Looks like they'll get him at last...

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Looks like they'll get him at last...

Postby Dombo » Fri Apr 10, 2009 1:08 pm

French dope tester turns up at Armstrong's house, as LA gets back from a training ride, lets him nip inside for a shower, then reports him for breaking the rule that he must remain in the tester's sight. What a weasel.
http://www.bikeradar.com/road/news/arti ... ance-21182
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Re: Looks like they'll get him at last...

Postby Alex P » Fri Apr 10, 2009 8:03 pm

How suspect is this...

Wanting a hair sample (unusual but only legal in France), unclear tester identification, no traces of drugs but then it just so happens to get leaked to the press.....mmmmmmmmmmm
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Re: Looks like they'll get him at last...

Postby virek » Sat Apr 11, 2009 12:43 am

Let's suppose for a moment that the tester did let him nip in for a shower.

LA knows the rules of the testing lark, does he have no responsibility to adhere to the rules and regulations and its suddenly the fault of the tester? Two, tango!

He also knows he could get grilled in the press if things got out, so you have to ask yourself why he didn't just chill out with the guy for a few minutes. What was so urgent that he needed to have a shower? Wasn't a dump, I've never been turtle's head after a long ride!

I'm not saying he's got anything to hide, but there are too many things that are not normal behavior for a pro athlete thats 'the most tested in history'.

Granted, the tester may well not have been particularly professional in his presentation (according to LA) but that doesn't mean that LA doesn't have to abide by the rules.
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Re: Looks like they'll get him at last...

Postby Will » Sat Apr 11, 2009 8:35 am

Here's a video from Lance on the subject...

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Re: Looks like they'll get him at last...

Postby Alex P » Sat Apr 11, 2009 5:28 pm


[quote]One thing with the UCI coming out and backing him is that it sets a worrying trend that could be abused by any dishonest riders in the future who get doorstepped by an AFLD tester in France... if they were intent on cheating rather than just urgently needing to take a shower then 30 minutes could well be ample time to return enhanced values to within a normal range.

I'm sure that he has got a machine that sucks all his blood out superfast and then replaces it with one he made earlier, also time to carry out a full hair transplant (as hair readings show long term effects) like all the other 24 times he has been tested not positive (funny that) :?

Also single tester turns up (for the first time) with no official witnesses to support him, carries out test (once ID authenticated), completes form which states that there were no further comments or irregularities, both sign documents, copy kept by LA and then all tests prove negative. Weeks later.... aha.... he went for shower (or a dump but would he honestly say that) and he wasn't observed doing it......ergo he must be a cheat......BAN HIM! :twisted:

Any court in the civilised world, apart from France of course, would throw this out in a second (or less) which is probably why the UCI are supporting the cyclist in this case....but it is France's party and they can cry if they want to.(sorry) :wink:

PS - Sean, the digest is looking great nowadays
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Re: Looks like they'll get him at last...

Postby Sylv » Sat Apr 11, 2009 6:43 pm

[quote]The views expressed in this video are not those of the Digest, but I am pretty sure he is clean....personally speaking. Sean

Nice pun
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Re: Looks like they'll get him at last...

Postby Will » Sat Apr 11, 2009 7:05 pm

Some of our people at work are very keen on NLP and would quickly conclude from Armstrong's video that he is lying based on the fact he looks mostly to the left which in a right-handed person supposedly indicates "constructed" rather than "recalled" thoughts... :lol:
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Re: Looks like they'll get him at last...

Postby Dominic » Sat Apr 11, 2009 7:16 pm

Alex P makes an interesting point re the hair sample and long term effects. However if they are taking that to expose EPO then it won't catch him. The rumours are that he uses his own blood, obviously put back into him then the right count is there. So the hair sample will show nothing relating to EPO usage and the 20 minutes, in my limited reading of these things, is just enough time to get his blood levels down to the right level ie under 50%l.

More importantly what does he find to do in the shower for 20 mins :?: I find 5 mins fine or do I smell and nobody had told me :lol:
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Re: Looks like they'll get him at last...

Postby Paul H » Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:27 pm

Whatever people think about Lance, he is definately no fool and if he was going to take drugs, there is no way he would do it while training France.

I dont think riders blood dope while training and even if he was over 50%, the only sanction is not to be allowed to race for the next few days which isnt a problem.

Im sure ive heard using somebody elses urine doesnt work anyway. Wasnt there a case when somebody used his girlfriends urine and he was still found positive for steroids and was also pregnant.

If the tester allowed him to have a shower then the tester is at fault and should be disciplined. Ive been selected for drug testing a couple of times and they are very strict and follow you round like a fly.
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