Club Run Feedback Nov 15th

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Club Run Feedback Nov 15th

Postby Snoop Doug » Sat Nov 15, 2008 11:43 am

Arrives @ CSS bang on time 9 am for my first CR in yonks. Bare knees - bit chilly. No worries we'll soon be on our way. Great to see a load of friendly faces, chat chat, sell tickets for dinner. Brr, 9.20 surely we'll be on our way soon. Thinks to self....chocolate croissants at home, mmmmmm.

We finally left CSS at 9.45. I was totally unmotivated (by anything cept those darn croissants) and my knees had gone sub zero. So - made it to the roundabout under the bridge :oops: , turned right and went home.

I guess if you go out a lot you don't spot these things but for me, a 45 minute wait in the cold end of Autumn ain't a great way to get started. Plus it appears I am a wuss.

Still, on the plus side it was a genuine pleasure to catch up with a load of agreeables face to face and the croissants were good :D .

The stats:

Ride time: 33.29
Distance: 8.97 miles
Max speed: 29.5mph
Ave speed: 16.1mph

See you next time

Snoop Doug

Re: Club Run Feedback Nov 15th

Postby Grahame » Sat Nov 15, 2008 4:02 pm


Are you Ajay in disguise?

*Stops singing*

'Tis a pity you didn't continue on the ride, Snoops, it warmed up nicely. In the 17s, we had "A bit of a discussion" about group etiquette just before the narrow bridge, and it was much smoother after then.

Lovely bacon baguette at teh cafe and a coffee stop at Regalina's on the way back.

Home dry, a good day.
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Re: Club Run Feedback Nov 15th

Postby Keith » Sat Nov 15, 2008 4:36 pm

I decided to further delude myself* :wink: and go with the Training Group. As always, a great ride - thanks guys.

Snoop, make it to the cafe next time and I'll happily buy you a cuppa to warm up. I'll even go so far as a bacon butty if that'll inspire you to keep going south of Coulsdon. 45 minutes does sound like too long a wait though. I've been coming on the ACC CR for about a year now and the earliest we've ever left is 9:20. Perhaps the start time should be oficially be said to be 9:15, rather than 9am?

* you'll have to look at last week's post to understand [url][/url]
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Re: Club Run Feedback Nov 15th

Postby Andrew G » Sat Nov 15, 2008 5:14 pm

Shorts in November normally means someone is up for a stormer so thought you were going to be ripping it up this morning Snoop. 45mins is a bit long, not normally that bad but I think Monty wanted to remind everyone about subs etc before the off which took a while. I definitely think we should make an effort to be away quicker as we get in to winter to avoid any hanging about in the cold for too long.

3 other fixed riders in the group (steady 18s) with me today, which was nice, although not Mike as he was out on his nice new bike. Looks great up close, very stylish.

Great chat to Matt, and some very useful brain picking while off to Box Hill. I couldn't spin quick enough on the little drop down to Newdigate so slipped about 50m off the back. After that each up and down stretched the gap a little bit. Rather annoyingly they were still in sight just up the road, I just couldn't spin quick enough to get back on.

A very brief stop at the top and we were all off again. Nice run back to Coulsdon, Jon (also on fixed) and I going straight on rather than through the swingers estate and sneaking ahead. No bottling and riding the brake on the descent next time Jon :D .
Ta, ta.

(Prompt departure tomorrow from GBs :D )
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Re: Club Run Feedback Nov 15th

Postby Michelle » Sat Nov 15, 2008 6:30 pm

Good run with the 'splitters' lbp group, me Marky Mark, Apples and Lisa S. Just to complicate matters today, Lisa was riding to watts today as opposed to us lot riding to heart rate. Luckily quite low watts, so the group almost managed to stay together, though it was a bit strung out at times.

Really pleased I didn't have to wait for the 15's to leave, we made our way off just after the 17's had gone. Honestly, those in the faster groups don't know what the slower ones have to put up with, what with waiting for everyone else to leave, then Monty's pep talk for the 17's and Graeme's pep talk for the 16's. We nearly grew roots it took so long.

Perhaps we ought to get it sorted out and leave on time, eh chaps? Snoop can't be the only one feeling arctic from hanging around so long.

Anyhoo, 4 hours lbp for me today, and just stomped round the block for an hour for my weekly walk (all part of the programme). Interestingly enough, feeling like more speed for less HR today - completely unquantifiable of course, will have to wait for a new test with RobH some time next year.

