Club Run Report Oct 11

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Club Run Report Oct 11

Postby Dombo » Sat Oct 11, 2008 7:57 pm

Well, someone's got to kick this off.
Very excited about this as after chatting at CSS with a bloke on a blue Claude Butler I decided to venture out of my comfort zone and mix it with the 19s.
Far from being spat out before Hooley as expected I kept with the main group until Rusper. The Reigate lumps proved a challenge as our peloton stayed tight rather than stringing out along the road, so I had to work to keep up, only a red light at the A25 junction keeping me in play. On through Reigate and the lanes saw me drift towards the rear of the pack, aware that everybody else seemed to be riding easy whereas I was on my chinstrap.
Rusper saw the group split - one group forked right (never, EVER seen that on a CR before) while the front bit kept to the normal route. Tried in vain to catch them on the downhill and figuring they were planning a thru and off up the dual carriageway I left them to it and promptly got lost, eventually working my way back to the cafe by the simple expedient of turning left at every opportunity, and triangulating from the sun's position and the height of taking off planes as they passed overhead.
Spent a pleasant hour or so chatting to some training group riders in the garden then a brutally fast (for me) ride back to Redhill and up the Merstham drag to home at my own pace.

Average speed to the cafe was 18.9, having been 19.2 when I lost the group, and dropped to 18.5 as I turned into my drive. Rounding up makes 19 average so dead chuffed :D

All told, an excellent ride with the usual great company in fantastic weather. Just need to stop worrying about blowing too early and always having some gas left in the tank.
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Re: Club Run Report Oct 11

Postby Amy » Sat Oct 11, 2008 8:12 pm

Good ride for me too - though I kinda backed off an 18 after seeing who was in it... Mind you I ended up doing 17.9mph average in the 17s I was in :D (my speedo could be wrong...)

I then joined in the alternative riders route back via Brockham, Little Switzerland and Walton-on-the-Hill which was thoroughly enjoyable - just need to move Walton-on-the-Hill cafe so that it faces the sun in the afternoon 8) I have put a route onto the Routes forum for people to see where they went :roll:
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Re: Club Run Report Oct 11

Postby Michelle » Sat Oct 11, 2008 8:22 pm

Weird one this week for me, some tragically bad riding in the group I was in, especially as no-one seemed to want to stop when an ambulance came through on Gatton Bottom (the right turn just before the Reigate lumps). Honestly, no wonder cars get pissed off with us; when you hear a siren you need to pull over.

Anyway after Monty had whipped them back into shape, I sprung off the front (as by that time I had literally nearly sprung a leak) to go and find a convenient hedge. Apparently someone tried to chase me down....I didn't see them so they didn't manage it 8) . However I ended up at the back of the group. Caught up with Bridget whose legs had fallen off, so stayed with her all the way, also picking up Shadowy Snake Hips who was full of snot and therefore going slowly. After a left turn along Partridge Lane, Alex rolled up - he had waited for me but we had foxed him by turning left into Leigh by the ice cream farm. Alex and I rolled along whilst Steve and Bridget took up the rear 200m behind.

It's a long time since I have turned left along Partrdige Lane, what a lovely road it is. Sprinting the little hill on the nice tarmac, just for the hell of it, fantastic.

And what a glorious day to boot.

Bacon sandwich in the cafe, lovely to see everyone out. Then relatively quickly home for a jaunt into London to the bike show.

Just had an enormous plate of pasta and veg sauce, on my second glass of wine, what a great day!
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Re: Club Run Report Oct 11

Postby Alex P » Sat Oct 11, 2008 11:38 pm

Sean, would you now consider yourselves ACC Missionaries, spreading the good word ? :P :P :P
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Re: Club Run Report Oct 11

Postby Rob Q » Sun Oct 12, 2008 8:35 am

[quote="Amy"]Good ride for me too - though I kinda backed off an 18 after seeing who was in it... Mind you I ended up doing 17.9mph average in the 17s I was in :D (my speedo could be wrong...)

