18s to 19s in the CR

Just do it, what you got to lose, I think you like many others worry to much about moving up a group. Don't, you may get dropped but more than likely you'll hang in there fine and feel good for having done it. Look at the B race in the ACC road race the other week, a big portion of that group were18's and 19's riders yet quite happily sat in the bunch averaging well over 20mph for the whole race. Just a little extra effort and you'll be there man, go for it, you'll love yourself for doing it trust me. :D
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Re: Goals for 2009

Postby Dombo » Wed Oct 08, 2008 1:46 pm

It's just the thought of getting spat out the back before the lights at Hooley and being swept up by the 18s, deafened by their hoots and jeers :cry:
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Re: Goals for 2009

Postby Tony » Wed Oct 08, 2008 5:45 pm

No goals for me.....not publicly anyway. Riding the bike again may be one! Plus tidying the garden, cleaning the house, etc.!

I did notice that a few people's goals don't complement each other very well. For example, riding the 12hr and success at Palace is a bit like saying I want the marathon skills of Paula Radcliffe simultaneously with the sprinting skills of Usain Bolt. I've never seen that person, but they'd be a pretty scarey site! Achieving your "optimum" result in both events in the same season is not realistic. Personal dissatisfaction with results in both events is a significant risk.

For one rider in particular, I would not recommend riding the 12-hour. Despite the the experiences and pedigree of some the more mature boys and girls in ACC in such events, which would be a great help, this person is much more suited to shorter, sharper road races. Save the 12-hour for a few years' time!
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Re: Goals for 2009

Postby Stu Merckx Man » Wed Oct 08, 2008 6:06 pm

[quote="Tony"]No goals for me.....not publicly anyway. Riding the bike again may be one! Plus tidying the garden, cleaning the house, etc.!

I did notice that a few people's goals don't complement each other very well. For example, riding the 12hr and success at Palace is a bit like saying I want the marathon skills of Paula Radcliffe simultaneously with the sprinting skills of Usain Bolt. I've never seen that person, but they'd be a pretty scarey site! Achieving your "optimum" result in both events in the same season is not realistic. Personal dissatisfaction with results in both events is a significant risk.

For one rider in particular, I would not recommend riding the 12-hour. Despite the the experiences and pedigree of some the more mature boys and girls in ACC in such events, which would be a great help, this person is much more suited to shorter, sharper road races. Save the 12-hour for a few years' time!

oh tony your so subtle! :P :lol:
point taken, though, if i rode the 12 hour i wouldnt be looking for any success, my satisfaction would be just completing it. however, what are the risks of injury in such an event?
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Re: Goals for 2009

Postby Sylv » Wed Oct 08, 2008 6:09 pm

Well for you at a rate of one crash per hour they are fairly high :lol:
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Re: Goals for 2009

Postby Tony » Thu Oct 09, 2008 12:04 am

[quote="Stu Merckx Man"]oh tony your so subtle!

By Jove, Stu, by some kind of uncanny co-incidence you thought my comments might be directed at you. Of course, now you mention it, I can see how you may have interpretted them that way..... :D

[quote="Stu Merckx Man"]however, what are the risks of injury in such an event?

The issues I can recall (and I'm racking my brains here to get the facts right) generally were with riders 'somewhat older' than you. I think Keith Knight's back injury was greatly exaggerated during his 12hr a few years ago. Another rider, Rob on the Roberts (can't remember his surname) had knee problems post his 12-hour. However, these were musclo-skeletal type injuries. I think Richard Claridge (no longer rides) also wore out some part of his body on the 12-hr too.... :oops:

For a relative whipper-snapper, I think the risks are more likely to result from exhaustion - i.e. viral infection, general fatigue and loss of interest in riding. You've had your fair share of viruses, stomach upsets, etc. this year without subjecting yourself to a 12-hour gruel. I believe there is also medical evidence to suggest that the immune system is not yet functioning at its optimum in your late teens, making you more vulnerable to nasties like glandular fever, ME, meningitis etc than someone a few years older than yourself. Better to focus on something like the Jaunts to optimise your recovery / nutrition / etc. rather than risk grinding yourself in to the ground in the 12-hour. IMO, anyway.
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Re: Goals for 2009

Postby Toks » Thu Oct 09, 2008 1:25 am


I did notice that a few people's goals don't complement each other very well. For example, riding the 12hr and success at Palace is a bit like saying I want the marathon skills of Paula Radcliffe simultaneously with the sprinting skills of Usain Bolt. I've never seen that person, but they'd be a pretty scarey site! Achieving your "optimum" result in both events in the same season is not realistic. Personal dissatisfaction with results in both events is a significant risk.

