ACC Sportive Thingie

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ACC Sportive Thingie

Postby Snoop Doug » Fri Jan 30, 2009 11:18 am

How about this then....

Could we do an ACC Summer Sportive? Course we could! I think this has been talked about before? We have a lot of riders who do these things so I hope we could get a small team together to plan/test a route and help organise quite easily (blindly optimistic :shock: ). It would help raise the profile of the club and introduce more people to riding on the road.

I think this would take some organising so would like to run the event in 2010. Have talked to the BPA and they reckon we could get a couple of paralympian medallists along if we were to do this as an awareness/fund raiser too. This could be great fun, a great pr opportunity for the club and a good way to support the run up to 2012.

Guessing we'd plan a pretty straightforward route for newcomers, maybe a mid range and a nutcase one too? They'd all need to be in the same area ( :oops: ).

A few people have commented to me recently that our sportive dept doesn't get the recognition it deserves. No arguments from me - you gets out what you puts in mind. So - I'd like to ask a few people to put their hands up to form a team to plan this please? Ideally I'd like to work with people who have experience in this area of cycling. I'm happy to coordinate stuff generally but route planning, feed stations etc I ain't got a clue.

Who's up for it then?

Snoop Doug

Re: ACC Sportive Thingie

Postby thePinkDreamMachine » Fri Jan 30, 2009 11:50 am

Yes about time I got involved. count me in.

I don’t have experience in this area of cycling, but i do for running and i did once date a race Organizer.

I couldn't work out if his hair loss was due to organizing the races or dating me.. humm


Re: ACC Sportive Thingie

Postby -Adam- » Fri Jan 30, 2009 12:43 pm

[quote="Snoop Doug"]I think this has been talked about before?

Yes it has! Stuart and myself were wanting to organise one under the ACC banner last year, to help us with fundraising for the London to Paris. But in usual ACC style, most people slapped us down, and therefore it came to nowt.

Might I suggest that given the struggle ACC seems to have, to fulfil marshalling duties, that running a sportive is perhaps not such a great idea. Running before you can walk springs to mind.
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Re: ACC Sportive Thingie

Postby Dombo » Fri Jan 30, 2009 1:06 pm

[quote="-Adam-"][quote="Snoop Doug"]I think this has been talked about before?

Yes it has! Stuart and myself were wanting to organise one under the ACC banner last year, to help us with fundraising for the London to Paris. But in usual ACC style, most people slapped us down, and therefore it came to nowt.

Might I suggest that given the struggle ACC seems to have, to fulfil marshalling duties, that running a sportive is perhaps not such a great idea. Running before you can walk springs to mind.

My understanding of what you proposed re London-Paris was that the club should raise money to contribute to your costs of entry/participation and using the charity aspect as justification.

Rather like me riding the etape to raise money for Demelza Hospice and asking the club to stump up for petrol, tolls, hotels etc.
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Re: ACC Sportive Thingie

Postby -Adam- » Fri Jan 30, 2009 1:17 pm

Then you misunderstood Dombo.

Yes there were costs involved in the London to Paris event. But neither of us were expecting them to be covered by any potnetial revenue a sportive would have brought in. Just a help towards the larger sum we had to raise in actual sponsorship, cash which was going direct to charity.

But as Alan M pointed out at the time, you had two of the youngest riders in the club wishing to promote an event, and we were almost told where to go.
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Re: ACC Sportive Thingie

Postby Snoop Doug » Fri Jan 30, 2009 2:32 pm

[quote="-Adam-"][quote="Snoop Doug"]I think this has been talked about before?

Yes it has! Stuart and myself were wanting to organise one under the ACC banner last year, to help us with fundraising for the London to Paris. But in usual ACC style, most people slapped us down, and therefore it came to nowt.

Might I suggest that given the struggle ACC seems to have, to fulfil marshalling duties, that running a sportive is perhaps not such a great idea. Running before you can walk springs to mind.

