Club Run 06/12

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Club Run 06/12

Postby Snoop Doug » Sat Dec 06, 2008 2:17 pm

Mrs Snoop unwell = Mr Snoop goes shopping, on his bike. Had a quick errand to run in Sutton then tonked up to Banstead and home. 9 and a bit miles, easy on the flat, arh up the hills :shock:

Not quite what I had in mind but hey, at least I got outside, span the pedals and enjoyed the sun. Fresh :D


Last edited by Snoop Doug on Sat Dec 06, 2008 6:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Snoop Doug

Re: Club Run 06/12

Postby Andrew G » Sat Dec 06, 2008 5:09 pm

Set off with a big 18s group but just after the M23 turnoff the Honeberg was standing by the roadside calling out to passers by for a chaintool. I stopped to lend him mine as I had a feeling I'd be okay and not break my track chain. Sorry to those behind who had to brake a bit suddenly as I think my signaling was a bit woolly and probably looked more like I was pointing out a pothole :oops: .

Waited for the 17s to come through and then jumped on to them for a more gentle spin to the cafe. Decided to go off the front to stretch it out for the sprint and span my little legs up. Saw a shadow under my arm and couldn't spin any faster so waved them through about 100m from the sign. John came round....and that was it. Seems everyone else was either caught out when I went or didn't want to sprint.

A welcome cuppa and bacon sarnie refuel and then back the short way today to get some chores done. Had a good ride back and on the Merstham drag it fell in to the often fate of the fixed wheel. i.e. tow everyone up and then get dropped on the run down. Actually Steve came past about 2/3rds up I think and I grabbed his wheel for a bit but he slipped away a touch. Adam and a couple of others followed him as they wound up the pace and broke away while I carried on pulling up the rest.

Over the top and probably the quickest sustained descent on fixed for me from there as I managed to keep the legs spinning and the speed up better than normal.

Nice to see the sun poke its head out today and look forward to seeing a lot more of it tomorrow on the mountain bike as it's supposed to be a bit clearer and sunnier 8) .
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Re: Club Run 06/12

Postby Ian A4size » Sat Dec 06, 2008 5:27 pm

shurely spun :!:
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Re: Club Run 06/12

Postby Keith » Sat Dec 06, 2008 5:54 pm

The nearest I got to the Club Run this week was a 9am espresso at Regalinos. A nagging cough that was threatening to become a chest infection if I'd gone out for 3 1/2hrs riding kept me from "going out to play". For once in my life I decided to be sensible.

Anyway, the coffee was needed to prepare me for a visit B&Q, then a day spent putting down a new floor in the new loo. The only time the house isn't neglected is when I can't go out on my bike. :roll:
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Re: Club Run 06/12

Postby Snoop Doug » Sat Dec 06, 2008 6:13 pm

[quote="Ian MunneryA1size"]shurely spun :!:


[quote]span (SPIN) past simple of spin
so sayeth the Cambridge Dickshunairy :?
Snoop Doug

Re: Club Run 06/12

Postby Michelle » Sat Dec 06, 2008 6:23 pm

An interesting little experiment for me today in the 18's as I have not done this sort of speed since the ACC B group road race - thats 11 WEEKS! Things didn't turn out too badly today in my opinion despite the cough I had started with this morning (SANBAGGER ALERT). That first run up the Merstham drag was hell for leather, but it was so nice to be going fast for once. It was also a bit wierd to be in a big group - very slightly unnerving. Wonder what Hillingdon will feel like later in the month. :?:

Anyhoo, didn't get dropped off the back too much - if you count following the last man's wheel up the Reigate steps as not being dropped; hey, I do :lol: . But the lungs were burning for a lot of the ride and the HR was a bit higher than I liked, so at Partride Lane I decided to call it a day and turned left, joined by Jeff who's legs had had enough. LBP-20 to the cafe where there was loads of cake and 50 ACC mugs lined up on the counter ready to go. Never seen that before. Recovery ride pace back to Oxted which took over an hour and a half, but this time I didn't get overtaken by a long steak of The Addiscombe, which was much less demoralising than normal. Poached egss on toast for lunch, then a nice little kip before my afternoon chores.
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Re: Club Run 06/12

Postby Jon H » Sat Dec 06, 2008 6:31 pm

[quote="Snoop Doug"][quote="Ian MunneryA1size"]shurely spun :!:


[quote]span (SPIN) past simple of spin
so sayeth the Cambridge Dickshunairy :?

