A few people have been asking where i am etc, so i thought i would give Y'all a low down.
well, on thrusday 23rd of october, i came down with a cold that lasted until the next tuesday (or so i thought).
i went for a ride that wednesday, with adam (big mistake with the kind of form he is in). the next day i started coughing up the nasties, and i had thus contracted a chest infection (whats new!? ), and some more tonsilitis (whats new again!? )
the follwoing thursday , 1 week later, i went to the doctors and got prescribed some anti biotics for my chest, but she thought my tonsilitis might be viral. i finished my anti biotics last night, but i still have a bit of cough going on, and the tonsilitis is still bad. so i went back to the doctor today, and she took another look at my throat and is now sure its a bacterial one, so i have been prescribed some different anti biotics for 5 more days.
encouragingly my doctor says its the worse case of tonsilitis she has seen so far this year...a wins a win right!?
hopfully i should be better soon!