Club Run +

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Re: Club Run +

Postby Alex S » Sat Mar 07, 2009 6:37 pm

Im being bullied by marky mark into writing a report on this rather than going straight to sleep.

Met up at CSS as usual, but went a new route from the outset, Marky should be uploading the exact route from his gaymin map thing.

We were pacing it quite slowly to begin with, then sped up as we got to quieter roads. Found a really nice hill on the way south, got up to 42.6MPH :o

Stopped at a nice cafe, dont know where it was, then did another 15miles in an arbitrary direction then went to a pub for some lunch. had some wicked lasagne. MMMMM meaty. I was lagging behind a bit most of the way after that, really not used to that kind of distance, but my complaining was met with a lot of encouragement which really helped me along.

I was thinking about getting a train back after the pub as I found myself unable to use my legs properly and after some really great encouragement from the missus (You'll never make it, you are being stupid, go and get a train!) , but Marky and Rob kept me in line and made me push on to the end.

Glorious weather, got really sunny and hot around 12 which made it a really pleasant ride.

Got home after clocking up around 80miles to find a fellow ACC member waiting for me in my house, turns out he went out with the training group who overtook our group as they headed down to Brighton (Well, Ditchling).

Thats the most mileage I've done in a day before by quite a long way, so I am absolutely shattered. I think Ill give it a go again maybe in a couple of weeks, its a really good way to get the old endurance up a bit. I'll bring some energy bars next time ;)
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Re: Club Run +

Postby Amy » Sat Mar 07, 2009 9:02 pm

C'mon Mark, where's your write-up.

And you'd better put the route up soon, Alex seems to've been rather lost :lol:
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Re: Club Run +

Postby TimNick » Sat Mar 07, 2009 10:29 pm

Gutted couldn't make it today (for any ride for that matter) :( Woke up this am with banging headache and sore throat and haven't risen from my sick bed since.....argh :x !!!!! Before popping down to Pompey might try and pop out for a few miles v.early tomorrow if feeling better, as need to get more miles in.

Won't be about next week either (damn) but will be in Bruges/Brugges/f*@kin' place in Belgium (depending on your Wallonian/Flandrian/seen the film 'In Bruges' POV) for a few days. Then off to Antwerp/Anvers for a few more. The missus won't let me put the bike on the back of the car just in case I try and persuade her that the way to Antwerp is via the Muur van Geraardsbergen or Oude Kwaremont!!!! Will probably spend many hours wandering like a tourist, eating too much and obviously drinking far too many Duvel/Kwak/Westmalle Tripples (insert any number of delectable Belgium brews!)

Great to hear today's ride was a cracker and have a great one next week. Will be back on 21st March and up for a long one then...... :)

Ta ta

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Re: Club Run +

Postby Amy » Sun Mar 08, 2009 7:32 pm

Mark, I've found a few cafes in that nice area we were in on Sunday - cafes in Adversane (where the level crossing was and the t*t in the 4x4), Barnes Green, Wisborough Green and Dial Post.

Also thought we could extend the ride that way to Amberley and have lunch by the river Arun (right next to Amberley station and the industrial museum).
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Re: Club Run +

Postby Marky Mark » Mon Mar 09, 2009 9:34 am

Sorry for lack of report, very busy so will try to develop one tonight.
Cracking ride and feel good for it. Top team.
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Re: Club Run +

Postby Marky Mark » Mon Mar 09, 2009 8:39 pm

Well it was nearly a 60-70 mile ride advertised but ended up an 80 mile + epic at a fair pace for us rabble. :D :D :D
We kept it going because everybody was doing ok and enjoying the day.

Let me bore you with the stats first......

Desc ----- Outward 50.8 miles ----- return 30.8 miles (don't ask, bad planning)

Av speed -------- 15.4 mph -------- 16.1 mph :)

Av HR ---------- 136 bpm ------------- 140 bpm

ride time ------- 3h 15m ---------------- 1h 55m

Not the best of days to set off in shorts, but it only takes 20 minutes for the legs to go so numb that you have no feelings at all. :lol:

I like the navigation method used just going for a general compass heading of SW for about 30-40 miles, then head sort of N for 5 of 10 miles then E ish for a bit more.

Alex you sing like true cyclist. the same thing over and over and over again and out of tune! To those fine words of "Nacho Nacho man, I want to be a Nacho man" learn some more of the words for next time will you please, other wise we will have the cows joining in AGAIN (and they did).

I'm glad we all made it ok, no mechanicals or near misses to report. I didn't realise Alex was thinking about getting the train home and glad he pushed on. Those hills did test him after his lasagne, but that alone didn't slow him up but the extra large portion of cheesy chips that went with it, greedy little git.

Cheers Amy for the 'odd tip' on where we were and which pubs were best to stop at, good call on that one, that pint and grub was well earned. Did you try Rob's soup? No, nor did anybody else, only offering us all to taste it after he had licked the bowl clean..... 8)

We did find some lovely roads to ride and I'm seriously going to be doing rides like that more often. Great route, needs a bit of tweaking and good company. Alex stopped singing after about 60 miles, guess that was when his legs were sapping all his available energy.

Google Earth keeps crashing my PC, I was going to print out a route for all to see, I'll give it another few goes before I give up.

Marky Mark, Amy, Alex and Rob. Good starting group, I'm sure we can get more out.
If people are worried about getting back late we could still leave a tad earlier and still be home for between 2 and 3pm. Bring on the good weather and long days.

PS sorry Rob for putting your saddle up too high after the first stop :shock: . Hope you are back at work and the swelling and bruising has eased. :shock: :oops: :lol:

I love days like that :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

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Re: Club Run +

Postby Rob Q » Mon Mar 09, 2009 9:05 pm

A truly enjoyable day out and although the group was small, it is the quality that counts ;-). Half the time I didn't have a clue where we were, but between Mark and Amy we found some great lanes and passed some good pubs (for future pit stops that is :lol: )

The legs felt good pretty much all the way, so those days of getting out of bed on those icy mornings is paying off.
Great day and catch you all at the next cr.
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Re: Club Run +

Postby Amy » Mon Mar 09, 2009 9:49 pm

[quote="Marky Mark"]Alex you sing like true cyclist. the same thing over and over and over again and out of tune! To those fine words of "Nacho Nacho man, I want to be a Nacho man" learn some more of the words for next time will you please, other wise we will have the cows joining in AGAIN (and they did).

No, thanks... that was bad enough... Personally I think Alex suffered from his eating on the ride ie, nothing at the first stop (except the end of my tea cake) and then LASAGNE AND CHEESEY CHIPS (which he did allow us to share...) at the actual lunch stop.

A 'rest' weekend and then again the weekend after? That's the 21st.
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