According to the Collins dictionary;
Past tense is span. Andrew span the pedals.
Past particple is spun. The pedals were spun by Andrew.
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Re: Club Run 06/12

Postby Snoop Doug » Sat Dec 06, 2008 7:38 pm

:oops: ...I think :?:
Snoop Doug

Re: Club Run 06/12

Postby Hal » Sat Dec 06, 2008 11:51 pm

I was running a bit late this morning and though (half hoped) I may have missed the training group and would be able to have a ride where I'm not flogging myself to keep up.

Turns out with no Keith, Marek, Sylv, George..... the Training group was re-branded the 20's. A group of about 10 started Andy E, Robin, Serge, Kevin R, Mark and a couple of others whos names I forget. With Paul H out front to start but a mechanical meant he had to bail out. So the rest of us had a really good ride down I really enjoyed the ride putting in some time on the front in the sunshine. Not a bad through and off and a good sprint win for Andy.

On the way back we came over Box Hill in the glorious sunshine with a group of about 10, Mark, Kasper, Chole, Mark.. sorry I've forgotten more names. Kasper made an early break for box hill, but mark reeled him back in by the middle corner with me in tow, I then broke for the summit but started to weakend and Kasper and Mark were back on my wheel, a second dig at the last hair pin dropped kasper but mark took the summit, A good roll back down Chipstead Valley, and into the bike shops to prepare my christmas list for santa.

Good job

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Re: Club Run 06/12

Postby Mikec » Mon Dec 08, 2008 11:03 am

Great club run and ny first!

i was the bewbie on the balck Cervelo keeping a low profile at the back of the 17 group. Only just got back into cycling after many years of pie eating inactivity :o

Can't quite believe how big the club has become, quite amazing.

The ride back home was too fast a pace for me, so by the time I got to Boxhill, my legs were tired and then I had a severe cramp attack in both legs, something that I've never had before. How do i prevent that, or is it just trying too hard with a pair of out of condition legs?

Anyway, good to meet so many of you, hope to make it a regular thing in the future!

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Re: Club Run 06/12

Postby Antloony » Mon Dec 08, 2008 12:08 pm

Well I started off the 20's group, was going along nicely when Paul H came along side me and showed just how much power he's got by snapping his chain :shock: . I stopped with him and waited for the next group to come along. Luckily this group contained Mr :mrgreen: who luckily had a chain tool on him. With Paul sorted I left and tagged onto the back of the 18's group. The group split just after the Riegate steps and I was with the rear group sat at the back. All of a sudden the brakes came on as we had to stop for a car at the new mini roundabout. A shout of STOPPING would have been nice guys, just to let those at the back know whats going on. This helps in avoiding those silly little accidents.

Rest of the ride was ok, few people didn't seem to willing to do much work. Steve B was calling 30 second rotations which worked well, kept everyone on their toes and made people think a bit more (except for Kasper who seemed to have his own idea of what he wanted to do today :D ) The group did seem quite large though, maybe this caused the odd split and the few gaps that appeared from time to time.

Sprint was fun, just Adam, Steve B and myself going for it. Adam led out and as soon as he eased up I hit the gas and was in the lead all the way to the line when Steve came along side me, was to close to call, he may have just got it but we both agreed to call it a draw.

