Saturday Club run 25/10/2008

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Saturday Club run 25/10/2008

Postby Michelle » Sat Oct 25, 2008 5:48 pm

It's nearly 6pm and no-one has posted, I can't keep quiet any longer.

Much to everyone's incredulity I sat back and waited for the 15's today. Granted John C looked worried, but then when Lisa S and Toks also hung back he realised he had got himself a highly placed racing group in the making - no less than 3 x 2nd Cats in a group of 8 people. :shock:. Not to worry though we are all on a go slow at the minute.

It was always going to be difficult to do this LBP - 20 stuff in a group, but the 15's worked as well as any group can. I had a slight mechanical on the way up the Mershtham drag. Everyone stopped and offered advice, and some even helped! Then we had a chain off. Then we had another chain off. Luckily no punctures, crashes or ar$ehole car drivers :D

In between all this, me, Marky Mark and Sean were trying to keep to the correct heart rate zones. Which meant going dead slow up the hills then powering down them. So we became known as the 'Yo Yo Group'. I thoroughly enjoyed the ride, we had a right old laugh, we all got to look at the scenery, the trees, flowers and cows (though we missed the ostriches) and no one complained too much when I got into an off- key and wavery rendition of 'We plough the fields and scatter' - God knows why cos harvest time was two months ago.

I managed to get all of 10 minutes in the cafe and after a swift cup of tea set off first for the route home. Soon to be followed by the fast boys. And then, most gutting of all, a massive group of about 35 ACC's came whistling past me doing 20 mph to my 15. Now THAT was hard.....very very hard. Nearly harsh, even :evil: .

Still, when I kick but come April time it will all have been worth it. :x

Good trip out today, 4 hours at LBP-20, 52 miles, ave HR 129....don't care about average speed, it matters not :wink:
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Re: Saturday Club run 25/10/2008

Postby Marek » Sat Oct 25, 2008 8:14 pm

I think your zone training is mad, but I will keep my comment to the training forum.

I had a great fun ride today. Left the house at 8am and it was very cold, I have to go down a descent out of East Grinstead and I was really regretting not wearing a scarf as my face was freezing.

Plenty of riders at CSS and managed to get a good group of about 8 for the training ride. A few guys who have not ridden out with the training group for a bit but there were about 4 of us doing turns on the front with Paul H holding back as he had a cross country race in the afternoon. Andrew on is first training ride managed to hold on fine and is even considering racing next year, so another one to watch.

I was doing a few fast turns at the beginning of the ride, but overdid it at one point and decided to sit in for a while. One guy who comes down from up North was doing some real long strong turns on the front which was great. Hal was also in pretty good form giving us all a good hammering up the hills. A good thru and off all the way to the sprint point where Hal managed to just pip me by half a wheel.

Great piece of banana cake and a cuppa and then rode with a group of about 8 or so up to Box Hill. Good bit of banter with Dan on the way up, and him and Hal managed to beat me to the top, my legs were starting to struggle a bit. I decided to have another cuppa and a flap jack and the others pootled off. A few others turned up but then I had to scoot off to Reigate to pick up something from the shops, then the ride back into what was now a bit of a strong headwind back to EG. Think I put in about 100 miles.


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Re: Saturday Club run 25/10/2008

Postby Sylv » Sat Oct 25, 2008 8:43 pm

Had good fun at Herne Hill, rode there after bodging a front brake on my fixed this morning (riding it to the pub last night without brakes was scary enough), which involved carrying a front wheel and stem/handlebar/brake combo on my back.

I didn't have my HRM, but I think Kieran hit 185 :D, No speedo either, but left at 9.50 and back at 2.30 - totally knackered.

It was super windy, and now that HH is closed for the winter, looking forward to any upcoming trips to Calshot or Newport.
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Re: Saturday Club run 25/10/2008

Postby Andrew G » Sat Oct 25, 2008 8:59 pm

Nice one Sylv glad you enjoyed yourself, can get a bit breezy on the straights.

An easy "rest" week so went with the 17s and had a nice gentle spin in the small ring. Nearly jumped out my skin when during a moment of silence and serenity Monty suddenly shouted a rotate from right behind me, but other than that uneventful. The only thing I would say though is that as I wasn't going to sprint I thought I'd wind the pace up in to the last corner to keep it safe. Problem was when I sped up a little bit I think people thought I was going and jumped round me from a long way out. Too far out as the sprinting group was flagging by the "line". Problem as I saw it though was a lot of heads down, which 3 or 4 abreast on public roads is not wise. Only the Club Run folks, keep your heads up.