For one rider in particular, I would not recommend riding the 12-hour. Despite the the experiences and pedigree of some the more mature boys and girls in ACC in such events, which would be a great help, this person is much more suited to shorter, sharper road races. Save the 12-hour for a few years' time!
I've got to disagree 100% the key determinant in doing well in a 12 hour race and doing well at Palace is a high lactate threshold or sustainable power. Admittedly one requires more endurance training, good fueling an pacing strategy and the other some anaerobic and sprint training but they can definitley be done. It takes some planning and you wouldn't want to do peak for them at the same time. For example, Hal came 2nd at Palace about 3 times and also got top 10 in quite a few 6 hr plus sportivs. Nonsense, and I repeat, of course it can be done. :D
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Re: Goals for 2009

Postby Robh » Thu Oct 09, 2008 8:25 am


I did notice that a few people's goals don't complement each other very well. For example, riding the 12hr and success at Palace is a bit like saying I want the marathon skills of Paula Radcliffe simultaneously with the sprinting skills of Usain Bolt. I've never seen that person, but they'd be a pretty scarey site! Achieving your "optimum" result in both events in the same season is not realistic. Personal dissatisfaction with results in both events is a significant risk.

For one rider in particular, I would not recommend riding the 12-hour. Despite the the experiences and pedigree of some the more mature boys and girls in ACC in such events, which would be a great help, this person is much more suited to shorter, sharper road races. Save the 12-hour for a few years' time!
I've got to disagree 100% the key determinant in doing well in a 12 hour race and doing well at Palace is a high lactate threshold or sustainable power. Admittedly one requires more endurance training, good fueling an pacing strategy and the other some anaerobic and sprint training but they can definitley be done. It takes some planning and you wouldn't want to do peak for them at the same time. For example, Hal came 2nd at Palace about 3 times and also got top 10 in quite a few 6 hr plus sportivs. Nonsense, and I repeat, of course it can be done. :D

Or another way to see it for ultimate performance on the day is, are following systems functioning together as a team :-

1. cardiovascular.
2. respiratory.
3. neurologic.
4. metabolic.
5. muscular.

Strap on a Powemeter at the start of the 12 hr, the power will be high to begin with, over the course of the 12hrs power will start to drop and drop etc...

Best way to explain you have 5 players in a 5 a side football team and the first players gets sent off, ok you might cope fine against the other time then another one of your palyers gets sent off. Now things are starting to get harder as it's 3 v 5 and you have dig in harder to try and maintain the same performance but it's not possible so your teams performance drops.

So question to ask yourslef which physiological systems are starting to fail in the 12hr?

2-3 weeks later get tested like Paul Tunnell did and you might find like him you are still suffering the affects of the 12hr and have a poor LBP test. Question to ask now which systems have not yet recovered?

It's believed the brain uses the CGM (Central governor model) to protect itself and will shut down these systems.


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Re: Goals for 2009

Postby Jon H » Thu Oct 09, 2008 9:48 am

1. Top 12 position in Spoco SE series & top 3 on handicap.
2. Get back to regular sub-hour 25 form.
3. Sub 2-hour 50.
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Re: Goals for 2009

Postby Andrew G » Thu Oct 09, 2008 10:03 am

[quote="Toks"]I've got to disagree 100% the key determinant in doing well in a 12 hour race and doing well at Palace is a high lactate threshold or sustainable power. Admittedly one requires more endurance training, good fueling an pacing strategy and the other some anaerobic and sprint training but they can definitley be done. It takes some planning and you wouldn't want to do peak for them at the same time. For example, Hal came 2nd at Palace about 3 times and also got top 10 in quite a few 6 hr plus sportivs. Nonsense, and I repeat, of course it can be done. :D

Well that would get you half way round :wink: .

