Club Time Trial Series??

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Club Time Trial Series??

Postby Snoop Doug » Sun Jan 11, 2009 9:51 pm

Kingston run a comp through the TT season. How does it work?

"It's a special season-long time trial competition based around a series of designated TT events. Points are awarded, from 10 down to 1, for the first 10 riders in each event. Your best seven rides will count for the trophy, so you don't have to ride every event! But participation can still count more than speed to rack up points. Remember, the aim of the series is for a fun way for us all to ride together, to pick events for us all to ride together, this is firstly a way for members to have a common calendar of races to do together."

This sounds like fun. Should we do something similar? I'd happily coordinate the scores etc and keep everyone posted. Maybe a small, eg £7.50 one off entry fee per person to pay for some small prizes??

How about it folks??

Snoop Doug

Re: Club Time Trial Series??

Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Mon Jan 12, 2009 1:47 pm

Just don't tell George :wink:
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Re: Club Time Trial Series??

Postby Andrew G » Mon Jan 12, 2009 2:13 pm

Sounds like a good idea Snoop. I'll contact Lisa to see if they do it purely on scratch if they calculate on some kind of handicap basis, otherwise I'd have thought it's going to be the same bod keep winning and less incentive for others. If we do it I think it should include a fair share of SCCU events and you have to have one sporting TT in your counting events list.
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Re: Club Time Trial Series??

Postby Dominic » Mon Jan 12, 2009 2:19 pm

I am on board as well but it will have to be done quickly as the season is almost upon us.

May I suggest the SCCU 21 as the sporting :evil:
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Re: Club Time Trial Series??

Postby -Adam- » Mon Jan 12, 2009 2:22 pm

Only one sporting TT to qualify? How can one claim to be a good time trialist if all he can do is ride up and down a dual carriage way!?
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Re: Club Time Trial Series??

Postby Andrew G » Mon Jan 12, 2009 2:50 pm

[quote="-Adam-"]Only one sporting TT to qualify? How can one claim to be a good time trialist if all he can do is ride up and down a dual carriage way!?

If you read the quote...
[quote] Points are awarded, from 10 down to 1, for the first 10 riders in each event. Your best seven rides will count for the trophy, so you don't have to ride every event! But participation can still count more than speed to rack up points.

...then we are talking about a bit of fun and competition to allow everybody to try things out and compete for a trophy here, not a pseudo World Championship. Being UK time trials they would be CTT events anyway and therefore if you look at them you will find that most are DC based.

But as you suggest clearlly these people who hammer up and down the road averaging in excess of 30mph all over the country are rubbish time trialists :roll: . You'll also find that most of the people who are fast tend to be pretty fast on sporting courses as well.

Snoop, I've sent a message to ask about how they do their points scoring and will get back to you.
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Re: Club Time Trial Series??

Postby -Adam- » Mon Jan 12, 2009 2:54 pm

Yeah, theres quite a few people that can do fast times on flat courses, but by virtue of being fat, are crap on proper courses.

Not trying to say what you should or shouldn't do, just provoking discussion!
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Re: Club Time Trial Series??

Postby Jon H » Mon Jan 12, 2009 3:45 pm

I say pay the £7.50 to Spoco SE and let them work out the placings and points.
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Re: Club Time Trial Series??

Postby Snoop Doug » Mon Jan 12, 2009 9:11 pm

I was thinking maybe a sporting course or two

Also some SCCU ones (though not the open 10 we have another surprise in store there)

Also a longer one :twisted: or two mebbe include the charlotteville 50 and the sccu 100

Also maybe some club 10s, even though a 10 doesn't really count as it's not worth the bother of getting warmed up fer (just kidding)

Jon - your comment I don't understand sorry but I'm wearing me dunce's cap today.

Andrew - keen to hear what KW lot do

Could be fun but if we don't get it together in 09 there's always next year. Don't forget the TT standards have a bit more publicity now (though it would be great fun to slug it out with y'all)
Snoop Doug

Re: Club Time Trial Series??

Postby Andrew G » Mon Jan 12, 2009 10:29 pm

Wrong Kingston Snoop, Lisa is Phoenix not Wheelers, d'oh. She was very helpful though, but says that they do a trophy based on their club 10s on a handicap basis.

I've had a little think about what we could do but I'm not sure there should be an entry fee, winner gets a trophy to collect at the club dinner (I'm sure club funds could cover this but if there is a reason not to then I don't mind getting one, just don't expect something like the UEFA Cup if it comes from my pocket :lol: ). Obviously would all need to be cleared by the committee.

Initial thoughts would be to keep it as open as possible to general club members, the other TT trophies are based on scratch so lets give something to reward a most improved. For this reason I would go for handicap and say a best 5 results out of a set list of x races. Counting events have to be Open races (club 10s are a more informal handicapping system) and must include 1 x 10, 1 x 25, 1 x SCCU Sporting TT of any distance from the 3 early season ones, and 1 x any other greater than a 25 (e.g. 50 or 100, or a longer Sporting), and one "any other event" from a set list off races (I would be happy to set a list of races or readily bow to Jon's judgement and experience but I think they should all be G courses). Send your handicap result in and once collected points awarded for the top 15 (15 points down to 1 or as far as it goes depending on entries) for the best to worst "-" time. Your best 5 points results are added up at the end and the most points wins the egg cup, I mean trophy. Thoughts, suggestions?