Small ring spin back too with a nice bit of chat, stuck in the big ring for a bit of fun in the last couple of miles in to Coulsdon then back to spinning for home. Nice day, I quite like the weather when it's like it was today. Put the right clothes on and you stay warm but the air has a nice crispness to it and everything looks a bit sharper.

See you all again next week, and it's that fixie time of year again methinks :D .
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Re: Saturday Club run 25/10/2008

Postby Andrew G » Sat Oct 25, 2008 9:09 pm

Good, I forgot to ask, glad you got it untangled as it looked like it had wound itself in nicely. Fortunately it looked like you'd spotted it early and started freewheeling so I didn't stop as I thought you'd be okay.
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Re: Saturday Club run 25/10/2008

Postby Alan M » Sat Oct 25, 2008 9:19 pm

A funny ride out today. I opted for the first 18 group but we caught the 19s at TLs well before the turn to Merstham. We laid off them and let them create a gap. But by Reigate Heath the 19s had dropped a few for whom they now waited. This placed the 18s ahead of the 19s and they subsequently caught us and we formed a rather large group! I suggested that they turn left and we go straight on at the gravel turning - this would have placed us behind them again, but they followed on! Adam seemed a tad preoccupied by this and made a decision to burn some off the back - this was partially successful but the group was still somewhat large and by the right turn just before the pub we took stock and divided.

The rest was uneventful but we caught up with the second 18 (I think) at the dual carriageway - they then headed off and we had a convivial pee stop. The through and off was a bit uneven but settled down and when we got to the lanes we came upon the 17s which caused some disruption to what was building as good sprint - Steve and A N Other joined in our sprint and we all arrived happily enough. Adam took it from Steve at the line.

We had a late return and a steady ride back only punctuated by Steve and myself stretching our legs on the drag. I really tried hard to get away from him but his awesome acceleration gave me no chance.

More coffees and a sunny ride back to Sanderstead
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Re: Saturday Club run 25/10/2008

Postby andrew_phillips » Sat Oct 25, 2008 9:41 pm

Really enjoyed myself out today with the training group for the first time, despite the ten or so moments when I thought I was going to die of heart failure. The junctions really save you just by giving you those few seconds to catch your breath! 'Holding on' was the name of the game which I coped with apart from the sprint for the Charlwood sign where the rest of the guys hit the warpdrive and to be honest I didn't even consider trying to change up pace and compete. Great fun and should be the best way to turn my training up a notch or two - I could never dream of riding that pace on my own.
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Re: Saturday Club run 25/10/2008

Postby Marky Mark » Sat Oct 25, 2008 10:09 pm

The tale of the chain gang. (THE REAL CHAIN GANG)

Bloody chain gang I hear you say! Yes I said chain gang, 5 chains off or snapped in one CR. 8)

Lets back track to the meeting at CSS, hundreds of ACC members tussling for position and peer pressure to get into a training group, 19's, 18's, 17's, 16's, 15's, JFF, milk floats, mobility scooters, road sweepers, then our Yo-yo chain gang to the beat of a heart...

Sean you really shouldn't let John (pre-war) and John (mid-war) call you fat. Well don't let em get to you fatty and I'll back you up all the way. You done so well sticking to the LBP-20, it was amazing how even though we are close on the stats, how we varied over the hills and fats (that should of been flats), it always seemed to even it's self out. Why did you not come in and eat cake? :wink:

Michelle and Lisa (fingers crossed I remembered your name) seemed to be a lot closer over all, we all seemed to have our moments and have a second winds at different times, I'm glad we all got together and 'sort' of stayed together, I must try harder to stick to the programme. 8)

I must thank the magnificent 7 for riding down to the cafe, not including you Toks because riding with us for 500 yards does not count as team work. As I said later in the ride..... There is no 'I' in heartbeat! :roll:

Thank you slots to John & John for letting me drag you home at my pace, I know you would of taken your turn but the fact that you both don't have a pulse would of chucked a massive spanner in the works. I'm sure you were just being polite riding home with me from the cafe. I seemed to lose track of the girls and Sean on the way home, they probably done a LBP+30. :lol:

John Cz did not stop laughing all day :lol: , I think the old LBP-20 tickled his fancy. John the old'n loved the spinning session and even managed to keep up with us. Stick to the programme is still ringing in my ears. For reference, when a HR drops and your blocked in the peleton, a quick and easy way to raise your HR is to shout louder and start singing, preferably out of tune, yes you at the front there! :?