Nice to see everyone, and nice that it was not raining :D .
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Re: Club Run Feedback Nov 15th

Postby Amy » Sat Nov 15, 2008 7:15 pm

I don't think moving the official meet time back to 9.15 will do much more than make the start even later. I'm with you, Doug: I think we need to spend the winter getting back to arriving and leaving promptly - otherwise by summer when everybody comes out we'll block the entire road along CSS :roll:

Anyway, someone stole my legs today and I just could not find any strength to do more than plod up the hills or drop off the back if the pace went above what I could do - completly gutting :cry: Thanks to those who waited and special thanks to Kevin for pushing me on the way back .... that's enough for my ride :oops:
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Re: Club Run Feedback Nov 15th

Postby EdO » Sat Nov 15, 2008 8:04 pm

Got to Couldson around 9 so I know how you feel Snoops. It's great to have a chinwag before you get off but it's getting to Winter now so just really wanna get going.

Went with the training group today which was great. Lacking a bit fitness due to not much hard effort riding over the last 4 or 5 weeks but managed to hang on although I couldn't tell you who won the sprint :oops: because I was 50 metres back.

On the way back the pace picked up again and it was great fun.

Steve put in an impressive dig going over Mersham drag which I could only watch. We tried to pull back the gap but that failed. I was completely knackered by that point.
Oh well roll on next week and yes pay my subs :) .

Cheers :D :D

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Re: Club Run Feedback Nov 15th

Postby Andrew G » Sat Nov 15, 2008 8:20 pm

[quote="Michelle"]Good run with the 'splitters' lbp group, me Marky Mark, Apples and Lisa S...
... just stomped round the block for an hour for my weekly walk...
...Interestingly enough, feeling like more speed for less HR today - completely unquantifiable of course...

Good on ya, continuing in trying something different to see if it works for you - not what works for someone else.

Stomping? just make sure you don't extend you legs too much or people will get the wrong idea.

Don't worry about trying to quantify it, I'm sure half the TT kit doesn't make me any faster, just makes me feel faster and/or makes a nice fast noise :roll: :wink: .
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Re: Club Run Feedback Nov 15th

Postby Kevin Rynne » Sat Nov 15, 2008 9:32 pm

Really enjoyed the club run today. Went with the training group, got dropped on one of the climbs in Newdigate and a bit shocked at how unfit I have got, but such is life. Rode back with a group that did the club route in reverse. Had to stop at the texico garage in redhill and stuff my face with mars bars and poweraid when I got the "knock". (Note to self if having breakfast at 6.30 am need to eat more for the club run before leaving the house)! Does anyone know who was on the black cerevelo r3 sl? what a cool bike!
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Re: Club Run Feedback Nov 15th

Postby Alan M » Sun Nov 16, 2008 12:22 am

[quote]those in the faster groups don't know what the slower ones have to put up with, what with waiting for everyone else to leave, then Monty's pep talk for the 17's and Graeme's pep talk for the 16's. We nearly grew roots it took so long.

reason enough to be in a faster group methinks :lol:

Went with 19s containing a speedy bunch! Initial accelerations had me gasping but it settled down to a good pace, allegedly 19.7 I think. Very orderly and no whingeing or hectoring from me. The sprint pepped up quickly with Adam doing a false start, followed by Dave K's complementary attack - I bowed out gracefully and I believe Adam won it from Steve - just.

On return, I set off in front and Bridget latched on - the fast guys passed with George leading the fray. Bridget hung on for a good distance and I stayed until the hilly bit before the church and then made a strategic exit out of the back.

After the church and up the drag Steve and Paul got away and although the following group had the potential to organise and hunt them down, surges off the front frustrated the flow and they stayed away. George was especially wayward with several excursions onto grass and at one point he undertook me in a space I didn't think existed. The speed back to Coulsdon was in excess of 20mph.

All in all a great ride with, I was told, 110 riders 8)
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Re: Club Run Feedback Nov 15th

Postby Antloony » Sun Nov 16, 2008 2:27 pm

[quote="Alan M"]Went with 19s containing a speedy bunch! Initial accelerations had me gasping but it settled down to a good pace

Ah blame me for that Alan, I lead the group away from CSS :oops:

[quote="Alan M"] The sprint pepped up quickly with Adam doing a false start, followed by Dave K's complementary attack - I bowed out gracefully and I believe Adam won it from Steve - just.

Yes Adam the little monkey jumped away, I chased him down only to see Dave K shoot off the front, I then chased him down while Adam and Steve stuck to my wheel, had to dig a little too deep to close the gap. I got in front of Dave and tried to slow the pace to help me recover in time for the final sprint for the line but it was to no avail, Adam and Steve came passed me, I quickly got up to their speed but then got boxed in and was slightly put off over taking by the prat coming the other way in a car blasting his horn. What his problem was I don't know as we were all well over on our side of the road.

Nice cake and company at the cafe as per usual. :D My return trip was a fun affair. Good quick ride back to the church then as we all set off after regrouping I dropped my chain and had to stop to put it back on. From here on in I was playing catch up all the way back to CSS. Good fun though as I picked off small groups of riders along my way untill I found Ajay who gave me some company.

Really enjoyed my ride out today even though I was having a few issues with my gears slipping which I've now cured by replacing a well worn cassette. Great group of riders, plenty of shouts for horses, cars etc and everyone doing their fair share of the work.

