[quote="Elliott M"]I run a few financial websites as bulk of my job. With the hours I work I am unlikely to be able to lead this, but am happy to be a member of a team and do some initial work.
I would advise starting by
1. collecting (very) raw ideas on what members want the website to do
2. distilling these into a set of features the website should have (perhaps split into need now, need later, and nice-to-haves). This should give some clues about the number of people required in the team going forward, approximate spend and amount of ongoing work required (not just content, but database admin etc)
3. flesh out a full spec, probably in consultation with the contractors.
What if I open a thread (and someone else make it sticky) to do (1) and give it a month to fill up? Then whoever is interested in taking forward convene (in a pub?) EDIT (Sean) mid Jan to do some thinking?