Now's the time to declare my stats now, well I failed at the limit of HR 130 bpm, smashed that by 26, yes a couple of blips of 156 and my head hung in shame, but as a saving grace I did manage to average the 3h 35m 21s of riding at [size=150]128 bpm[/size] so a sort of pat on the back is coming my way. The final section of the CR to the cafe lends itself perfectly to a LBP ride. 35 mph at balance point, fantastic. :D

To sum up, I had a great day of riding with some real genuine characters from the ACC.... Jonn the old'n, John Cz super smile, Michelle, Lisa, Fatty Sean and now I'm really embarrassed because 'Dave' the physical trainer will have tell me his real name!!! :oops:

Rob, I did try to stick at the 130 mark but it was only the first ride at balance point and I must confess to setting out with a bit of optimism and fear, meeting up with Sean and Michelle made it into a good group, and the others of course.

There's one thing I would like someone to clear up for me please. When you rode with us the other week you rode at high cadence to raise your heart rate. My question to you is. When riding up a drag and the heart rate starts to climb, do you A) change into a lower gear to keep the HR down or B) changing into a lower gear will up the cadence and end up raising the HR. Answers on a postcard please. :?:

I have a plan for next week based on the optimum programme of a 80/20 split between 80% LBP-20 and 20% gay abandonment at high HR (Andrew Green speak :mrgreen: ). :arrow:

Mon : 1h 15m Turbo @ LBP-20
Tue : 1h 15m Turbo @ LBP-20
Wed ; Rest day :)
Thur : 1h 15m Turbo @ LBP-20
Fri : Rest day :)
Sat : CSS to Cafe @ LBP-20
Sat : Cafe to home in a 17's min
Sun : Rest day :)

You've started something in this club Rob, take cover. :shock:

Got home feeling exhilarated and not like I just run the London marathon. :twisted:

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Re: Saturday Club run 25/10/2008

Postby Robh » Sat Oct 25, 2008 10:21 pm

You did well Mark pat yourself on the back...

I used cadence to raise and lower HR plus manipulate my breathing.

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Re: Saturday Club run 25/10/2008

Postby Keith » Sun Oct 26, 2008 10:16 am

[quote="Andrew G"]Nearly jumped out my skin when during a moment of silence and serenity Monty suddenly shouted a rotate from right behind me, but other than that uneventful.

Last week on the way hone from the cafe, Monty shouted "Car" so loud that I thought he'd been shot! :shock:
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Re: Saturday Club run 25/10/2008

Postby John the old'un » Sun Oct 26, 2008 10:35 am

Well, as far as I'm concerned, as a regular member of the 15's/just4fun group, I can honestly say it was a great clubrun yesterday.
I always enjoy the opportunity to chat to other members and see the countryside at the same time, as well as getting a nice steady recovery ride adding a few miles to the log.
Not boring at all Sean. Not frustrating at all Marek.
Just an enjoyable Clubrun.
Isn't that what ACC is supposed to be all about?
Saturday's clubrun is used as "training" by many members who can't fit it in during the week, but others who can train during the week, plus other non racing members also want the clubrun to be just that...... a bit of fun.
I'm lucky in some respects in that I can do my structured training during the week, and my Coach always specifies the Saturday Clubrun as a steady, high rev, low heart rate, recovery ride.
The boring training bit I do on the turbo and on the weight bench during the week when I can listen to my ipod.
The enjoyable bit I do on Saturday.
EVERYONE is welcome on the fun ride on a Saturday. If you get bored and want to ride faster, just ride off the front. We won't chase you. !!!!!!! :wink:
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Re: Saturday Club run 25/10/2008

Postby andrewf » Sun Oct 26, 2008 11:51 am

An alternative perspective...