I then joined in the alternative riders route back via Brockham, Little Switzerland and Walton-on-the-Hill which was thoroughly enjoyable - just need to move Walton-on-the-Hill cafe so that it faces the sun in the afternoon 8) I have put a route onto the Routes forum for people to see where they went :roll:

I joined the group going back via box hill and enjoyed the alternative route back with Amy and the rest. Glorious sunshine and scenery to boot. Wouldnt have a clue how to find it again, but thanks for ride all. see you soon.
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Re: Club Run Report Oct 11

Postby djembi » Sun Oct 12, 2008 8:59 am

Amy I'll ask you as I can't trust PeteS, where is 'Little Switzerland' I can't see it on your route map :? :?
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Re: Club Run Report Oct 11

Postby Alan M » Sun Oct 12, 2008 10:45 am

Casper and myself dithered about groups but at the last possible moment made a speculative leap for the back of the advertised 20mph 'steady' including notable participation of George and Paul and other iron legged members. The pace we set off at was quite manageable and it was great to be riding with Tim again. In fact riding behind Tim and George reminded me that nature always tries to fill a vacuum. Paul was riding very steadily and although I lost contact a bit up the steps we were reunited before Reigate Heath. Amusingly at an earlier set of traffic lights we were overtaken by a group of BMXers presumably out on their Saturday morning club run as well!

The next section went Ok, George adding an extra few miles by taking us circuitously to Newdigate. He then warned me to stay on someone's wheel as the pace would increase somewhat. I was OK until the hill into the woods; the group had spotted Adam et al in the distance and the chase was on and my nemisis was evident. Casper had also been spat out the back so I didn't feel too badly about it.

So Eventually I turned for the longer through and off (or 'bit and bit' as i have been taught to say) and I nearly caught Adam's group but was able to join them for the dual carriageway. This went passably well with some hesitation on following wheels which disrupted the rhythm a bit, but not too much. The sprint was a forgone conclusion - I think Dave Kennet made an early break and was successfuly chased down by Adam. I did a 21mph average

I returned via Box Hill and there was a brisk pace but my legs were sore and when we got to the top Nick and myself departed sooner than the rest in hope of a convivial final coffee which we duly enjoyed.

A great day on the bike and seemingly quite a large group 8)
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Re: Club Run Report Oct 11

Postby Sylv » Sun Oct 12, 2008 11:12 am

Aaaah almost got the sprint from Tim H!

Set off on my own @ 135bpm, lovely morning but wasn't expecting the fog and set off with bare arms and hands, it didn't clear till near Rusper when I felt a nice wave of warm air peering through the clouds. Ipod set on random with most notably Built to Spill's version of Cortez the Killer, all 19 minutes of which took me from Coulsdon to Reigate!

Was expecting to be caught by a couple groups, but nothing till the dual carriageway, so i did a bit of extra TT riding up and down there, then half a mile before Charlwood I feel a wind in my neck, it's the training group coming past! It felt like that almost-perfect breakaway.

For a second I thought to let them go but then I realised I was quite fresh whilst they had been hammering for 1.5h, so when George attacked I tried and join the chasers. Was about 5th but it felt quite easy to bring him back, nice, and get into Tim's wheel. Unfortunately there was traffic and we couldn't have a proper fight, not sure I would have been able to come past him anyway but stood a chance. Tim hadn't realised it was me either! George asked the pissed-off Mini driver behind if he wanted to join our club - did he say yes George?

