This all kind of bubbled up when @ committee, I suggested maybe an award for the most improved tester should be introduced...to pair up with the one we have for road racers y'see. The fact that I'd PB'd in every TT I did last yr bar one had nowt to do with it Seriously tho I did suggest it should start next year so as not to be accused of foul play like.
"We don't need one of those, there are TT standards dontcha know", came the reply. Well, I didn't and clearly neither did a whole bunch of us. Anyhoo, that's not the main point. We knows about them now and I'm completely confident in the ability of team ACC that we'll all be weighed down with dubloons come end of next year.
I really like Jon H's suggestion. It does seem that the sport of cycling is rather too fond of roolz methinks (sound of putting tin hat on).