Run back was ok. From the church pit stop I had a bit of a run on my own seeing how long it would take the others to catch up. Did ok, didn't go to mad till Paul H, Adam, Steve and co came past me so I sat on the back before having the usual mad burst back to Coulsden.

Good ride all in all, my cough seems to be on its last legs at last, as for the weather, couldn't ask for better.

The only downside to the ride was the disgusting language a certain young lady was muttering behind me. It was poor Amy who I'd rode back to Sutton with f'ing and blinding about her legs not working :D The air was blue.....
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Re: Club Run 06/12

Postby Snoop Doug » Mon Dec 08, 2008 1:26 pm

[quote="Mikec"]Only just got back into cycling after many years of pie eating inactivity :o

Welcome!! Small point, pie eating is an activity, and as those who attended the SCCU lunch a few weeks back will attest, a very important one for ACC. Just needs mixing with a bit of cycling (and hissy fits). :wink:

Snoop Doug

Re: Club Run 06/12

Postby Amy » Mon Dec 08, 2008 2:43 pm

[quote="Antloony"]The only downside to the ride was the disgusting language a certain young lady was muttering behind me. It was poor Amy who I'd rode back to Sutton with f'ing and blinding about her legs not working :D The air was blue.....

Oh I'm sorry, Mr Goodytwoshoes :P (young lady, I like that :wink: )

Good job nobody joined me for my ride (after all my hype :( ). Definitely a case of wishful thinking :( Cos not only do I think my legs wouldn't have made it but I managed to shut myself out of the flat and then realised that my friend who has a spare set would be out later that day. The fun continued, cos when I tried to ring him on my mobile, the battery died: I then had to ride around for awhile to find a phone box which I had to feed with a £1 coin (great, didn't want an hour's phone call - too effing cold for even a few minutes). As Kevin (Rynne?) said, it's not like me to be struggling to keep up, hills and all (at least somebody's noticed I'm not enjoying my old level of fitness - only it's been that way for the last two years...). Anyway, after that, I kind of enjoyed a ride round Mugswell - I'd forgotten how amazing those lanes are in that bit between A23 and the A217 - almost in another century and far away from London! - and around Headley before meeting up with my friend at Walton-on-the-Hill. Might do that again next Sunday (14) if anyone want to join me for an hour or two's pottering? (though I may give up as nobody seems to want to ride with me :( )

Mikec - cramp is a sign of a lack of salt! Eat something salty or use a basic electrolyte drink of water, fruit juice to taste and a good pinch of salt 8)
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Re: Club Run 06/12

Postby Mikec » Mon Dec 08, 2008 4:16 pm

Thanks Snoop and Amy!

That Ian Botham's got a lot to answer for!! :evil:

Spent years eating tasteless salt free food on his advice and now I find out I'll collapse and die if I don't hurridly eat lots of salty chips before cycling again :P
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Re: Club Run 06/12

Postby Andy E » Mon Dec 08, 2008 4:27 pm

Turned up for my first CR in a while after a pretty lazy couple of months. Thankfully half the usual training group didn't turn up so it wasn't the complete sufferfest i'd been expecting. Set off with Hal, Rob W, Paul, Anthony, Kevin etc in the training/20s and it turned out to be a pretty decent pace. Put a few efforts in to test the legs, and managed to get away from Hal, Rob & Kevin through the forest and then amazed myself by taking the sprint at Charlewood 8) I still can't judge those right handers properly and again went too early, so had to sit back down before going again and just managing to hold off the guy on the red Kinesis (sorry dude, was too out of breath to introduce myself) :D

After a quick tea and a truly delicious slice of banana cake i headed off to Box Hill with Rob W and Peter. A pretty good pace all the way there, with us all putting in some solid turns. Rob's riding fantastically well and I tried to stay with him on the back straight but had to call it quits and let him go to take an easy win (well done fella :x ).

A great ride in all, and really enjoyed one final blast before I drop back to the 17s/18s next week and start building towards next year.
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