As mentioned a little while back - Our kids coaching sessions are now ready to go.
So if you have a 7 to 10 year old who you want to get taught the basics of good riding - in a fun, traffic free environment, I'm doing a series of sessions on sunday mornings and would love to have you along.
All held locally at Monks Hill Sports Centre where there is ample parking, changing rooms and toilet facilities. Sessions will last about 1 hour and run in advance of the grown-ups sessions, details of which you can find here:
viewtopic.php?f=3&t=8122The sessions will be run under BC Go-Ride guidelines which mean they are a) fully insured and b) the coach (me) is fully qualified to deliver the sessions, CBR checked and a qualified First Aider
Interested? - then PM me to get signed up.
The first session is on 30th November and depending on interest I'll set up subsequent sessions to create a short series covering all aspects of riding.
DO NOT TURN UP UNANNOUNCED - For insurance purposes I need you to be registered in advance and you'll need to fill in a parental consent form (which I can provide)
The only thing you need is a child with a bike and a helmet and we're good to go.
I thank you