Well I really enjoyed Saturday - a good mixture of pace and distance and even got slightly dropped. I will really miss it while I am in Peru and will no doubt lose some fitness and return in the slow track.
Last year while I was away in Peru some of you kept in touch via my blog [url]http://malarkeyenperu.blogspot.com[/url] and I really enjoyed the feedback and the feeling of remaining in contact with cycling friends. This time I will also be 'twittering' a form of broadcast and interactive short messages which also appear on my facebook status. You can follow my twitter and twitpics at [url]http://twitter.com/alanmy[/url] or by subscribing to twitter and adding me to your follow list. You could also add me as a friend to your facebook.
Sorry all that is a bit complicated but just in case you're interested.
I may add to this thread occasionally to remind you of any cycling related postings and look forward to seeing you all in March
Until then ¡Felices Fiestas y Próspero Año Nuevo!