Thanks Chloe :D Let's hope we get a few more chipping in soon.

So is that a yes or no from you then Adam? Thanks for the tip off to the previous thread, useful stuff there. I disagree with you about our usual style being to slap people down, I think you are suffering from selective whingeitis. Reading the earlier thread there is lots of enthusiasm for the idea. The two issues seem to be (wo)man power to make it happen and the selective nature of the fund raising. I know it's not always easy to persist when the odds seem stacked against us but I think I could be forgiven for thinking........once the general feeling was yes to the sportive but no to the specific fundraising you ceased to support the idea no?

Yes we struggle to get the marshals out but we manage. Last year saw more people than ever before helping out and being an optimist, I expect to see that trend grow. The new race calendar will be going out soon - let's see how we go eh?

My glass just sems to be so damn half full? Now if only I could get off the damn sofa and ride a bit more..... :roll:
Snoop Doug

Re: ACC Sportive Thingie

Postby Dombo » Fri Jan 30, 2009 3:08 pm

[quote="-Adam-"]Then you misunderstood Dombo.

Then I apologise.
Agree though we should support sportives more, if not our own then the many others that take place. You see a lot of other clubs represented at Dragon, SWRC Southern Sportive etc often even managing to ride together.
If anyone can be bothered to wait around for an old bloke like me I'd be happy for the company. Dragon last year was almost like a 100-mile time trial. :shock:
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Re: ACC Sportive Thingie

Postby Jon H » Fri Jan 30, 2009 3:38 pm

[quote="Dombo"]Dragon last year was almost like a 100-mile time trial. :shock:

Sounds great :D
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Re: ACC Sportive Thingie

Postby thePinkDreamMachine » Fri Jan 30, 2009 4:53 pm

I think it could be a awesome event, and we should think about it being charitably aimed,

also as a thought... are we at all linked to Rotary club, often known as the 'round table'?

well they support lots of charities and trust of varying types, (they donated a £1000 pounds to the school in Nepal my brother taught at in his gap year) and to fund this every year put on or support lots of events in their own little areas.. such as in Devon (sorry to bang on about home) but they support many half marathons/ 10K and with this they provide huge amounts of marshals and support, in terms of vans and wives makeing cakes ect, also if we are linked to a charity we can approach companies for free things, such as bottled water ect or free Pasties for all finishers, (sorry that’s the south west in me coning out)

Another thing to consider is the 'go ride' program, as we are now linked to many schools and PTAs in our local area. Which could provide the facilities and parking, or for small schools could even link it to a schools summer fair and have the start a finish there?

All things to consider

I'm certainly up for making lots of cakes, dealing with rotary clubs, local councils, schools, website admissions.

so i'm with snoop.. lets get some optimism, some constructive input and positivity going


note: There are 6 rotary clubs in our Surrey alone - ... rds=surrey

Ewell -
Weybridge & Byfleet
Ripley & Send

Re: ACC Sportive Thingie

Postby carl f » Fri Jan 30, 2009 4:59 pm

Great idea snoop
Count me in
I will be up for searching for a 'nutcase' route this summer,lots of hills please
A route taking in some of the south downs would be great
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Re: ACC Sportive Thingie

Postby -Adam- » Fri Jan 30, 2009 6:44 pm

You make a fair point Snoop. At the time, and reading the posts back now, that could well be how it seems. I'm not anti the idea, I just think that like that other thread has pointed out, ACC has a few problems that perhaps would be better fixed before the undertaking of a sportif onto the calendar.

So if your asking me if I'll help? Well, I can gladly assist route planning, perhaps even to put up signage (only if the signs will fit in my messenger bag mind you!). But realistically I cannot offer anymore. I will have obligations to fulfil for my first claim team this year, and they come... first.
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Re: ACC Sportive Thingie

Postby Snoop Doug » Fri Jan 30, 2009 6:51 pm

rotary club we are not connected to. Go ride Huw has done some sterling work in that dept. could be a useful feature on the day.