Good ride back Box Hill with Dan & co, and Serge a racing mountain biker as I found out. Stopped for a leak before the climb so that I wouldn't be tempted to chase anyone (especially Adam & mate who came past me later!!), but even though keeping it below 145-150 was virtually impossible. Pace was higher than I wanted after that, but from Coulsdon took it easy and brought it down to a perfect 135 :)
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Re: Club Run Report Oct 11

Postby Amy » Sun Oct 12, 2008 5:31 pm

Ian 'Djembi' Pringle - Little Switzerland? Remember we stopped at the bottom of Box Hill to help the guy with the broken chain? We then went pass the usual route up Box Hill (the Zigzag) and turned into the next right afterwards - that road up there is Little Switzerland: so called because it's supposed to have a passing resemblance to an alpine road :wink:
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Re: Club Run Report Oct 11

Postby djembi » Sun Oct 12, 2008 5:56 pm

Amy your map says Headley road and lodge bottom road :? :?
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Re: Club Run Report Oct 11

Postby Amy » Sun Oct 12, 2008 8:47 pm

Well, you asked - I told you. It's an area that's always been known as Little Switzerland - to local cyclists at least, for years.
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Re: Club Run Report Oct 11

Postby mlocke » Sun Oct 12, 2008 8:56 pm

This was the first time that I have done the normal club run route in more than three months and as a result I enjoyed all of it.

With the hip still causing discomfort decided that a steady 18’s to be led by Mr Munnery was the order of the day. As the group formed ‘in the box’ however here was a notable exception – Mr Munnery!!??

Where did he go?

The group was still a fair old sized however and we all set off in formation down the drag and towards the steps.

At the steps I was expecting the group to split with attacks as it can be hard to resist the instinct. On the contrary however the group all stayed together over the top which makes a nice change to what normally happens in the faster groups where we all try our best to kill on another. Can’t wait to get back to this though 

The ride from here on remained by and lage uneventful – we did the T&O which was on the ragged side of OK. Again, I am probably not one to comment on others actions but everyone must realise that there should be no accelerations of note when coming through but it should be gradual. By accelerating you merely create a gap behind which needs filling which inevitably is done so be another acceleration and the smooth through & off actions quickly deteriorates into a ragged accelerate your @rse off & kill the man behind ;)

Coming toward the business end of the run to the café and things spiced up a touch.
Given my problems of the last few months I said to myself “do nothing stupid and don’t hurt yourself i.e. no sprint for you today”. However with the group still in full T&O mode another group pulled out of a junction a hundred metres down the road. My thinking that we had the momentum picked up the pace slightly with a view to dragging the group through with as little fuss as possible.

Not sure how well this worked but I appeared to be on me tod after I had gone past so sat up and waited. Then all of a sudden a guy came roaring past me and the earlier thoughts were forgotten as I battled to grab the wheel. With a hundred metres to go I made my move and slowly edged in front but I could feel the the speed dropping with every metre that passed. Then with around 10 metres to go we were both swallowed up by a couple of others who came past on the line.

Felt the effects of this on the hip a little afterwards but not too bad.

After a cup of tea was a nice run back – good and steady following the wheel of Graeme O who is going really well at the moment. Great steady wheel to follow which gives you the confidence to tuck in tight behind.

Out of nowhere Steve B came blasting through and which dragged a few with him momentarily. I think the pace must have been too much for them though as I think all of them feel off your wheel and most came back into the steady clutches of Graeme.

Steve had a good gap till a puncture over the golf course – uber fast!!

Overall good ride nice and steady – think the average was just under 19mph which I would have been very pleased with not too long ago.

If anyone goes in GB Cycles in the next few days could they look for a physios card on the counter and post details here – Pete told me she has done good things with some of his friends.

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Re: Club Run Report Oct 11

Postby Ian A4size » Sun Oct 12, 2008 9:26 pm

Lockey wrote...The group was still a fair old sized however

is this some sort of insult?

I have photos.....
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Re: Club Run Report Oct 11

Postby mlocke » Mon Oct 13, 2008 11:41 am

Steady Now :)
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Re: Club Run Report Oct 11

Postby killyridols » Mon Oct 13, 2008 5:44 pm


The Lady in question is Pamela Ann Jones. " Treatment for Pain and Injury, Improve your Athletic Ability " Her website is [url][/url] and her email is
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