The 12hr is about survival first time out for at least 99% of people Toks. Do you know how your body will react and behave after 8-9 hours of continual cycling without a break longer than a pee stop? And you've still got 3-4 hours left at that stage. The step up to a 12 from what is normally considered a very long ride is still very big in terms of time, and if you do go on long rides then you're almost certain to have a 30min+ cafe stop in the middle in the vast majority of cases.

Nutrition, comfort, and pain come far higher up the list than "high lactate threshold or sustainable power", or certainly did for me. Ignoring making any minor injuries worse and assume you are a vision on physical perfection, on very long rides your position on the bike is likely to suffer a bit through fatigue and you'll tend to slump a touch which will put pressure on different muscles and parts of your body.

I know I'm not as talented as Stu (and many, many others) but in the 12 the pain towards the end was pretty noticeable. From about 6 hours (if not before) to avoid getting a stiff back and so on I changed position by getting out the saddle on the rises. This helps stretch out and eases aches and little bits of stiffness (easy!). This did however put different muscles to work in different ways in my legs (thighs). Another couple of hours on and I wanted to stretch my back out by getting out the saddle but that was starting to make my thighs ache more. In the last hour the continued in and out of saddle, generally more slumped position and fatigue meant I had now added hotfoot to the list. The last half hour I was squeezing water on my foot all the time (which already had the straps loosened up a bit) and crawling all over the bike to try and switch from one ache to the other so as not to make any one too much pain.

Bit of a ramble/rant I know but a 12 hour isn't "just" about anything and needs proper preperation and very careful planning, and the assistance of a team to keep you topped up with supplies etc while you're riding.

George and Sylv's debut 12hr rides were nothing short of phenominal and should not be viewed any other way.
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Re: Goals for 2009

Postby Tony » Thu Oct 09, 2008 10:33 am

Toks of course it can be done. Some of the top road-men in the country are great at short-distances as well as longer-distances. A strong rider is always a strong rider! For example, someone succeeding in sportifs is a much better all-round cyclist than your average third-cat and will, therefore, inevitably bash most of them at Palace. Sportifs in any case tend to have road-race type periods which is where the boys and men get sorted out.

Having said that, my statement that the goals don't complement each other very well is 100% accurate! One requires more endurance training, good fueling and pacing strategy and the other some anaerobic and sprint training! :D Andrew makes some good points about them being psyhcologically very different events too.

As an example, take Ian Holt. When he was riding the crit series seriously his training was extremely focused on short-sharp anaerobic training. His successes that season included winning the London Bob Chicken Grand Prix (and a brief clip on Grandstand to boot). His achievements in longer E12 races at around that time were a clear level below this (still respectable - but no longer that good). Even taking me as a simple case last year - I did some focused, anaerobic training for the HillClimbs and got back to a reasonable standard of fiteness and recorded respectable performances. However, could I stay with those whom I had beaten on a longer clubrun at fruity pace - only just! The tables were completely turned. After 30-miles my doors always fell off.

Given the constraints of time, motivation, etc. that was the optimum we could achieve. Comparative success in one but not the other.
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Re: Goals for 2009

Postby Robh » Thu Oct 09, 2008 11:35 am

Nicely put Tony and also to you Andrew.
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Re: Goals for 2009

Postby Michelle » Thu Oct 09, 2008 12:04 pm

Right, back to goals.

Ok guys and gals, I have prevaricated long enough. My goals for next year are...

1. 1st Cat race licence.
2. Win a (proper) womens road race.
3. Go out with the training group and not get dropped.

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Re: Goals for 2009

Postby Antloony » Thu Oct 09, 2008 12:26 pm

[quote="Michelle"]Right, back to goals.

3. Go out with the training group and not get dropped.


Now thats the attitude :D I'm sure you'll get there Michelle, I've no need to tell you how hard it is (insert smutty smiley remark here) but I reckon with your attitude and determination you'll do it.
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Re: Goals for 2009

Postby Andrew G » Thu Oct 09, 2008 12:35 pm

1. 1st Cat race licence.
2. Win a (proper) womens road race.
3. Go out with the training group and not get dropped.
4. Ride for 2 months consecutively without catching some kind of snotty ailment :D .
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