The idea of helping support disabled sport has been floated for a bit now hence my approach to the BPA. I don't want to major on the charity aspect but I think if we did something that benefitted local grass roots disabled sport and the BPA that could be a good mix.

What is important?

Loads of ACC people trying this kind of ride.
Loads of ACC help and possibly others, interesting suggestions Chloe
Loads of newbies (if we had an intro/mid/hardcore set up) I wonder if we could start somewhere like Kenley Aerodrome we could do some very junior fun stuff too.
Awareness raising/PR opportunities
fund raising

Sorry - getting carried away :oops: . Cheers for sticking your hand up carl. If we could have a couple more volunteers then I think we should arrange to meet, kick this stuff around and report back.

Snoop Doug

Re: ACC Sportive Thingie

Postby Snoop Doug » Fri Jan 30, 2009 6:53 pm

[quote="-Adam-"]You make a fair point Snoop. At the time, and reading the posts back now, that could well be how it seems. I'm not anti the idea, I just think that like that other thread has pointed out, ACC has a few problems that perhaps would be better fixed before the undertaking of a sportif onto the calendar.

So if your asking me if I'll help? Well, I can gladly assist route planning, perhaps even to put up signage (only if the signs will fit in my messenger bag mind you!). But realistically I cannot offer anymore. I will have obligations to fulfil for my first claim team this year, and they come... first.

Thanks Adam - we crossed in hyper space.

Think the main event will be next year. We would need to test ride the route first though 8) . I feel some more alt club runs a coming later in the year.

Keep you posted

Snoop Doug

Re: ACC Sportive Thingie

Postby Michelle » Fri Jan 30, 2009 9:45 pm

Yes I can help too.

Really we only need signage, some people to do the food stations, someone to buzz round the circuits as necessary - support, and a big tent for signing on.

Perhaps some marshalls at particularly nasty junctions? Or we can make sure we don't have any nasty junctions?

What else do we need......come on, pipe up!

I like Snoops idea of helping local disabled charity/ies.
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Re: ACC Sportive Thingie

Postby Andrew G » Fri Jan 30, 2009 10:10 pm

[quote="Michelle"]Yes I can help too.

Really we only need signage, some people to do the food stations, someone to buzz round the circuits as necessary - support, and a big tent for signing on.

Perhaps some marshalls at particularly nasty junctions? Or we can make sure we don't have any nasty junctions?

What else do we need......come on, pipe up!

Personally I think a lot of sportives are no such thing just using the name to attract entries. Yes I know I can be an old fashioned git but to me a sportive has to have:
- Electronic timing (chips and mats).
- Certificate with age standards (gold/silver/bronze) Giving a medal would be best to go with the certificate or a suitable "thing" like the piece of local rock you get at one of them.
- Good food stations (variety and quantity). Even if you just top up some water some people will need / want more provisions.
- Good and decent sized HQ with enough toilets.
- Decent goody bag at the end (different depending on the length of route done) containing more than a few vouchers and an energy bar.
- Medical support vehicle.
- Ideally some form of roving mechanical support vehicle / sag wagon.
- Proper laminated numbers for the handlebars.
- Official photographer.
- Full and fairly obvious signage.
- Marshals at every junction where the turn isn't obvious or there is any possible danger.

To me these are the things that make a sportive a sportive, otherwise how does it differ from other long / challenging rides. CTC and Audax, and no doubt others, have been doing long / challenge rides for years but without a fanfare. No doubt these views will meet with scorn from some but unless it's done properly then I think they are a bit of a fraud and riding on a title.

I'd also chuck in the pot that there are hundreds of sportives so I think an Addiscombe one should have some kind of unique quality to differentiate it and make it stand out from the crowd. The paralympic connection is an excellent one, and the sort of thing Snoop suggests at "base" for kids would also help make the ACC Sportive stand out from the crowd.
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