I set out with a surprisingingly large 15's on the CR yesterday....the group size buoyed by a legion of low heart rate trainers trying to improve their lactate tolerance? ( not lactose as I was duly corrected at the start :D )...well done for keeping to 130 ish Mark...I on the other hand hit 160 odd before I was at the top of the A23 :oops: ...I may have someway to go here..

Toks, Steph and I continued after Michelle (?) had Mech failure as most of the group had stopped and we wanted to try and test ourselves to see if we were ready for a 16 or even 17 group soon ( thats Steph and I not Toks who might just be ok already :lol: )

Thanks to Toks for getting me round ok...for the record it was my fastest trip to the cafe yet...not quite 16mph but not far off... heart rate did hit an eye popping 179 at the top of the road up to Rupser golf course...cant be good me thinks although I was 'going for it' so to speak...Having seen all the messages posted on the subject of LBP (?) I question whether this is the correct way to build up my fitness...My aims is to improve aerobic ability and be able to maintain a faster pace at a lower heart rate...just bought a turbo so any advice welcome..

Finally, after the cafe, my over confidence at a good first leg kicked me in the nether regions...I set off 40-50 yards after a group from which I recognised a few 17's...thinking, they would be taking it easy I made a snap decision to pursue them only to find them setting a bloody Tour De France pace...must have been 20 plus...I cant say I got dropped beacuse I never caught them in the first own fault of course. At least I know I know the route back now as I trailed my lonely behind back home...they pull me up to a 17 average though ( av heart rate however....162...yikes )

I'm away next weekend but will be raring to go again soon..
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Re: Saturday Club run 25/10/2008

Postby Andrew G » Sun Oct 26, 2008 5:35 pm

[quote="andrewf"]My aims is to improve aerobic ability and be able to maintain a faster pace at a lower heart rate...just bought a turbo so any advice welcome.

Brace yourself :lol: . For what it's worth I can't stand turbos so I'd chuck it in the bin :lol: . Forgetting all the tech stuff and so on for a moment (not really in to numbers myself, bit old fashioned :roll: ) but if you are pretty new to cycling and just starting out then a simple way I found to improve the basics when I started going out with the club is:
1) Ride in the group you normally do but spend more time on the front and therefore pushing yourself more as you're the one doing the towing and not sitting in.
2) Try and do the ride back from the cafe with a quicker group. Spot a few you recognise from the next speed group (on the way out) up and ride back with them. You'll be able to get yourself used to riding quicker and in the worst case if you're dropped off then there will still be some people behind so you could sit up and spin along until you get collected, or just carry on yourself.
3) After a couple of weeks of doing the ride back faster then step up to the next group on the way out. You should be fine sitting in with it and if you are starting to flag a bit then when rotating and it gets to your turn call out a rotate straight away to slide off the front, no-one will mind. Again if you suffer too much let them know and drop off and wait for your previous group to sweep you up. Next week see if you can hold in for longer.
4) Soon enough you'll be riding along in the next group and spending more time on the front of that or at least able to ride and participate in the rotations fully.

There, not scientific, simple and basic, but it will work. There aren't really any shortcuts but it will build up a good strong ability on which you can build should you want to move on to racing or anything else. If it is feasible then riding to and from work is a great help in giving you "free miles".

Oh and numbers are only applicable to that person as we're all different - fitness, physiological make-up, age and so on. What's a high rate for me may not be for you or vice versa, you can only work around and to your figures and not somebody elses.

[quote="Keith"][quote="Andrew G"]Nearly jumped out my skin when during a moment of silence and serenity Monty suddenly shouted a rotate from right behind me, but other than that uneventful.

Last week on the way hone from the cafe, Monty shouted "Car" so loud that I thought he'd been shot! :shock:

Drive by shootings on the CR! Well as you get closer to Croydon perhaps.
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Re: Saturday Club run 25/10/2008

Postby Toks » Sun Oct 26, 2008 7:16 pm

[quote="Robh"]You did well Mark pat yourself on the back...

I used cadence to raise and lower HR plus manipulate my breathing.

Wow! how exciting :roll: :roll:
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Re: Saturday Club run 25/10/2008

Postby Robh » Sun Oct 26, 2008 7:20 pm

[quote="Toks"][quote="Robh"]You did well Mark pat yourself on the back...

I used cadence to raise and lower HR plus manipulate my breathing.

Wow! how exciting :roll: :roll:

Thanks Toks can always count on your support!
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