Darts - Pairs Comp 1st round results

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Darts - Pairs Comp 1st round results

Postby Snoop Doug » Wed Feb 18, 2009 11:18 am

Well, it took a while to get started but....round 1 took place @ Lindfield last night. There was a band in rehearsing so we had some good music to accompany us.

ACC had four teams in this but a couple of no shows from George (bike fell apart it would seem) and PVT meant that three pairs from ACC went into battle.

Let's play daaaaaaaarrrrrttsss

Rob RE and myself took on Marcus and another chap (sorry forgot name :oops: ) from NP. First game we got some good scores, I managed 105 with 3 darts :shock: 8) . We had a few goes @ the double and Rob RE tucked it away pretty speedily. 1 of 3 to ACC. Game 2 we were slower off the mark. I hope Marcus won't mind me saying this but....his darts were interestingly erratic, moving from treble 20s (he nailed a few of those) to, well rather lower scoring numbers, with consummate ease. So - we were chasing on round two but I shouldn't have worried. Rob RE nailed the finish straight off this time. So, ACC go through and for the first, and undoubtedly last time I can say I beat super racer Marcus (OK he's injured) :lol:

The next draw pitted two ACC teams against each other, shame, luck (or otherwise) of the draw. Tamar and Joe teamed up as their pardners hadn't materialised, and slogged it out vs team :mrgreen: . Another set of pretty speedy games with good(ish) scores dropping in all over the place. Hero(ine) of the match has t be the black widow. Tamar, armed with super laser guided crafty cockerny arrers nailed both finishes. So easy it was like being at the Lakeside watching the pros.

Couple more matches then home. Semis and the final to be played on finals night @ Lindfield on March 29th - come on down and support the team.

Snoop Doug

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