Well LEL is now a no-no for me .
I've always fancied doing a LEJOG but when LEL came up I thought here was a good way to do a similar ride of the same distance but not have to worry about the organisation as it would be sorted out for me, allowing me just to concentrate on riding my bike. , what organisation!
I sent my deposit in early to reserve a space and had confirmation that it had been received in December 2007. Since then nada, nowt, not a sausage. I haven't heard a single word from the organisers, and the website hasn't been updated since it was first made active in mid 2007!
Ne emails, no letters, no route sheet, no info about the controls, nothing. The only place where there is any info is the yacf forum which is a bit of an audax hangout - good for info about dynamos and panniers . This info does not exactly fill me with confidence though as even experienced audaxers are asking all manner of questions which don't (to me) always seem to be answered satisfactorily. There's even been a few questions on there from the organiser!
I don't like to bail on a target but in doing something of this size I want to feel reassured that the organisation would be there to support me to the standard that it says it will, and the complete lack of any contact or update for over a year (and the other reservations mentioned) does not give me any confidence in the organisation of it. For a few hundred kms that's fine but for 1,400 I want to know that I'm not going to be abandoned too much.
It's a bit of a pisser as I'd been looking forward to this and even as far back as last year was starting to prepare with the 12hr being done, initially, as training for it.
Speaking to Brian he too has reservations but has some Audax experience (and it's "organisational" ways) so is still planning to do it. I wish you all the best and hope it works out okay in the end.
Plan B
This year I was going to do the 24hr instead but to sort out the support and travel and accommodation arrangements for all doesn't make it that feasible this year. So instead I'll do the SCCU 100 (so at least I'll get another BAR for that) and the ECCA 12hr again - so not a complete wimp out .
Next year I do plan to revert to my original idea and do a LEJOG. Initial thoughts are 150 miles a day (so 6 days) and pretty much self supported (rack pack and bar bag for kit, and B&Bs each night - I have more faith in my own organisation for this than that demonstrated by the LEL folk. I'll let people know when this may be next year nearer the time as it would be good to have some ACCers with me and I know a few of you have also got this on your "to do' radars.