Cheers :)
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Re: Club Run Feedback Nov 15th

Postby -Adam- » Mon Nov 17, 2008 3:52 am

[quote="Antloony"][quote="Alan M"] The sprint pepped up quickly with Adam doing a false start, followed by Dave K's complementary attack - I bowed out gracefully and I believe Adam won it from Steve - just.

Yes Adam the little monkey jumped away, I chased him down only to see Dave K shoot off the front, I then chased him down while Adam and Steve stuck to my wheel, had to dig a little too deep to close the gap. I got in front of Dave and tried to slow the pace to help me recover in time for the final sprint for the line but it was to no avail, Adam and Steve came passed me, I quickly got up to their speed but then got boxed in and was slightly put off over taking by the prat coming the other way in a car blasting his horn. What his problem was I don't know as we were all well over on our side of the road.

You better get used to some 'little monkey' throwing a spanner in the works when it comes to how your planning your race winning move Ant, that's what happens!

No idea why the car beeped, I was barely six inches off the kirb and leading so who knows.

Apart from all that the group was good today, if a little quick for me... :wink:

But I had to get home so it got the job done. My 3 hour Calshot session in the evening was awesome too, so a good day's training!
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Re: Club Run Feedback Nov 15th

Postby Elliot M » Mon Nov 17, 2008 10:52 am

Back on the CR for the first time in about 6 months, most agreeable run in 18.5s. Except that I made the classic cafe toilet queue tactical error, which meant I solo'd back all the way, picking people off! Am quite impressed how having a heart rate monitor keeps you steady. Glad to see am fitter than I thought I might be, all that churning through the mud on the MTB has paid off. Still left for dust in any sprint though! Should be out most weekends now and keen to do any longer/hiller rides...
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Re: Club Run Feedback Nov 15th

Postby tel » Mon Nov 17, 2008 11:05 am

Planned to go on club run but got up late, so went out for 40 miles or so on my own but could have made the CR as Snoop says they didn`t leave to late.

Quite enjoyable but a little lonely, got to Box and was tapping away at a reasonable pace when a slip of a girl came passed on a fixie which pissed me off somewhat, tried to follow her but failed miserably.

Caught her at the tea stop and she told me she had ridden up Ranmore, Coldharbour and Whitedown-I was very impressed to say the least.

If only I was 30 years` younger or more.


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Re: Club Run Feedback Nov 15th

Postby Sylv » Mon Nov 17, 2008 11:36 am

Another classic honeberg vs factberg in the training group :)

The honeberg'd bike is laden with various paraphernalia such as power measuring devices, angled cranks, extensions, lights poking at funny angles and redundant cables. The factberg's bike is kept as light as possible as any excess weight means extra unwanted BPMs on the ride especially the climbs. Every once in a while though, the factberg riders allows himself to ride at high intensity.

There were about eight of us, and after the unavoidable split on the Reigate steps, we all managed to regroup at the lights. George had done some strong turns on his winter bike into the crazy wind, and led the way up the steps.

Paul got a puncture on the scary downhill after the golf course, so we all carried on leaving him to mend it. No of course we didn't, we stopped and Keith even offered him some help. We then carried on and once again I found myself at the front before the first of the climbs before Rusper.

After taking my turn I tried a novel tactic - attacking from the front up the climb. I managed to break away but further up I could see them chasing, think George was leading. He got back in my wheel and I faked a couple attacks before waiting for something to happen, I think at that moment Paul came through and after taking his wheel for a breather we had a good battle to the top. We carried on with the unspoken aim to hold the group back all the way to the dual carriageway.

Keith said he'd let the bunch do some work then tried to bridge the gap back to us two, impressively he came through and managed to crest the top of the last climb with something like a wheel's length on Paul and me. We regrouped having lost only Kevin since the start.

Through anf off was good with the wind in our back, on one of the downhills while doing 55kmh I realised Jack was on junior gears, with I think a 15t sprocket at the back - he was having to spin pretty fast. As usual with Charlwood approaching, turns at the front began to be more erratic. George attacked and I managed to get back to him, I went past and encouraged him to keep going.

I think what happened next was I was left on my own with about 20m gap on the group. I was feeling strong still but even though it didn't look too good, so I gambled to let them get back to me. Paul came past having launched his customary seated sprint, but that was too fast for me to join him, so I got out of the saddle and gave it all I could with about 150m to go. I was slowly making ground on him, almost gave up but kept going and pipped him to the line by less than a bike's length, hitting a new high BPM since I've been using the monitor - 187 (184 before).

Had to shoot off straight away and did another 58km at low intensity, well for the first half-hour despite the tailwind my heart wouldn't go under 140! Cheers for the ride it was another good one.

About the late start - agree it was bad. I guess it's all driven by the time the training group leaves, so next time will endeavour to get it sorted at 9.15 even if the VC hasn't.
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