[quote="-Adam-"]Yeah, theres quite a few people that can do fast times on flat courses, but by virtue of being fat, are crap on proper courses.

Not trying to say what you should or shouldn't do, just provoking discussion!

Interesting comment Adam. What do you consider a "proper" course, presumably something like the pros do :roll: . As the UK invented time trialling then I think that what the majority of what UK time trialists do holds some weight.

You could also argue that an out and back course is a truer measure of a rider than a circuit or a point to point where the wind could have a more favourable benefit to the rider. The reason for having out and back is to negate any advantage that the wind may give you. Your "fat" tester will only be quicker on a flat course if their power to weight is greater (ignoring aerodynamics which presumably the fat tester's wouldn't be too good) which could be argued to be the case on a Sporting course. Equally I can't say I've noticed too many guts around TT HQs but I'll be sure to let the likes of Keith Coffey, Tim Stevens, Laurance Harding et al know that flat courses are for fat people :lol: . Aren't sprinters just wheel suckers who ride on other's coat tails 'til the end of a race?
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Re: Club Time Trial Series??

Postby -Adam- » Mon Jan 12, 2009 10:47 pm

[quote="Andrew G"][quote="-Adam-"]Yeah, theres quite a few people that can do fast times on flat courses, but by virtue of being fat, are crap on proper courses.

Not trying to say what you should or shouldn't do, just provoking discussion!

Interesting comment Adam. What do you consider a "proper" course, presumably something like the pros do :roll: . As the UK invented time trialling then I think that what the majority of what UK time trialists do holds some weight.

You could also argue that an out and back course is a truer measure of a rider than a circuit or a point to point where the wind could have a more favourable benefit to the rider. The reason for having out and back is to negate any advantage that the wind may give you. Your "fat" tester will only be quicker on a flat course if their power to weight is greater (ignoring aerodynamics which presumably the fat tester's wouldn't be too good) which could be argued to be the case on a Sporting course. Equally I can't say I've noticed too many guts around TT HQs but I'll be sure to let the likes of Keith Coffey, Tim Stevens, Laurance Harding et al know that flat courses are for fat people :lol: . Aren't sprinters just wheel suckers who ride on other's coat tails 'til the end of a race?

Ok, the UK invented time trialling? Reeeaaally!?

If we did, it sure as hell wasn't on bloody dual carriage ways back then was it!! I think your argument about wind works both ways, you can get just as variable conditions on an out and back course as you would on a loop. I mean a proper course like one of the road circuits. Now I'm not saying Bletchingly is the greatest example of a proper (in my opinion) course as it's too far the other way. But a course like Cutmill, Lyne, Kirdford, Dunsfold... there's loads that present some gravitational challenge without going to extremes. Yeah, you tell all them people they're fat! No but seriously, TTing as it is in this country is antiquated, no offence to anyone intended but look at the average age!
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Re: Club Time Trial Series??

Postby Snoop Doug » Mon Jan 12, 2009 10:56 pm

[quote="-Adam-"]Yeah, you tell all them people they're fat! No but seriously, TTing as it is in this country is antiquated, no offence to anyone intended but look at the average age!

I'm fat and old by ACC standards, no offence here mate :lol: . TTing is pretty much the only form of competitive :shock: cycling I (and who knows maybe other fat and old folk) would contemplate. TTing is for all abilities (or lack of) I don't think you can compare the age range of TT to RR for even a teeny tiny split of a second. They are completely different disciplines for different folk (cept the smiling assassin, Guru P, :mrgreen: and a few other nutbars)

Snoop Doug

Re: Club Time Trial Series??

Postby Antloony » Mon Jan 12, 2009 11:01 pm

[quote="Snoop Doug"]
I'm fat and old by ACC standards, no offence here mate :lol: . TTing is pretty much the only form of competitive :shock: cycling I (and who knows maybe other fat and old folk) would contemplate.

I'm fat and old yet I never took to TTing at all, I had a couple of goes but found it to be an old mans game :lol:

Give me a RR any day of the week.
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Re: Club Time Trial Series??

Postby -Adam- » Mon Jan 12, 2009 11:04 pm

[quote="Snoop Doug"]TTing is for all abilities (or lack of) I don't think you can compare the age range of TT to RR for even a teeny tiny split of a second. They are completely different disciplines for different folk

No they're not! The two go hand in hand. There are races specifically for older riders. RR is for everyone too, it just doesn't get promoted as readily as TT, because a lot of clubs are stuck in a time warp. Perhaps the CTT wish to maintain the elder nature of its membership by continuing to endorse boring courses. It doesn't take a genius to see that this is hardly a sustainable position...
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Re: Club Time Trial Series??

Postby -Adam- » Mon Jan 12, 2009 11:05 pm

And Ant, thats the most sensible thing I've heard out of you in ages :wink:
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